Nom du fichier : Mario Forever Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC] |
Cheat Codes V2.16: ------------------ Open the folder Mario Forever( default : C:Buziol GamesMario Forever) where the game has been installed. Open the configuration setting file "mafosav" with Notepad or other text editor. Originally it looks: -------------------- [] chlebent1=0 ata1save1=560 ata2save1=1181 ata3save1=11471 stringlev1=1 chlebent2=0 ata1save2=560 ata2save2=1181 ata3save2=11471 stringlev2=1 chlebent0=7777 ata1save3=560 ata2save3=1181 ata3save3=11471 stringlev3=1 chlebent3=0 Change the values as you desire to reach world 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. World 2 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=637 ata2save1=1236 ata3save1=12824 stringlev1=2 World 3 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=728 ata2save1=1301 ata3save1=14423 stringlev1=3 World 4 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=805 ata2save1=1356 ata3save1=15776 stringlev1=4 World 5 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=875 ata2save1=1406 ata3save1=17006 stringlev1=5 World 6 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=924 ata2save1=1441 ata3save1=17867 stringlev1=6 World 7 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=994 ata2save1=1491 ata3save1=19097 stringlev1=7 World 8 values: --------------- chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1071 ata2save1=1546 ata3save1=20450 stringlev1=8 Now enjoy and have fun. A NEW WORLD!: ------------- It's not a cheat but a way to a new world. When you choose a world which you have saved. Don't go inside a pipe but go go straight were you will find some goodies. Stand on the Bricks after the flower and jump at the left side of the screen. GO straight inside a pipe. You will find a new world. For any help, mail me at Hints: ----- When You Start The Save Game. You Don't Enter A Pipe Go Front, If You Wanna Pick A Goodie Then You May But Go More Front And Stand On The Brick And Jump Most Higher You Can. And Go More Front You'll See There A New Special Level Named As Human Laboratory Will Come And Enter A Pipe Which Has A Question Mark On It And Enter It. And You'll Find That There Are Humans Instead Of The Normal Enemies. When you have droped down from the pipe at the save game screen, carry on going right until the last two blocks of the items, then stand on the blocks and jump high and forward over the barrier into the next screen. Carry on going right until you come to the Human Labolatory Secret level, DO NOT go down the pipe. Instead carry on jumping into the next screen (hint: u may need to use the run faster key when u jump into the next screen) you should come to the Mario Forever Lost Map level, either go down this pipe to the level or carry on jumping to next screen and you should come to a screen that has a list of all the secrets in the game. Once again jump to the next screen over the gap and you should finally come to the last of the secret levels the Funny Tanks Level (may i warn you this is extremly hard) In the first level go to the left and push down on the arrows where you will find the free green mushrooms.keep following it backwards and you will end upwith 16 lives. If you get stuck in this game always try to run faster(z-key), That happened to me this is nice advice,use it carefully. This Is A Way To The Hardcore Level. In World 1 On The 2nd Level Keep Going Till. You Find A Pipe Monster Next To A Money Room (Where You Have To Jump Around). Do Not Go in The Money Room Go Under The Pipe Monster Then Jump And Use The Up Button (The One In The Options Menu) (I Have Not Completed The Hardcore Level It Is Hard For Me). A WAY TO GET 20 LIVES FOR WORLD 8: ---------------------------------- First start a new game in world 1, go to the far left of the sreen and press down to go to green mushroom world get all the mushrooms then finish level, keep going through the levels till you get to world 1-4, go through level till you get to the pipe to get to world 3-1, then go through world 3-1 till you get to the warp to world 8 pipe then you will have all the lives and upgrades you had from before. Cheat: ------ In world 1-1 of Mario Forever, when you see a series of pipes each with 2 coins over them, duck down the third one. Collect the coins, then jump up and push up to enter the pipe on the roof. This takes you to a room with a line of bricks. Jump up on the bricks and there is a line of coins above them that are hidden. Jump over the gap to the coins near the ceiling. Just below them is a long line of invisible coins. Get them and then you can get the others near the ceiling. This will get you an extra man because you will go over 100 coins in this room provided you get all the others in this level as well. Press "XYZZYSPOON + Shift +1" all world will be unlocked. 