Stick RPG 2 CS Cheat Codes

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Stick RPG 2 CS Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Stick RPG 2 CS Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

How to get Millions of Cash in Stick RPG 2!

First activate the Time Travel cheat, Then go to the bank and Deposit all your money, Then press "T" to time travel. Choose any day you want to stop at and stop pressing "T" look at your Bank Account. Congratulations! You finally got 1
Million dollars!

Code / Effect
Pressing T Time Travel
Putting Money on your Bank + Time Travel Get 1 Million Dollars

How to REALLY get married

that guy on the top ain't got the right thing. Have 60 intelligence and meet Kate (that's her name) at stickbucks in the morning and answer sure. She'll give you a calculator then go to U of S and give the green guy the calculator at anytime before evening (4:00) go meet Kate at Skyre's bar at midnight and give kate the ( I don't Know). The next day meet kate at U of S somewhere near 10:00 to 3:00 and she'll give you a watch on the same day go to the casino in the third area and give the watch to the guy near the poker machines (do this before 10:00). 4:00 to 9:00 give kate the ring and walla SIM SALA BIM!

Easy Money
Download Gary's Auto Clicker by looking it up on Google. After that go on Stick RPG 2 and deposit money in the bank (helps if your wall street wizard). After that go to your home and put the cursor on the sleep button and turn on auto clicker. After that just leave the game alone for a while and check back in the bank. I'm right now at 12 digits and counting.

Walkthrough for Tiffany

To get Tiffany, you must have Strength, over 80 Strength is fine.

Then at around 11:30 in the morning, go to the Second World and find Tiffany with a heart over her head.

She will ask if you can give a puppy to her sister in the Third World, Tiffany's sister will give you keys,

that belong to Tiffany. Tiffany will give you karma, charm, and a scarf. At night, go to the Third World with ''The Club'' she will need something to keep her warm, her scarf , so give her the scarf she will give you her purse. The Next Day, go meet her at Mobster's Tower in the morning and give her purse back, she will exchange it with a watch, go to the Casino (when its opened) and click on a dark-headed man who will trade you the watch Tiffany gave you with a ring. This is your big moment and your time to shine, the final step is to marry Tiffany..... Go to Skye's Bar (at around 5:00) and you will see Tiffany with a heart over her head, click on her it will say -

(Strength) Will you Marry me?

and something else

This is your final moment.... You may pick whatever you choose...

I would pick to marry her, you get 100 Charm and a cute wife

When you go home, click on Wife 1Charm/Day, then sleep hen check your I.D. card and your Charm will go up 1, I hope this helped

Unlockable - What you get when you master each job

mcsticks-you get a free food card pay:$35

pizza boy-a free slice of pizza pay: ranges from about $0 to $110

pro skateboarder- a pro stake board pay:$140

hacker- the internet (+50 intelligence) pay:$220

policeman- a combat shotgun(weapon) pay:$206

corporate zombie- a cheap watch pay:$75

doctor- stethoscope(+75 intelligence) pay:$594

xgen studios- the masamune(weapon) pay:$175

rock star- platinum record(+40 charm) pay:$390

sniper- secret weapon(weapon) pay:$357

milkman-cow bell(+10 strength and +10 charm) pay:$60

pimp- pimp hat(+100 charm) pay:$270

drug dealer-hall of fame bat(weapon) pay:$240

graffiti artist-infamous arts(+something) it was a glitch and it didn't give it to me but I'm pretty sure that one of you guys know pls comment and tell me :) pay:$82

kitty exterminator- nothing pay:$5

all the pay is the top rank in all your pay may be different because you are not the highest rank in that job the pay i have entered is regular without anything happing cause to get more pay...

Get Millions of Cash!

Ok, this is how it goes.

1) Go to Dimension Banks

2) Deposit all your money

3a) Go to your basement/condo/penthouse and sleep for LOT of days. (Consider about 1 hour or half an hour)

3b) If you have the "Time Travel Cheat", just use it.

Hope this helped and enjoy your cash.

Secret - Main Goal

Your Main Goal was to get back to your original 2-D world, I am pretty sure it was.

You need help, well you got Tutorial Ted, maybe he could help!

He tells you to go see Professor Ansel, did he not?

Go visit him in the Second World at U of S (University of Stick)

Get him a Mobius Strip, a 4-D Hypercube, and a Klein Bottle.

