Q.U.B.E. 2 Cheat Codes

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Q.U.B.E. 2 Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Q.U.B.E. 2 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Puzzle Solutions):
Written by Lenndado

-=Chapter #1: Forgotten Roots=-
In Chapter 1 you learn the basics of extracting orange QUBEs and placing
blue bouncy QUBEs!

1. Puzzle
* Turn a white, framed qube blue and walk over it

2. Puzzle
* Again, turn a white, framed qube blue and walk over it
* Turn one qube blue and jump on it
* Repeat

3. Puzzle
* Extract the first orange qube and get up the ledge
* Jump on the orange qubes while extracting them underneath you

4. Puzzle
* Extract an orange qube and get up the white qubes
* Extract the orange qube right behind you
* Get up by creating blue qubes and jumping on them

5. Puzzle
* Turn one qube orange and extract it
* Spawn a blue qube and walk over it

6. Puzzle
* Turn one qube on the left blue
* Turn one qube behind you orange and extract it so you jump against it if
you use the blue qube
* Get up by turning one qube blue and using it

-=Chapter #2: The Ropes
Chapter 2 teaches you how to interact with wall panels.

1. Puzzle
* Walk on the wall panel an activate it

2. Puzzle
* Turn one qube on the wall panel orange and extract it
* Get to the orange qube turning a white qube blue and using it
* Get to the other side by activating the wall panel

3. Puzzle
* Turn one qube on the wall panel orange and extract it
* Get to the orange qube turning a white qube blue and using it
* Get to the other side by turning one qube blue and jumping on it

4. Puzzle
* Turn one qube on the right wall panel orange and extract it
* Lift yourself by standing on the orange qube and activating the wall panel
* Activate the wall panel on the other side and get across by turning one qube
blue and using it
* Get to the other side by activating the wall panel
* Turn and extract one orange qube on the panel that lifted you
* Activate the same panel to get it to the lower level
* Get on the orange qube by turning one qube blue and using it
* Raise the wall panel again to get to the exit

-=Chapter #3: House of Leaves
Chapter 3 introduces the new green qube, which can be created an moved!

1. Puzzle
* Create a green qube and use it to jump up the ledge
* Turn the white qube blue and create a green qube to "build" stairs
* Turn the white qube next to the green qube orange and extract it
* Create a green qube and retract the orange qube

2. Puzzle
* Move the wall panel to the right
* Turn one qube on the panel orange and extract it
* Create a green qube and turn the qube underneath it blue
* Move the panel to the left and time the green qube to bounce on the orange qube
* Turn the qube behind you blue so you can jump on the orange qube
* Move the wall panel to the right and get to the exit

3. Puzzle
* Turn the white qube blue and create a green qube to open the door
* Move the wall panel to the left and turn the white qube underneath the green qube blue
* Open the door by creating a green qube
* Move the panel to the right and turn the qube underneath it blue
* Turn around, create an orange qube and extract
* Create a green qube and let it bounce on the orange qube
* Move the wall panel withe the orange qube to the right
* Jump on the orange qube by turning one qube one the floor blue
* In the end just get up the huge Stairs by using blue qubes.

-=Chapter #4: Lost in Transmission
In Chapter 4 you get the ability to turn white qubes green and it begins testing
your skills!

1. Puzzle
* Turn a qube on the left orange and extract it
* Turn the lower qube on the right side blue and the upper green
* Create a green qube so it will bounce on the orange qube
* Jump on the blue qube to get to the exit

2. Puzzle
* Turn one qube in the second-row orange and extract it
* Turn the qube next to it green and create a green qube
* Jump on the orange qube, turn the qube above it green and create a green qube
vTurn one qube on the slope blue and jump on it to get to the other side

3. Puzzle
* Move the wall panel to the right
* Turn the qube on the panel orange and extract it
* Turn the lowest qube behind you blue and the middle one green
* Create a green qube so it will bounce on the blue qube
* Turn the highest qube blue right as the green qube is in front of it to bounce it
on the orange qube
* Move the wall panel to the left and get up the ledge
* Get to the exit by turning one qube blue and walking over it

4. Puzzle
* Turn a qube on the wall panel orange and extract it
* Turn the qube above it green and create a green qube
* Move the wall panel to the left
* Turn the qube below the orange qube blue and delete the orange qube to open the door
* Use a blue qube to get up the ledge
* Move the wall panel to the right and turn one qube orange, extract it
* Turn one qube behind you green and the other one blue
* Create a green qube and jump on the blue qube to get on the orange qube
* Move the wall panel to the left and get to the exit

-=The Machine=-
The Machine isn't really a chapter, but it continues with the story.
All you have to do is activate the machine and walk to the elevator.

