AstroPop Deluxe Cheat Codes

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AstroPop Deluxe Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : AstroPop Deluxe Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Funky town
Notice how you get a different pitched beep when you mouse over each option on the main menu? Well, when played in the right order, these beeps play the tune to the classic song "Funky Town". Once the tune has been played, the screen gets a bit "disco-y", and the four player ships streak up the screen and the words "LET'S GO!" appear. (Cute.)

Here's how to play the song:

1) "Hall of Fame" x2
2) "Classic Game"
3) "Hall of Fame"
4) "Survival Game" x2
5) "Hall of Fame"
6) "Options"
7) "More Games"
8) "Quit Game"

Now just move your cursor off of "Quit Game" and the egg should run.

Vue : 3722 fois
Mise à jour : 2012.01.05

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