Nom du fichier : Virtual Families Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC] |
Hints: ------ * Go to the sandbox and pick up the door nob, your player will fix the shed. When that is done, get the key from under the welcome mat, that will open the shed.Now you can put out fires and water the plants. * If a person's energy is down, either give it an energy drink or keep letting it take naps or go to bed (it might take a few times). * If a person's happiness is down, buy new things for it, praise it, feed it, clean the house, and don't use the scolding hand. * If it's hungry, buy food at the store. * If it's health is down, make it take a shower, clean the house, or use a towelet or hand sanatizer. * To fix the birdbath, you have to fix the water hose (buy waterproof tape and make a person get a drink, then put another person on top of the hose) then buy a water pump, put it by the birdbath, and put TWO people on top of it. (It's too heavy for one). * To repair the Workshop wall, you have to buy The Wall Repair Paint from the Store in the Varied Items section (be patient and wait till it appears over time). * Put the paint and brush beside the bucket on the lower right hand of the screen (near the sandbox). Drop someone on the bucket and they will proceed to fill the bucket with water and add the paint. They will then take it to the wall of the workshop (where the children draw on the wall) and they will proceed to paint the wall. * They will not complete the job on their own. You will have to keep bringing them back after they have finished one round. Use multiple people to finish the job quickly. Note: Interrupting them while they are taking from the bucket will cause the bucket to disappear and all your progress on the wall will disappear too! You will have to wait for the Paint and brush to appear in the shop again. * You need to unlock thed shed first. so go to the sandpit and in the corner is a doornob, your person will fix the door, then you need to unlock it by collecting the key from under the welcome door. This will unlock the shed which then allows you to use fire extinguishers and the watering cans. * If u place 2 people on the coins and collections then they both will pick up one and you get double the money for it! * Mom holds the baby till it is 2 yrs old a couple of hours of play. * children don't work at all they clean the house at 14 and do homework they go to college at 19 they just disappear out of the house. * Keep taking the person with the hiccups to the kitchen sink for a drink till they do it. * Weak/exhausted take them to their beds or hammock to sleep if they wake and are still that way take them back till they are happy or elated. * You have to wait for supplies to fix floor and workshop wall in the supplies box it will probably take a long time I just close the game and wait for awhile and open it again a few times after buying stuff and hope it's there. * Fix shower and toilet go to laundry room where the duster and plunger are for them to fix it. Machinery fires: ---------------- When any machine IE washer, dryer, or cooker catches fire. Just quit the game and restart game again and hey presto no fire lol enjoy no fire btw has anyone figured out how to put out them fires yet because any help on that would be good. Fires out glitch: ----------------- When any appliance is on fire, IE cooker or dryer then just quit the game and when you restart the game again (HEY PRESTO) you have no fire and you can carry on with your work without the little guys screaming about the fires. The Shed: --------- To unlock the shed; go to the sandbox, you'll see a small brass looking knob. Grab a family member and have them pick it up. They will take it to the shed. Next drop a family member on the "WELCOME" mat. They will pick up a key and take it to the shed and unlock it. Puttin out the machinery fires: ------------------------------- To put out a machinery fire such as cooker, oven, washer, dryer all you need to do is have your shed open once the shed is open if you have a fire drop one of your little buddies on the fire extinguisher and HEY PRESTO the fire goes out no need to restart. Hint: ----- To put out fires put the person on the fire and then go to the shed and use the fire extengishers. Appliance Fires: ---------------- Once you have the shed open you can put out fires by dropping one of your little people in front of the fire extinguishers on the left side of the open doorway. Putting out Fires: ------------------ After you have replaced the door knob on the shed and unlocked the shed(key under the welcome mat) you can access the sheds contents... these include a watering can to water the flowers (after you have repaired the hose) and fire extinguishers. In case of fire simply head out to the shed and grab a fire extinguisher, your little guy will take it from there. Don't forget to praise him/her for a job well done. Earn Money Faster: ------------------ when you see a collectible: Press space bar so it pauses the game: 1.Drop a person on the collectible 2.Press twice fast the space bar 3.Drop a second person on the collectible. 