Street Fighter X Mega Man Cheat Codes

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Street Fighter X Mega Man Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Street Fighter X Mega Man Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Start new game with 4 E-Tanks
Go into password menu, then enter this code. You will start a new game with 4 E-tanks.

A5, B1, B3, C4, D2, D3, E1, E4, E5 - Start with 4 E-tanks

All Eight Bosses, 4 E-Tanks

At the title screen, select Password, then enter this:

A5, B2, B4, C1, C3, C5, D4, D5, E2 - All Eight Bosses, 4 E-Tanks

Energy Refill after boss rematch:
In Seth's Lab, find the computer in the background of the room where the eight Boss rematches occur. It has two large black and white swirling orbs. Shoot the orbs with a charged Mega Buster shot to get a large health tank and a large weapon energy tank. Those orbs will respawn after every Boss fight.

Hidden Abilities Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes at the title screen:

Genin Jinn (Shadow Clone and Turbo MegaMan) - Press shoot and (Shift Weapon Right) button at the same time. Warning: cannot be disabled once used
Have the ability to use Hadoken manually without any meter or defeating Ryu. - Press and hold the jump and fire buttons for about 5-6 seconds.

Easy perfect hint:
Before you kill your stage boss, use your E-tank to refill your health back to maximum. This trick will make the game think you've earned a perfect in the round. Once you kill your boss when your health is full, you will earn a Perfect.

More E Tanks:
If you need more E tanks to complete the game, simply let the timer after you die hit 0. Then, go back into the game and you will have all the tanks you previously collected and recollect the E tanks from the levels all over again.

Guile's theme:
After pausing the game in any level, hold JUMP (default L) and press U, D, D, D (default keys W S S S) to have Guile's Theme replace the background music until you put the code in again.

Play as Mega Man without a helmet:
Hold shoot on Ryu on the stage select screen and then press RIGHT (3), LEFT. If entered correctly, a sound will play and Mega Man will lose his helmet on the stage select screen.

Fight against Akuma:
Complete the game with 3 or more Perfects to have Akuma challenge you after the final battle.


Alien - Complete Alien Ship on Normal difficulty
Barbarian - Complete King's Arena
Bear - Complete the game with Skeleton
Beekeeper - Complete the game with Barbarian
Brute - Complete the game with Iceskimo
Civilian - Complete the game with Peasant
Conehead - Complete Volcano Arena
Cultist - Complete Ice Castle on Insane difficulty
Fencer - Complete the game with Industrialist
Fire Demon - Complete the game with Orange Knight
Gray Knight - Complete Barbarian Boss on Normal difficulty
Iceskimo - Complete Icy Arena
Industrialist - Complete the game with Blue Knight
King - Complete Pipistrello's Cave on Insane difficulty
Necromancer - Complete Industrial Castle on Insane difficulty
Ninja - Complete the game with Fire Demon
Open-Faced Gray Knight - Complete Catfish on Insane difficulty
Peasant - Complete Peasant's Arena
Royal Guard - Complete the game with Green Knight
Saracen - Complete the game with Royal Guard
Skeleton - Complete the game with Red Knight
Snakey - Complete the game with Thief
Stove Face - Complete the game with Gray Knight
Thief - Complete Thieves' Arena

Vue : 3147 fois
Mise à jour : 2013.02.04

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