VVVVVV Cheat Codes

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VVVVVV Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : VVVVVV Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Alternate ending
Collect all twenty Shiny Trinkets.

Flip mode
Successfully complete the game. In this mode the game is upside down.

Intermissions mode
Completing all the intermission levels. You can now replay them in Intermissions mode.

Jukebox songs
Collect Shiny Trinkets to unlock more songs in the Jukebox.

Song How to unlock
ecroF evitisoP Collect twenty trinkets.
Pipe Dream Collect twenty trinkets.
Popular Potpourri Collect eighteen trinkets.
Positive Force Collect eight trinkets.
Potential For Anything Collect twelve trinkets.
Predestined Fate Collect sixteen trinkets.
Presenting VVVVVV Collect ten trinkets.
Pressure Cooker Collect fourteen trinkets.
Pushing Onwards Collect five trinkets.

No Death mode
Earn an "S" rank in four Time Trials. In this mode the game ends after one death.

Secret laboratory
Collect all twenty Shiny Trinkets to unlock the secret laboratory which allows access to the trophy room and Super Gravitron.

Super Gravitron
Collect all twenty trinkets.

Time trial levels
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding time trial level version.

Level How to unlock
Space Station 1 Rescue Violet and find three trinkets.
Space Station 2 Rescue Vitellary and find twelve trinkets.
The Final Level Complete the game and find eighteen trinkets.
The Laboratory Rescue Victoria and find six trinkets.
The Tower Rescue Vermillion and find nine trinkets.
The Warp Zone Rescue Verdigris and find fifteen trinkets.

Various Trophies
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy in the trophy room.

Trophy How to unlock
Fifth Super Gravitron Trophy Last 30 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Final Level Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Final Level Time Trial.
First Death Trophy Win with less than 500 deaths.
First Super Gravitron Trophy Last 5 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Flip Mode Complete Beat Flip Mode.
Fourth Death Trophy Win with less than 50 deaths.
Fourth Super Gravitron Trophy Last 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Game Complete Beat the game.
Laboratory Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Laboratory Time Trial.
Master of the Universe Complete No Death Mode.
Second Death Trophy Win with less than 250 deaths.
Second Super Gravitron Trophy Last 10 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Sixth Super Gravitron Trophy Last 1 minute on the Super Gravitron.
Space Station 1 Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Space Station 1 Time Trial.
Space Station 2 Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Space Station 2 Time Trial.
The Tower Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Tower Time Trial.
Third Death Trophy Win with less than 100 deaths.
Third Super Gravitron Trophy Last 15 seconds on the Super Gravitron.
Warp Zone Mastered Obtain a V Rank in the Warp Zone Time Trial.

Vue : 3440 fois
Mise à jour : 2014.05.18

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