4.Press space bar again: The two persons will sell the collectible and you win twice the price. Trophies: --------- Some trophies have a progress bar that let you know how many of the objectives of that trophy have been met. The requirements for receiving most of the trophies are self explanatory. * Gettin' paid - Earn $100. * Bring home the bacon - You earned $1,000. * Mind on my money - You earned $10,000. * Trump this! - You earned $100,000 * An eventful week - You have encountered 10 email or house events. * Never a dull moment - You have encountered 50 email or house events * Marry rich - You married someone with more than $200 in the bank. * Marry for love - You married someone with less than $75 in the bank. * A perfect match - You married someone with the same career. * Oh, Baby - You had a baby. * Oh, baby baby! - You had twins. * Ohhhhh dear... - You had triplets * Four is enough - You had 4 children * You had 6 children (start making babies as soon as you get married and start making another baby after the mother quits nursing each a little luck from an adoption chance card/s may help) * You praised someone who was turning off the TV. (watch your family members closely when they are in the living room while the TV is on.) You can turn the TV on and off with your curser should you desire. * Care and feeding - You praised someone who was making a meal. * You praised someone who was practicing Kung Fu. (One of your little friends with a high energy level will exit through the back door and may start practicing Kung Fu. Giving one of your friends an energy drink may also initiate this action) * Everything in its place - You praised someone who was cleaning the nightstand. * You praised someone who was chasing gophers. (One of the children will dig a hole to China first; then sometime later will start playing in the yard. The child will start to giggle and make a "kiss smacking" sound. Praise them while they're kissing the gophers in the holes.) * That funky smell - You praised someone who was throwing out rotten fish. * You praised someone for making a latte. (An adult will voluntarily enter the kitchen and go to the left of the sink to make coffee or a latte...praise them when the action indicates they're making a latte. The adults tend to make lattes first thing in the morning) * 1,000 strokes - You praised someone who was brushing their hair. * Fire stopper - You praised someone who was putting out a smoking oven. * Praising good behavior - You praised all of the above 9 behaviors. * Praising the praiser - You praised your little people 100 times. * Sustenance - You spent $500 on food for your little people. * Abundance - You spent $1,000 on food for your little people. * Gluttony - You spent $5,000 on food for your little people. * Preparedness - You filled the kitchen with 1,000 units of food. * It's not a pyramid but...- You provided all 4 food groups in a 24 hour period. * Nutrition snob - You provided all 4 food groups of organics. * Coupon clipper - You saved $500 on food by finding discounts. * A spoon full of sugar - You cured a symptom of someone who got sick. * Not just a virus - You cured a serious infection in someone. * Gravely ill - You cured a grave infection in someone. * Hic - You helped someone cure hiccups. (have your little person with the hiccups take a drink from the kitchen or bathroom sink) * Fish Tycoon - You got a fish tank. * Plant Tycoon - You watered the plants in the window boxes. (The shed must be opened and the leaky hose an adult outside the living room windows on the right of the scene with the window boxes...the action will state watering flowers.) * Dreaming Isola - You bought paintings for your house. (You can also receive this trophy if you receive the paintings through a chance card.) * Staying cool in the pool - You have a pool. * A fun house! - You have a pinball machine. * Let's dance - You have the radio. * Time to Q - You have a barbecue grill. * Retail therapy - You bought every house upgrade. * Trick - You gave 10 pieces