But you don't want to help him with his evil plans do you?

Anyways you still have to give him those items unless your stuck as a Stick Figure for a while...

He will give you a key to get into a lab, and the key is called 'Lab Key' (pretty obvious)

Now, go into the mysterious lab with the key Professor Ansel gave you.

You are probably wondering why you must fight people... right?

Well its because he is a Evil Mastermind and you must fight his cronies until you reach him!

Wait... what about weapons! You don't have any weapons?! Well then, go get some!!!


(Now this is superelite1 I would recommend getting 'The Masamune' 'Double Barrel Shotgun' and a 'AK-47' those weapons could help and I will tell you how to get those weapons, if you don't have them)

Weapon List and Location of the Weapon -

The Masamune - Become a Miyamoto 2.0 at XGen, where Skye is the Company Owner.

Double Barrel Shotgun - (Strength) Beat the gangsters hanging out near your basement and get the key and go to the Gangsters HQ and beat it.

AK-47- (Strength) Beat the Eastside Mobsters in the Third World on the grass, in front of Vinnie's Bar and get the key and go to the Mobsters Tower and beat it.


Got weapons? Good, now go and defeat Professor Ansel!

---fighting through cronies---

You made it... Uh - Oh Professor Ansel is gonna attack! Fight until you can't breathe no more!

---fighting Professor Ansel---

You Beat Him!!!

Now this is your final chance to live in this Dimensional 2-D World.... Or is it?

You have three options

Stick RPG Complete - You go back to your original life, where people are different

True Ending Portal - Beat the game and go back to Title Screen with all stats

Stick RPG 2 - Back at your house... with no weapons and cash? But you still have trophies!

I hope you beat the game and you liked my Walkthrough!

How to marry Tiffany
Alright, first get at least 50 strength then in afternoon go to second area and you'll find Tiffany(I think sometimes she's not there)she will have a heart above her head, she will give you a puppy. Go to 3rd area and by penthouse estates(the posh flats)there's a girl called cathy with a thingy above her head, give her the puppy, she'll give you house keys. Go back to Tiffany and give her the keys, she will give you a scarf.At night go to the nightclub in 3rd area and then to the dance floor and she'll have a heart again.Give her the scarf, she'll give you a purse. Then in afternoon go to 2nd area by the tree and give her the purse, she'll give you a watch. Go to the Casino in 3rd area in evening then theres a guy with a item thing round his head and give him the watch. He'll give you a ring, then in same evening go to skyes bar in 2nd area and tiffany is next to the snooker table.You need at least 100 strength here, give her the ring and bang you're done.

Go to starbucks in the early morning (before 10am). She gives you a text book.
Go to the university. Talk to the green guy and give him the book. He gives you a calculator.
Go to Skye's Bar (on the second screen) at night. Talk to Kate and give her the calculator. She gives you the mechanical pencil.
Go to the university in the afternoon (after 10am). Give Kate the pencil. She should give you the watch.
Go to the casino and trade the watch for the ring.
When your intelligence is high enough, give the ring to Kate outside of the university in the evening. Again, she moves in and you gain +1 Charm per day

To help you in Stick Rpg 2

Weapons (in order least to most powerful)

Old Baseball Bat - Steel & Hawk, Screen 3
Major League Bat - Alley Contraband Dealer, Screen 2
Hall of Fame Bat - Zev, Master Profession Drug Dealer, Screen 1


45cc Chainsaw - Hardware Store, Screen 4
55cc Chainsaw - Hardware Store, Screen 4
70cc Chainsaw - Canuck No. 7, Master Profession Wood Cutter, Screen 4


Ornamental Katana - Steel & Hawk, Screen 3
Carbon-Steel Katana - Alley Contraband Dealer, Screen 2
The Masamune - Skye, Master Profession XGen Video Game Developer, Screen 1

Laser Sabers(DC)

Glowy Sword - Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4
Light Laser Sword - Jebedia, Screen 4, Master Profession Light Knight
Dark Laser Sword - Sithia, Screen 4, Master Profession Dark Knight

Sledge Hammers

Weathered Sledge Hammer - Guy in Skye's Bar, Screen 2, give Toilet Paper
Heavy Sledge Hammer - "Recon" Bob, Screen 1, Give Einsteinium
Super Sledge - "Recon" Bob, Screen 1, Give Unobtainium

