Nom du fichier : Mario Forever 4.0 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC] |
Hints When u start level one go back about 3cm and press down, if this doesnt work keep moving aroung that area, pressing down. When you press q before you go into one of the three pipes you will go to the lost map, sprint and jump to the far left of the pipe or the right and you will find two new worls. also when you go to the right go farthe than the special hidden thing list and you will find a tank level, have fun and loose oops i mean win. Cheat Codes: ------------ Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "mafosav" file in the "buziol gamesmario forever" folder. Change the indicated set of lines in the file for the desired world you wish to play. World 2 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=637 ata2save1=1236 ata3save1=12824 stringlev1=2 World 3 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=728 ata2save1=1301 ata3save1=14423 stringlev1=3 World 4 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=805 ata2save1=1356 ata3save1=15776 stringlev1=4 World 5 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=875 ata2save1=1406 ata3save1=17006 stringlev1=5 World 6 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=924 ata2save1=1441 ata3save1=17867 stringlev1=6 World 7 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=994 ata2save1=1491 ata3save1=19097 stringlev1=7 World 8 chlebent1=0 ata1save1=1071 ata2save1=1546 ata3save1=20450 stringlev1=8 Hints: ------ hi,i found some tips that may work in mario forever 4.0 i)set the keys to jump as A and fire as S,then when u play in mario minix the closed turtles may come if you press A (jump). beware it will kill you if you stand in way. ii)In world 2 - 1 level ,at the of the level you can see many goodies and one turtle ,hit it and push ,if you follow the turtle hitting goodies ,you will get a 1up,it should hit all and will return be careful! Cheat: ------ this is not a hint but a secret ok when u open the game folder there would be a file 'mafosav' open it and there will be written: secret31=1 secret81=1 after secret31=1 u should type secret41=1 then save it. then if u open the game don't go in any pipe just press "Q" then u will go to the lost map world then u go in front and then u will see that on the second sentence there would be written 'passage to world 4-1' and in front 'Yes' then u can start the game. When you go to the 3 pipes, do go in any, pick up a goodie go toward the human factory, go to the lost map, go to the next place and jump across the screen. Go into the car. I MAY WARN YOU THIS IS VERY HARD.I CAN'T BEAT IT AT ALL. (WORKS IN version 4.0) To get about 50 lives for world 8: ---------------------------------- The first thing you need to do is start a new game. On world 1-1 go back and push down. Get all of the 1up mushrooms. Go through the world to world 2. On world 2-1 go through the level to KTD Level. (A pipe in the air) Get the point brick and the Lui to get up there. No go to World 3-1 and at the point where there are 2 pipes, left smaller than right. If you're at the right one go between and push right and you at world 8. Cheats: ------- Why there are no cheats about the newest Mario Forever? Some hint: ---------- In Installing Conditions there wrote that you cannot change any game parts and you cannot write any code but this is not true! If you open "mafosav.INI" or "forevermopt.INI" then you can write, you see the error message but if you open "Notepad.exe" and there you select File->Open and you select "mafosav.INI" or "forevermopt.INI" then you see the code and you can write and save this information too! :) Now, my new codes that I played into ma Mafosav: :) secretlostmap=1 ata1save9433=30292 ata2save9433=35306 ata3save9433=34757 ata4save9433=13117 ata5save9433=40179 ata6save9433=24597 stringlev9433=3 chlebent9433=7777 vv9433=2825630 (Lost Map Accomplished!) secretdevastator=1 (Passaged to World: Koopa the Devastor!) secretbobowser=1 (Koopa the Devastor Defeated!) secretgoomba=1 (Passaged to World: Goombas Party!) secretgoombaco=1 (Goombas Party Accomplished!) secret31=1 (Passaged to World: 3-1) secrethuman=1 (Human Laboratory Workd Accomplished!) secretanks=1 (Funny Tanks Accomplished!) secretend=1 (Game Ended!) secretgreen=1 (Passaged to World: 1-1 and greated there a lot of muchrooms that gives a life!) kluzkedd=1 (I don't know these code effect but add this too because it was in file too!) secrethardcore=1 (Passaged to Hardcore World: 1-1) secret81=1 (Passaged to World: 8-1) secret41=1 (Passaged to World: 4-1) These codes together means that all is accomplished with out passage to hardcore level 2-1 and hardcore levels complete! "1" means "yes"! Cheat: ------ At the save menu press Q go into that 1st pipe when your game starts kill yourself when the game over screen appears press your key that moves you right you will be brought to world 1 level 3. Hint: ----- In the start of the not go in three pipes.go to the left and you found a level named mario minix. Hint: ----- Hi! I luv to play mario and i play it all the time. so i've discovered some pretty good's one: When you are in world 3 level 1, on the land where u get the 1st goodie (red mushroom or bullets flower) you also get the jumping spring at the end of the same land.keep jumping on it and press left key. you will get 2 1ups! Hint: ----- To make "yes" the passage to hardcore 2.1, just open "mafosav" inside Mario Forever 4.0 and write: secrethardcore2=1 Goomba party: -------------- In the beggining don't go to the 3 pipes.Go to the power-ups and pick up the vegetable.Then don't loose the power-up and hold it to world 1-3.You will see a pipe that's closed with bricks.Use the fire button to fire the vegetable.The vegetables will destroy the bricks.When they are destroyed go to the pipe.You will enter the GOOMBA PARTY!But, watch out,it gives goombas that are falling from the sky.Try to win.(Don't waste your time there by killing the goombas they will kill you.) Advanced Cheat codes: --------------------- Use a text editor to edit the "mafosav" file in the "buziol gamesmario forever" folder. Change the indicated set of lines in the file for the desired world you wish to play. secret41=1 secrethuman=1 secret31=1 secret81=1 secrethardcore=1 secrethardcore2=1 secretgoomba=1 secretend=1 secretgoombaco=1 secretdevastator=1 secretbobowser=1 ata1save1=17452 ata2save1=31226 ata3save1=26621 ata4save1=9061 ata5save1=34275 ata6save1=18261 chlebent1=0 stringlev1=1 World 1 ata1save1=18522 ata2save1=31566 ata3save1=27303 ata4save1=9399 ata5save1=34767 ata6save1=18789 chlebent1=0 stringlev1=1 World 1-2 ata1save3=20662 ata2save3=32246 ata3save3=28667 ata4save3=10075 ata5save3=35751 ata6save3=19845 chlebent3=0 stringlev3=1 World 1-3 ata1save3=21732 ata2save3=32586 ata3save3=29349 ata4save3=10413 ata5save3=36243 ata6save3=20373 chlebent3=0 stringlev3=1 World 1-4 ata1save2=23337 ata2save2=33096 ata3save2=30350 ata4save2=10920 ata5save2=36981 ata6save2=21165 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=2 World 2 ata1save2=24407 ata2save2=33436 ata3save2=31032 ata4save2=11258 ata5save2=37473 ata6save2=21693 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=2 World 2-2 ata1save2=26547 ata2save2=34116 ata3save2=32396 ata4save2=11934 ata5save2=38457 ata6save2=22749 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=2 World 2-3 ata1save2=27617 ata2save2=34456 ata3save2=33078 ata4save2=12272 ata5save2=38949 ata6save2=23277 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=2 World 2-4 ata1save2=28687 ata2save2=34796 ata3save2=33760 ata4save2=12610 ata5save2=39441 ata6save2=23805 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=2 World 2-5 ata1save2=31362 ata2save2=35646 ata3save2=35439 ata4save2=13455 ata5save2=40671 ata6save2=25125 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=3 World 3 ata1save2=31362 ata2save2=35646 ata3save2=35439 ata4save2=13455 ata5save2=40671 ata6save2=25125 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=3 World 3-2 ata1save2=33502 ata2save2=36326 ata3save2=36803 ata4save2=14131 ata5save2=41655 ata6save2=26181 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=3 World 3-3 ata1save2=34572 ata2save2=36666 ata3save2=37485 ata4save2=14469 ata5save2=42147 ata6save2=26709 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=3 World 