of the nasty/salty candy to your little friends. * Treat - You gave 10 pieces of yummy candy to your little friends. * Lucky winner - You won a lottery scratch off. * Two thumbs up - You watched 3 movies with your family. * So like a rose - You purchased and used 2 perfumes. * Weather dancer - You purchased and used 2 bottles of weather. * Movin' on up - You got a promotion. * Office overlord - One of your little friends mastered an office career. * Cooking captain - One of your little friends mastered a kitchen career. * Workshop warrior - One of your friends mastered a workshop career. * Building for the future - You upgraded a career room in the house. * The dream kitchen - You have a level 3 kitchen for your family to enjoy. * Office of the future - You have a level 3 office for your family to enjoy. * Workshop of wonders - You have a level 3 workshop for your family to enjoy. * Start with the basics - You repaired the floor in the house. * All the walls - You completed all of the exterior wall repairs. * The shed - You managed to open the shed. * Splish, splash - You fixed the birdbath. * This old house - You completed all house repairs. * Sticky situation - You removed a cobweb. (Place a family member on the right side of the right sink in the bathroom...if there are cobwebs they'll remove them.) * Handyman - You have fixed 10 malfunctions in the house. * Sock collector - You retrieved 10 socks in the house. * The sock market - You retrieved 50 socks in the house. * A perfect sock storm - You retrieved 100 socks in the house. * Wrappers! - You disposed of 10 wrappers in the house. * Wrap attack - You disposed of 50 wrappers in the house. * The wrappers wrap-up: You disposed of 100 wrappers in the house. * See spot? Run! - You cleaned 10 dirt smudges off the floor. * Spotty behavior - You cleaned 50 dirt smudges off the floor. * Sir spot-a-lot: You cleaned 100 dirt smudges off the floor. * Weed picker - You pulled 10 weeds from the yard. * Weed whacker - You pulled 50 weeds from the yard. * Weed obliterator - You pulled 100 weeds from the yard. * Spring cleaning - You made your house completely free of debris and dirt. * Order in the yard - You got rid of every weed in the yard. * A gleaming estate - Your home is spotless inside and out. * Where is the remote? - You helped your friends recover the remote 5 times. * Entomologist - You completed the collection of insects. * Numismatist - You completed the collection of coins. * Botanist - You completed the collection of nuts and twigs. * Photo finish - You put together the antique photo. * Master collector - You completed all 4 collections. * Recycler - You sold 5 common collectibles online. * Super recycler - You sold 15 common collectibles online. * Monetizer - You sold 5 uncommon collectibles online. * Super monetizer - You sold 15 uncommon collectibles online. * Super seller - You sold 5 rare collectibles online. * Super duper seller - You sold 15 rare collectibles online. * Trophy collector - You collected all 11 collecting trophies. * Starting out - One of your little friends achieved the age of 35. * All the wheels turning - One of your little friends achieved the age of 45. * Lessons of life - One of your little friends achieved the age of 50. * Midlife - One of your little friends achieved the age of 60. * Wise - One of your little friends achieved the age of 65. * Overachiever - You earned 10 trophies. * Unachievable - You earned 50 trophies. * The impossible dream - You earned 100 trophies. Secret ball: ------------ Click in the top left above the paddles.(hands) this may require multiple clicks. A ball will pop out and you can bounce it around while you wait for characters to do a task. How to put Out FIRES: --------------------- To put out the fires first you have to have the shed unlocked, then drag your person to the shed and presto! Your people will find a fire extinguisher and go pit out the fire. Putting Out Fire: ----------------- 1.) Open the shed. * Put an adult on the sand box on the door knob. * To get the key drop any person on the welcome mat. 2.) Put Adult on the fire (so they know its there). 3.) Grab the fire extingwasher out of the shed (may take a couple times). 