Electric Helmets(DC)

Zappy Hat - Quincy "Zap Happy" Ferris, Screen 4
Electro Helmet - Benjamin Club Premium Gun Dealer, Screen 4
Tesla Helmet - Master Profession Professor - Screen 4


Pistol - Steel & Hawk, Screen 3
Glock - Alley Conraband Salesman, Screen 2
Doomsday Glock - Alley Contraband Salesman, Screen 2, Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4


Prototype Railgun - Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4
Blast Cannon - Solve Murder Mystery, Kill Tutorial Ted, Screen 4<- Transposed with AutoRailer thanks to Speedoiex.
Auto Railer 9,000 - Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4


Single-Barrel Shotgun - Alley Contraband Salesman, Screen 2
Double-Barrel Shotgun - Defeat Mobster Tower, Screen 2
Combat Shotgun - Master Profession Police Officer, Screen 1


Homebrew Flamethrower - Pyro Perry, Screen 4, Give Leaf Blower, Cheap Watch, 40 oz., and Zippo Lighter
Improved Flamethrower - Pyro Perry, Screen 4, Give Fuel Cell and Screwdriver
Nova Flamethrower - Pyro Perry, Screen 4, Give Solar Matter and 4D Hypercube

Machine Guns

Machine Gun - Alley Contraband Salesman, Screen 2
AK-47 - Defeat Gangster HQ, Screen 1
Secret Weapon - Vinnie, Master Profession Hitman, Screen 3

Chainguns (DC)

Minigun - Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4
Chain Gun - Benjamin Club Premium Weapons Dealer, Screen 4
King - Sarah Phailin, Master Profession...

How to marry Kate
Get over sixty Intelligence. Find Kate early (ish) in Stickbucks, she will give you a textbook. Give textbook to the guy in the U of S and he will give you a calculator. Meet Kate late in the evening and give her the calculator and she will give you a mechanical pencil. Sleep. When you wake up go to the U of S. Kate will be there. She will have a heart above her head and will say she needs a pencil. Give her the pencil. She will say thanks. Go to the Casino before 10pm. The guy with the job symbol above his head will say I need a watch or something. Give him the watch, he will give you a diamond ring. Sleep. When you wake up give Kate the ring. I don't know what (if anything) you do after that. Voila - you're married...

Glitch - How To Get Many MONEY!

Just Follow These Steps:

1.Go To Dimension Bank,Deposit All Your Money or Some Cash.

2.Sleep for Many Days.OR Just Press "T" If You Enabled Time Traveler Cheats.(You Need To Have Director's Cut)

3.Just Go Back To The Bank And You Have Lots of Cash.

What to do at the start (the best way)
first once you make a new profile lower everything but charm down to 5 and make charm 25 then press start. choose if u wanna be nasty or nice to the first guy and then run strait to the pizza place close by. (NW) its next the ice creams store porn store and gambaling store. ask fo

Save Gamble Risk Money Increase
This trick helps you get good starting cash from 1k-100k in 1 hour max (reccomended for starting players looking for fast cash.) 1.Get at least 1k cash. 2.Go to the casino. 3.Save your game on the x-phone. 4.Play either the blackjack or unicorn race (pick unicornelius for unicorn race 1:3) and bet all your cash. (Unicorn race better chance of winning but you will get 1/3 the amount winning for ex: you bet 1k and you win 1.75k while Black Jack doubles cash but harder chance of winning) 5. If you win/increase your cash stack save the game on x-phone immediately. Tip- Be smart and dont constantly bet the highest amount, if you have a win streak bet low for once so you lose, and then bet high you win (statistics show win:lose 1/3)

6. If you lose then exit the page and log in back from another page WARNING: DO NOT SAVE AFTER YOU LOST 7.Continuously performing this trick can triple your cash in 20-30minutes (I personally got 100k on my 7th day character getting me 2 trophies)

There's a double barell, shotgun which you get from battling in the combat zones so many times, the katana you get for maxing out your profession as a videogame designer, the special bat you get for maxing out your profession as a drug dealer, the special weapon you get from maxing out your profession as a hitman for vinny, the doomsday glock which you get from the contraband guy behind the bar in area 2, and a few others which I am still working on getting. Good luck.

Vue : 11712 fois
Mise à jour : 2013.07.12

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