3-4 ata1save2=36177 ata2save2=37176 ata3save2=38486 ata4save2=14976 ata5save2=42885 ata6save2=27501 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=4 World 4 ata1save2=37247 ata2save2=37516 ata3save2=39168 ata4save2=15314 ata5save2=43377 ata6save2=28029 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=4 World 4-2 ata1save2=38317 ata2save2=37856 ata3save2=39850 ata4save2=15652 ata5save2=43869 ata6save2=28557 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=4 World 4-3 ata1save2=39387 ata2save2=38196 ata3save2=40532 ata4save2=15990 ata5save2=44361 ata6save2=29085 chlebent2=7777 stringlev2=4 World 4-4 ata1save3=41527 ata2save3=38876 ata3save3=41876 ata4save3=16666 ata5save3=45345 ata6save3=30141 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=5 World 5 ata1save3=42597 ata2save3=39216 ata3save3=42558 ata4save3=17004 ata5save3=45837 ata6save3=30669 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=5 World 5-2 ata1save3=43667 ata2save3=39556 ata3save3=43240 ata4save3=17342 ata5save3=46329 ata6save3=31197 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=5 World 5-3 ata1save3=45272 ata2save3=40066 ata3save3=44249 ata4save3=17849 ata5save3=47067 ata6save3=31989 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=6 World 6 ata1save3=46877 ata2save3=40576 ata3save3=45286 ata4save3=18356 ata5save3=47805 ata6save3=32781 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=6 World 6-2 ata1save3=47412 ata2save3=40746 ata3save3=45605 ata4save3=18525 ata5save3=48051 ata6save3=33045 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=6 World 6-3 ata1save3=48482 ata2save3=41086 ata3save3=46287 ata4save3=18863 ata5save3=48543 ata6save3=33573 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=6 World 6-4 ata1save3=50622 ata2save3=41766 ata3save3=47639 ata4save3=19539 ata5save3=49527 ata6save3=34629 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=7 World 7 ata1save3=51692 ata2save3=42106 ata3save3=48321 ata4save3=19877 ata5save3=50019 ata6save3=35157 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=7 World 7-2 ata1save1=53832 ata2save1=42786 ata3save1=49673 ata4save1=20553 ata5save1=51003 ata6save1=36213 chlebent1=7777 stringlev1=6 World 7-3 ata1save1=54902 ata2save1=43126 ata3save1=50355 ata4save1=20891 ata5save1=51497 ata6save1=36741 chlebent1=7777 stringlev1=6 World 7-4 ata1save3=56507 ata2save3=43636 ata3save3=51368 ata4save3=23257 ata5save3=52233 ata6save3=37533 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=8 World 8 ata1save3=57577 ata2save3=43976 ata3save3=52050 ata4save3=23592 ata5save3=52725 ata6save3=38061 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=8 World 8-2 ata1save3=58647 ata2save3=44316 ata3save3=52732 ata4save3=23930 ata5save3=53217 ata6save3=38589 chlebent3=7777 stringlev3=8 World 8-3 ata1save1=59717 ata2save1=44656 ata3save1=53402 ata4save1=22412 ata5save1=53709 ata6save1=39117 chlebent1=7777 stringlev1=8 World 8-4 ata1save1=60787 ata2save1=44996 ata3save1=54084 ata4save1=22750 ata5save1=54201 ata6save1=39645 chlebent1=7777 stringlev1=8 Princess ata1save1=61857 ata2save1=45336 ata3save1=54766 ata4save1=23088 ata5save1=54693 ata6save1=40173 chlebent1=7777 stringlev1=8 The End Press "A" at Mario Minix FUNNY TANKS MISSION: -------------------- When you start the game (at the select level screen) press Q, it takes you to the mario forever lost map, don't go in the pipe cross it and jump right, then it takes you to a list of secrets, don't bother with that, jump even more right then it takes you to a tank, go inside the tank and there you go. The level is super hard. I tried to jump even more right after tank, it took me to the start screen. Have fun:) 4 world: -------- I just completed 4 worlds when i complete more then i will give you just go on mario files go whear u installed mario and open mafosav file and copy this and paste it [] chlebent1=0 ata1save1=805 ata2save1=1356 ata3save1=15776 stringlev1=4 chlebent2=0 ata1save2=560 ata2save2=1181 ata3save2=11471 stringlev2=1 chlebent0=7777 ata1save3=560 ata2save3=1181 ata3save3=11471 stringlev3=1 chlebent3=0 |
Vue : 5343 fois |
Mise à jour : 2014.10.09 |
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