1)There are many cheats and trainers out there for Mario Forever v2.16 Mario Forever v4.0 but the most cheats and trainers described is the v4.0. Trainers are hard to find, but cheats are easy. Here, this is the first time to crack the code of the all 33 levels from world 1 - 8 by level. I'm the first person to crack the codes by level. Follow the instruction below. (Note: This will work in Mario Forever 2.16) Open C://Buziol Games//Mario Forever//mafosav.INI. For the ones who cannot understand this, I'll tell you step by step. First open My Computer. Then open Local Disk (C:). After you open it, open the Buziol Games folder. Inside that folder, you'll find the Mario Forever folder. Open it and find the mafosav.INI. Okay, you find already the mafosav and open it. You'll find these codes: [] *chlebent1=0 *ata1save1=560 *ata2save1=1181 *ata3save1=11471 *stringlev1=1 chlebent2=0 ata1save2=560 ata2save2=1181 ata3save2=11471 stringlev2=1 chlebent0=7777 ata1save3=560 ata2save3=1181 ata3save3=11471 stringlev3=1 chlebent3=0 Ignore the asterisks (*). The ones with asterisks, replace them with the following format below. This will help you to go to other world in different levels quickly. World 1-1 (First Strike): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=560 ata2save1=1181 ata3save1=11471 stringlev1=11 World 1-2 (Entrance Tunnel): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=574 ata2save1=1191 ata3save1=11717 stringlev1=12 World 1-3 (Mountain): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=597 ata2save1=1208 ata3save1=12127 stringlev1=13 World 1-4 (Clone Castle): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=614 ata2save1=1219 ata3save1=12414 stringlev1=14 World 2-1 (Magic Beetroot): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=637 ata2save1=1236 ata3save1=12824 stringlev1=21 World 2-2 (Sewer): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=651 ata2save1=1246 ata3save1=13070 stringlev1=22 World 2-3 (Against Beach): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=674 ata2save1=1263 ata3save1=13480 stringlev1=23 World 2-4 (Landing Pad): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=690 ata2save1=1275 ata3save1=13767 stringlev1=24 World 2-5 (Fireball Castle): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=700 ata2save1=1281 ata3save1=13931 stringlev1=25 World 3-1 (Jumping Practice): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=728 ata2save1=1301 ata3save1=14423 stringlev1=31 World 3-2 (Blank Tunnel): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=742 ata2save1=1311 ata3save1=14669 stringlev1=32 World 3-3 (Blue Moon): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=767 ata2save1=1330 ata3save1=15120 stringlev1=33 World 3-4 (Dark Trap): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=777 ata2save1=1336 ata3save1=15284 stringlev1=34 World 4-1 (Thornbeast Trap): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=805 ata2save1=1356 ata3save1=15776 stringlev1=41 World 4-2 (Go with the Cloud): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=819 ata2save1=1366 ata3save1=16022 stringlev1=42 World 4-3 (Party Against Mario I): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=833 ata2save1=1376 ata3save1=16268 stringlev1=43 World 4-4 (Koopa II): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=847 ata2save1=1386 ata3save1=16514 stringlev1=44 World 5-1 (Cannon Show): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=875 ata2save1=1406 ata3save1=17006 stringlev1=51 World 5-2 (Steel Maze): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=889 ata2save1=1416 ata3save1=17252 stringlev1=52 World 5-3 (Couples of Turt;es): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=903 ata2save1=1426 ata3save1=17498 stringlev1=53 World 6-1 (Cancer Experiment): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=924 ata2save1=1441 ata3save1=17867 stringlev1=61 World 6-2 (Underground Maze): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=938 ata2save1=1451 ata3save1=18113 stringlev1=62 Wordl 6-3 (Jumping Lui Trap): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=952 ata2save1=1461 ata3save1=18359 stringlev1=63 World 6-4 (Ghost House): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=966 ata2save1=1471 ata3save1=18605 stringlev1=64 World 7-1 (Water Wading): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=994 ata2save1=1491 ata3save1=19097 stringlev1=71 World 7-2 (Polluted Sea): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1010 ata2save1=1503 ata3save1=19384 stringlev1=72 World 7-3 (Rushing to Land): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1033 ata2save1=1520 ata3save1=19794 stringlev1=73 World 7-4 (Party Against Mario II): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1043 ata2save1=1526 ata3save1=19958 stringlev1=74 World 8-1 (The Lost Castle): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1071 ata2save1=1546 ata3save1=20450 stringlev1=81 World 8-2 (Koopa's Forwards): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1085 ata2save1=1556 ata3save1=20696 stringlev1=82 World 8-3 (Escape and Chase Koopa): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1099 ata2save1=1566 ata3save1=20942 stringlev1=83 World 8-4I (Koopa's Guards): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1113 ata2save1=1576 ata3save1=21188 stringlev1=84 world 8-4II (Final Fate of Koopa): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1127 ata2save1=1586 ata3save1=21434 stringlev1=85 Human Lab World 1 (Human Trials): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1209 ata2save1=1641 ata3save1=22787 stringlev1=91 Human Lab World 2 (Bridges-and-hammers World): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1216 ata2save1=1646 ata3save1=22910 stringlev1=92 Human Lab World 3 (Hammers vs. Swords): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1223 ata2save1=1651 ata3save1=23033 stringlev1=93 Human Lab World 4 (Swords' Carnage in Castle): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1225 