Ghost Recon : Desert Siege Walkthrough

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Ghost Recon : Desert Siege Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Ghost Recon : Desert Siege Walkthrough - Auteur : RAC - [PC]

Walkthrough for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, PC version

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is copywright 2001 by UbiSoft

Written/ copywright wisher21(Ben Racine).  All rights reserved.

This guide is free, and you may freely disseminate it in whatever media you
chose, so long as it stays free.   All I ask is that you  is you  leave the
guide completely intact, and ask me for permission before posting this guide
on your site by sending me an email.  My contact info can be found at the end
of the guide.  The most recent version will always be up first at is prohibited from using this guide in any form whatsoever.


1.   Tips/ General Strategy
2.   Main walkthrough/plot summary  by mission
3.   Cheat codes
4.   References
5.   Contact info

To  patch or not to patch?   I feel sorry for those of you on dialup who
either bought this game right when it came out, or picked up an old copy at a
store.  The patch weighs in at over 40 meg, and will take you an eternity to
download.  I personally didn't patch the game, and the only trouble I had was
a cross indexing issue if you have a large number of saved games.  If you can
deal with that, then don't patch.  It's just not worth the effort.  Of course,
if you have cable/dsl go ahead.  You can find the patch at

Tips/ General Strategy

This isn't Doom.  This is a tactial first person covert-ops game, and as such
has a fe......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ghost_recon.txt,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 21 460 octets

Téléchargé : 5730 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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