Majesty The Northern - Walktrough

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Majesty The Northern - Walktrough

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Nom du fichier : Majesty The Northern - Walktrough - Auteur : SWC - [PC]

                  Majesty: the Fantasy Kingdom Sim
                    Majesty: the Northern Expansion
          Walkthroughs of Advanced, Expert and Master Quests
                    (Plus Some Other Information)
                          By Steven W. Carter
 This is mostly intended to be a resource for people having trouble solving the 
 advanced, expert, and master quests of Majesty: the Fantasy Kingdom Sim 
 (Majesty FKS) and its expansion pack, Majesty: the Northern Expansion (Majesty 
 NE).  In the sections below I'll provide fairly detailed walkthroughs for the 
 quests, and I'll also give some (hopefully) useful playing tips.  I used 
 version 1.3 for Majesty FKS and for Majesty NE.
 I've also included my best playing times for each quest.  You can use these 
 times as a frame of reference for how you're doing -- or for entertainment 
 value in the case of ``Wrath of Krolm.''  I think my times qualify as good but 
 not great.
 If you started up Majesty NE and were dismayed to see all of your high scores 
 and playing times gone, don't despair.  There's an easy method to restore your 
 Do the following:
 1. Go to the directory where you installed Majesty NE and delete the files 

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : majesty_walk.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 20 291 octets

Téléchargé : 5024 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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