ata2save1=1656 ata3save1=23156 stringlev1=94 Human Lab World 5 (Ending): chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1232 ata2save1=1661 ata3save1=23279 stringlev1=95 One example what I did is like this: [] *chlebent1=0 *ata1save1=574 *ata3save1=11717 *stringlev1=12 chlebent2=0 ata1save2=560 ata2save2=1181 ata3save2=11471 stringlev2=1 chlebent0=7777 ata1save3=560 ata2save3=1181 ata3save3=11471 stringlev3=1 chlebent3=0 The one with asterisks in the previous one changes and you can see the changes above. The code of world 1 changes to world 1-2. So if you play mario forever 2.16, you can see the pipe one says, world 21. just enter there and you enjoy that world. Next week, wait for my another groundbreaking cheats for another Mario Forever game. If you want to see the all the cheats in Mario Forever, just subscribe to e-mail, See you next week! Green mushroom When you begin mario forever you see three pipes don't get enter in anyone move forward and take the flower goodie then come back and fire the cloud near the pipe where you came at first and see you will get a green mushroom. Get 100 points When you are in flower goodie. Then you have to go to the end of the level and then you have to break the ind point immidiately you have to fire then you see that you get 100 points. Hardore level This is a way to the hardore level. In world 1 on the keep going till you find a pipe monster next to a money room (Where you have to jump round) Do not go in the money room go under the pipe monster then jump and the up button (the one in the option menu (I have not ompleted the hardcore level it is hard for me). Get some coins and a mushroom When you are in world 2-4 you will see two upside down pipes above piranha plants go into the second pipe you will get some coins and a mushroom. GAIN MAD POINTS AND INFINATE 1UP's!!: ------------------------------------- In level 3-1, rush your way to the area with 2 GREEN turtles on top of a layer of bricks and 2 RED turtles on the bottom. (its right after the long walkway and staircase with coins toward the end of the level). Jump down and kill the 2 red turtles before the 2 green ones fall from the top to the bottom. Then quickly jump to the left on the chocolate block piece. The 2 green turtles will fall and one will eventually get stuck in between the chocolate block piece and the land (right in the gap). Step on the turtle and jump toward your right during the step then PUSH the turtle toward the chocolate block piece. (Do not try to step on him twice or you might fall thru the gap that he is stuck in.) He will vibrate wedged into that space and just spin there. Now jump left and back up to the long walkway so that the turtle is at your lower right screen. As bee's fly up and try to attack you, the spinning turtle is killing them off and your earning mad points AND 1UP's! New World: ---------- Go to the save select menu move right you will find goodies pick ant one of them and press "q" a new world named- Mario forever lost world will open. Hints: In the level 1-1, there are many stars, like one above the pipe after which there are two pipes having piranas.But to take it you don't have to cross it othervise it will have been gone. In world 2-4 , go until you get a mark, but do not take the goodie,let it fall into a lava you also fall if you are having more than 0 life otherwise you can not do this.and when you also fall then... I may be the first one to complete the human laboratory mission.The trick is that you try to find as many secrets as possible since there is no time limit.Here are a few 1. Mission-You can get 2 one ups 132 Coins and 2 mushrooms. 2. mission you can get 1 one up and about 109 coins and 1 mushroom. 3. mission you can get0 2 one ups. 4. 0 one ups. 5. is the last but pretty easy. In it you keep on going down till get to a checkpoint just keep going down and hit a guy who say "where's my keyboard" he will keep on going down eliminating your enemies and getting you one ups plenty lot of them. After the mission's over you get to a town named 'xiyag' and has all the characters who designed the game. Thats it after that you return to to place where you choose goodies. 2 go 2 8th world: when u reach world 1level 4 u can c roud balls after whaich 2 wolves come c there is a gap up at d corner jump u get a coin jump above if keep going ull see a passage u go in 3rd world u can c a aspring cross that n reach the other side a 2 pipes come one small n 1 big in between u have a gap move 2ward the big pipe here is 8th world enjoy playing. Cheat mode: ----------- Additionally, add the following lines individually to the "mafosav" file to unlock the areas. Lost Map - vv9433=2825630 Koopa The Devestator World - secretdevastator=1 Koopa the Devastor World (completed) - secretbobowser=1 Goomba's Party World - secretgoomba=1 Goomba's Party World (completed) - secretgoombaco=1 World 3-1 - secret31=1 Human Laboratory World (completed) - secrethuman=1 Funny Tanks World (completed) - secretanks=1 Game completed - secretend=1 Passage to World 1-1 - secretgreen=1 Passage to World 8-1 - secret81=1 Passage to World 4-1 - secret41=1 Hardcore World 1-1 - secrethardcore=1 Hardcore World 2-1 - secrethardcore2=1 World 3-3 in Lost Map: ---------------------- When You COme through the save tank dont go to any of it but move on where goodies are there stand on a brick and jump forward