4.) They should put out the fire. Water Spraying All Over: ------------------------ When the taps spring a leak head out to the workshop and get the wrench (top shelf of the cupboard) your little person will take it and fix the leak. Day/ night: ----------- The day/ night cycle for your little families coincides with your own. So, if you play at night, it will be nighttime in your game and your people will constantly be exhausted. In the options menu, you can switch the day/night feature so playing at night is daytime for your family! Overflows: ---------- If you have an overflow on bathtub, sink, etc; before starting create a new account (you do not have to play the account just check back every seven days.)then when you see a leak just go on the second account for about 15 seconds then go back on your account and poof! New Generation: --------------- If you have wondered what will hapen when your adoptee dies Well you have the option to start a new generation. THe adoption Screen will come up and you can adopt and start a whole new familiy! P.S if you leave the house to the children they cannot have children or get married. Fixing leaks: ------------- When the faucets spring a leak, go to the workshop and get the wrench on the top shelf of the cupboard. Your person will take it and fix the leak. Machinery Fires: ---------------- To put out a fire in the oven or the dryer, you must have opened the shed. To open the shed, you have to get the door knob from the sand box and your little person will take it to the shed. Then you have to drop a little person on the welcome mat at the door. They will find a key there and unlock the shed. Once you open the shed, there are fire extinguishers and watering cans. If there is a fire, drop a little person in front of the extinguishers and they will do the rest!! The watering cans are for watering the flowers in the flower boxes on the side of the house. To have triplets and twins: --------------------------- I need to know : * What to do to have triplets and twins * I have a Kitchen level 3, how can I put the oven on fire ???? * There is a Trycicle on the Shed, can we use it??? * It is really hard to get the butterflies for the collections, do we need to water some different flower boxes to get them???? CHEATS I KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE : * When is raining, the Dog takes you to the UNCOMMON AND RARE items just clik on him and make him walk slow. Never prepare a meal when is raining, the Dog won`t work because is eating time and stands by the table. * You can choose your favourite KID to be your next generation, just give him 2 o 3 encyclopedies, and if you want him to bee a Cook, for instance you can start giving him de Cooking books after the encyclopedies So, when you start the new family, he will not only be a cook, he will be in level 6 in less than 24 hours. If you don't give him an specific book he will become a "Rocket Scientists" earning 105- Novice. * ENCYCLOPEDY MADE KIDS AND DOGS are perfect !!!!! make sure you put the oven on fire before giving a kid an encyclopedy or he will turn the oven off in a blink. and also, dogs tell warns the family the oven is on !!!! * TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY : Forget about the COINS !!! 1. Don't let any of the Parents to do ANY housework, only the basic Healt Stuff (Taking a Shower). Kids will take care of everything. 2. Don't buy any of the house upgrades unless you have a level 2 in the Office, Kitchen and Workshop. 3. Don't buy more food than necessary they only spend about 250 per day. (Cooks spend more) 4. Once they reach level 8 Keep on giving them the books and you can make someone do as much as $1000 per day. 5. When they are old, in their final week make them only WORK !!! since this is when they earn more !!! this is the best moment to save for the 3rd Levels! 6. Don`t buy the Bathroom upgrade, they loose a lot of time on this. * DO NOT LET STUDENTS MAKE THE CLASS IN YOUR KITCHEN IS NOT THE MESS, THE USE ALL THE FOOD YOU HAVE IN THE FRIDGE. * MYSTERIOUS DELIVERIES : A) IF THEY CHARGE YOU A LITTLE AMOUNT THEN YOU WILL HAVE THE PAINTINGS OR THE CUSHONS FOR A DISCOUNT. B) IF THEY ARE NOT CHARCHING YOU ANYTHING AND ONLY SHOWS UP, THE BOX IS FULL OF ANTS AND WILL EMTY THE FRIDGE. C) IF THE BOYSCOUTS TRY TO SELL YOU SOMETHING, TAKE IT, YOU WILL HAVE FREE 100 OF FOOD IN YOUR FRIDGE * THE ADOPTED KIDS ACTUALLY ARE MADE TO GET THE TROPHY FOR : SERIOUSLY ILL OR THE VIRUSINFECTION .... THEY WILL ALSO INFECT THE FATHER, THE NEXT DAY .... TIME TO USE THE BLUE SHRYNGE OR THE PENICILYN. SOME TIMES THE MEXICAN CANDYS MAKE PEOPLE REALLY ILL !!! * TO KILL SOMEONE : TO KILL SOMEONE YOU NEED TO HAVE 0 FOOD ON THE FRIDGE, AND THE MEGA CHAMOMILE DRINKS READY, IF YOU WANT THE ELDERYS TO GO FASTER, DON`T LET THEM REST, MAKE THEM LOOSE HEALT, FED AND ENERGY .... SORRY BUT IT HAPPENS!!! * LET THE PERFECT MATCH TROPHY FOR THE END, THE GUY MIGHT END SINGLE, JUST BUY NICE