Starlancer Save Game Cheat

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Starlancer Save Game Cheat

IMPORTANT : Merci de cocher la case et de cliquer sur télécharger pour activer le téléchargement !
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secondes avant le téléchargement de votre fichier...Nous préparons votre fichier

Nom du fichier : Starlancer Save Game Cheat - Auteur : BULL - [PC]

Date    : 20/05/2000
Program : Starlancer
Cracker : BuLLeT
Type    : Save-Game-Cheat
URL     :


Run the patch where CheatGAME00.IFF is placed and you will get all "ships" and "weapons".
(You might need to rename your savegame in order to make this work)

Enjoy. This will probably get nuked but least i try.



Additional cheats:

Skip to Any Level, fly Any Ship

On the StarLancer startup screen, press and hold down the CTRL key as you type "potato". 
When the red mission indicator appears in the upper left corner of the screen ("M1" indicates that Mission 1 is selected), type the number for the mission that you want to play. The mission indicator is updated automatically when you type a new mission number. 
NOTE: There are 24 missions in StarLancer. To select Missions 1 through 9, type the mission number with a leading zero. For example, to select Mission 7, type 07. 
After you select the mission that you want to play, select the ship that you want to fly during the mission. To do this, use one of the following methods: 
To select only ships that are normally available for the mission that you selected, press CRTL+ENTER to move directly to the Briefing Room, and then select your ship. 
To select any ship in the game, press and hold down the SHIFT key as you press the appropriate function key for the ship that you want to fly during the mission. 

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : B.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Cheats.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 12 288 octets

Téléchargé : 6110 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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