Ishar 2 Walkthrough

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Ishar 2 Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Ishar 2 Walkthrough - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

                ISHAR 2 - Solution
 Go  west, then north, and avoid the fight. Enter the village,
 and  play with the pump handle.  Recruit Kudseac, pick up his
 possessions, then kill him.
 Visit  the two inns to  recruit four characters (preferable :
 Eliandr,  Zeloran, Fandhir and  any warrior). Buy  a sword, a
 bow  and some arrows from the armourer and some food from the
 shopkeeper  so you  can recover your  physical strength after
 Go  to the harbour (S-SW), and force a passage: take prisoner
 and  hand over to  the village chief who  then tells you what
 your mission is. Return to the starting point. Kill the three
 thieves,  find the  woman, and pick  up the  pendant. If your
 strength  is a  bit low,  eat some  food, then  return to the
 village to recruit and to buy helmets and shields.
 Go  as far east into the forest  as you can, then go north to
 pick  up the  black and  white mushrooms.  Go to  the extreme
 north,  pick up the  dandelions, then fight  the wasps. Enter
 the forest clearing on the south side, and kill the orcs. For
 the  chief orc, you  need to use as  many arrows as possible.
 Pick up the necklace.
 Return  to the village, hand the  necklace to the chief, then
 recover  the boat. Eat, sleep, buy  arrows, arms and food. Go
 to the harbour, select the town landing-stage.
 Tip:  When you travel trough the  town, write down every shop
 you  encounter and all the prices ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ishar2walk2.txt,

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Taille du fichier : 6 284 octets

Téléchargé : 6028 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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