THINKS FOR HIM AND FOOD AND HE WILL BE HAPPY ... UNLESS ... YOU ARE LUCKY ... * BLUE RAIN BOTTLES ARE TO BE USED AFTER 6:00 MAKE SURE SOME IS TAKING INSECTS OUTSIDE OR DOING SOMETHING RELATED WITH BUGS OR PLANTS OR YOU WILL ONLY WASTE IT. IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE FAMILY IT WILL RAIN IN ALL EVERYWHERE ..... REMEMBER WHO INVENTED THE WEATHER MACHINE. Making Babies: -------------- Okay guys i'm sure you all want to know how to get twins or how to get triplets and all that: twins= Maybe+Maybe (Parents) triplets= Definatly+Maybe thanks! Twins: ------ Twins: 'Not Really' mother with a 'Maybe' father. It's normally the second child (as in you had a kid already and you make them try to have another baby. That's when it's most likely to conceive twins) Fixing the leaky house: ---------------------- Fixing the Leaky Hose: * Purchase the all-American repair product...duct tape. * Place duct tape near the leaky hose at the back of the house. * Have one of your friends lower the water pressure in the house by washing hands,getting a drink, using the toilet or taking shower. * Take an adult friend and place them on top of the hose at the back of the house. Your little friend will repair the leaky hose while the water pressure is lowered. Collecting coins/picture pics/ect. and throwing away garbage quicker: --------------------------------------------------------------------- To collect coins/ picture pieces/ect., all you have to do is drag an adult on the object, wait till he or she picks it up then drag them somewhere else the object will fall on the ground then go into the collection droor saves you more time. Now to thore away garbage faster all you have to do is get the garbage, wait for the person to start walking with it then praise the person. Garbage dissapears and is in trash in seconds. Money yay!: ----------- Go download cheat engine 5.5 then when you are adopting, the first person's bank amount is for ex 159 then type 159 in Value and press first scan then press try again to the person you like. then backspace the 159 and write the new amount of money then press nxt scan after that only one num will appear click it twice and it will appear in the bottom bar the in the value col-um downstairs and click once or twice a box will appear type the amount of money you want then go to virtual families again and click adopt then ok! Secret path: ------------ This is simiular to the red ball cheat. It is a path which leads from one family in the game to the other. Just go to the tree behind were the pool would be placed. Then, right above the blue box were you would normally see your persons face start clicking multiple time. It might take a while. But eventualy you will be able to move the mouse without clicking and draging. At that point you can take things from that houses inventory and place it in the bushes. Then,just go into another family and repeat the procedure and you will be able to pull out what ever you placed there. Second Ball: ------------ Here is a glitch I discovered by accident. Right in the middle of the house there should be a square of wood with a crack in it. If you click and drag very quickly near or on the crack, a second ball should appear. I think you must have the first ball to do this, sooooo.... GET THE FIRST BALL! How to water the flowers without the shed open: ----------------------------------------------- once you have fixed the hose(you might meed to try this afue thines before it works) with the tape from the shop try to place the people the perple flowers outside of the window and arter a fue tries the people should pick up a green watering cane. so hope you found this usful. Hidden path: ------------ There is a path which leads from one family to the other. Go to the tree behind where the pool would be placed. Click multiple times just above the blue box were you would normally see your person's face. Note: Eventually you will be able to move the mouse without clicking and dragging. Note: This may require some time. . At that point you can take things from that house's inventory and place it in the bushes. Then, go into another family and repeat the procedure. You will be able to take out whatever you previously placed there. Watering flowers without shed door open: ---------------------------------------- Place your person on the little table next to the right couch in the living room, it might take a few times to make it water flowers. I've tried it and it worked. |
Vue : 8428 fois |
Mise à jour : 2013.07.12 |
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