high then if you goo forward you will get human laboratory go forward [dont go to human laboratory] then Lost Map Level comes go to it and there are two small holes not tanks are there fall into it ypou will die fall till all your lives are over then it shows game over but wait a new level comes play and enjoy but that is your last life. Glitch: ------- go through bottom of the begging part where pipes are and appear back through the upward pipe. when u start mario forever go to the main game no press "q" to go to the lost map now walk off the side and press "q" right when u fall u should be going through the bottom of the floor and appear back through the pipe =) it takes alot of practice so good luck. Mario: ------ when you start world one and you get confused with something if you look in the options key and see your keyboard controls so say jump was z and fire and RUN was x yould move more faster then ever when you get to the lava part there and ur saying i cant get thru so then if you had the shooting power then you press x for fire and run. How to get to the list of all the secrets in Mario Forever: ----------------------------------------------------------- When you select the save game u want to play, dont go down any of the pipes. instead, press Q on the keyboard and it will take u to the Lost Maps Level. Dont go down the pipe, but jump over the pipe and run and jump at the right edge of the floor and it should take u to a list of every secret in the game and shows u if u have unlocked it or not. Level 3-1 jump: --------------- At level 1-4 about half way through the castle theres a pipe near the ceiling jump around and find the coins you can jump off of them to reach it and level 3. MARIO IN THE LOST MAP When you see the 3 tunnels of the levels dont go in to that but go strainght by jumping as high as u can. Then u get MARIO HUMAN LABORATORY go more front and you find MARIO IN THE LOST MAP. Secrets list: ------------- When you select the save game you want to play, do not go down any of the pipes. Instead, press "Q" to start the Lost Maps Level. Do not go down the pipe. Instead, jump over it then run and jump at the right edge of the floor. It should take you to a list of every secret in the game. It will show if each one has been unlocked yet. In the lost world mode, go to the fifth block & wait for some time. you will find the awesome new winter world. Enjoy playing. Extra 1up: ---------- when you go to the select level screen, don't go to any of the pipes, just go forward, take the secong goodie, and return, the cloud that is near the first pipe, shoot on it 3 times and an extra 1up will appear. you can start the game with extra 1 up. Another 1 up in World 1-2: -------------------------- In world 1-2 of Mario Forever as you move left, be on the lookout for two pipes near the ceiling. One has a Venus Flytrap and the other does not (you can duck down the second one for coins). Just past the second pipe there is a light up on the wall. Stand directly below this light and jump up. There is a coin there and two more to the left. Now go back to the two pipes and get on top of the first one. While running jump to the second pipe then to the coin blocks. Stand on the last coin block and jump. There is your extra man (1-up). how to go from world 1 to 2or3or4: ---------------------------------- when you are in level 2 end in world 1 dont go to the pipe but go up you will find wrap zone can make you from world 1 to world 2 or 3 or 4 New tricks 1: ------------- If you are playing Mario Forever advanced edition and you are on level 1-3, you'll see two fireballs jumping out of the waterfalls. if you get the red mushroom or flower power, you'll see the lava will appear. Bug in level 3-3: ---------------- If you are on level 3-3 please don't do this: 1) don't get invisible coins; 2) don't run if you are close to end of level Otherwise, mario will stuck in space and error message will appear. New tricks 2: ------------- When you are on finish line, don't land on the ground, just keep jumping, and don't touch the block which is moving up-down. When you jump oudside the level landscape, get back to the finish line and touch it and you will get 210 points. 1-2 to world 4: --------------- at level 1-2 there is a sign called "hardcore zone is near". before that sign step on the stones (the thing like a tunnel- where the road narrows up) at the end of it press jump and up at the same time. there is your secret passage. Labortary world: ---------------- before starting any level when three pipes for different worlds appear, don't go inside them. Walk straight and you will find a pack of goodies. you can exachange some lives for 1 goodie. then you climb on the brick strip - jump & reapeat the same thing. you climb the brick stairs down and you can find a pipe and go down to the strange"laboratory world ".here you can find some human charecters,some are dangerous some are not. its fun to cross these levels- i have crossed only 4 of them Secret 1up's: ------------- After starting World 1-1,just move about 3 cms to the left and press down button . u will enter the same world but this would have many green mushrooms moving on ground. After collecting all mushrooms u can finish the level . Note: The time dosent stop so be quick otherwise u will die. |
Vue : 2877 fois |
Mise à jour : 2014.10.09 |
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