-=Chapter #5: Tangled
In chapter 5 you have to power the first generator of the machine!

1. Puzzle
* Turn the block above the yellow button green and crate a green qube
* Get up the stairs and tand on the blue button to get to the exit

2. Puzzle
* Stand on button 2 and turn one qube at the moving panel green
* Create a green qube so it will land on button 1
* Turn one qube on the sloping blue and jump on the platform
* Remove the green qube
* Walk through the door and get up the ledge by using a blue qube
* To get up the next ledge turn one qube green and one orange
* Create a green qube and extract the orange qube to get to the exit

3. Puzzle
* Turn the upper qube next to button 2 green and the qube below orange
* Create a green qube and extract orange qube so you can walk to the blue button
and activate it
* Turn the qube right above button 1 orange and extract it
* Turn the upper qube on the wall, right next to button one green and the other one blue
* Create a green qube and walk up the stairs to the exit

4. Puzzle
* Get up the ledge by turning one qube blue and jumping on it
* Jump into the hole and bounce to the next side using the wind
* Cross the gap by jumping in the air with a blue qube, falling into the hole and
bouncing up again with the wind
* Get up to the yellow button by using a blue qube
* Turn one qube on the platform red and extract it
* Jump on the platform and hide behind the orange qube so you don't get blown away

5. Puzzle
* Turn the upper qube on the right wall green and the lower one blue
* Turn the qube above the yellow button orange and extract it
* Create a green qube and turn one qube on the platform blue
* Jump on the blue qube to get on the orange block and up the ledge
* Stand on button 1 and wait for the panel to be all the way to the right
* Turn the whit qube green
* Run to the elevator and create a green qube right as the panel is above button 2

6. Puzzle
* Stand on button 1
* Turn one qube green and one underneath it blue
* Create a greed qube
* Stand on button 2 and wait till the wall is all the way up
* Turn one qube on the floor blue
* Walk over the blue qube and "fly" to the other side
* Activate the generator

-=Door #1=
1. Puzzle
* Turn one qube in the first-row blue and one in the row behind green
* Create a green qube and stand on Button 2
* Wait till the wall is on its lowest point and quickly jump on Button 1
* Turn the qube next to the green one orange, extract it and go behind it
(to be safe from the wind)
* Turn the qube in front of you green and remove the orange qube
* Get up the ledge by using a blue qube

2. Puzzle
* Get up to the platform using a blue qube
* Turn around and turn the qube on the roof orange, extract it
* Create a green qube above the yellow button
* After you passed the first fan, turn the qube on the other side orange and extract it

-=Door #2=-
1. Puzzle
* Stand on button 1 and turn the qube above button 2 green
* Create a green qube
* Turn the qube on the moving wall panel blue and create a new green qube
* Leave button 1 and climb up the ledge using the green qube
* Activate the blue button in case you fall
* Cross the first gap with a blue qube
* Create another green qube and turn the qube on the moving panel orange, extract it
* Get to the orange qube by jumping on a blue qube behind you
* Create a last green block, wich lands on top of the orange block

-=Door #3=-
1. Puzzle
* Turn the highest qube on the right site green and the one below that orange
* Extract the orange cube and create a green qube
* Retract, but immediately extract the orange qube to get the green qube on the edge
* Delete the orange qube
* Turn the white qube on the ground behind the green block orange and extract it
* Stand on the yellow button and wait till the panel reaches the end
* Turn the qube under the green block blue and it will open the door
* Leave the button and create a blue qube underneath the green qube
* Create a new green block to power the button
* Hide behind the orange qube and turn the qube below you blue when it reaches the end
* Get up the ledge by using blue qubes

After you power the generator, go back to the machine and enter the Door,
which leads to the second generator!

-=Chapter #6: Fragile Dreams
In chapter 6 you have to power the second generator of the machine!

1. Puzzle
* Rotate the platform once and jump on it by using a blue qube
* Cross the gap by catapulting yourself over by rotating the platform again

2. Puzzle
* Rotate platform 1 and 2 once
* Jump on platform 1 by turning one qube on the ground blue on walking over it
* Cross the gap by catapulting yourself over
* Rotate platform 1 and 2 once and jump on them by using a blue cube on the slope
vCatapult yourself over one last time to the exit

3. Puzzle
vRotate the platform once
* Stand on the first elevator and turn the highest cube green and the one below blue
* Create a green block and rotate the platform once more after you have risen
* Stand on the second elevator and create a new green block
* Rotate the platform one last time to cross the gap and get to the exit
* Lean back and listen to the story

4. Puzzle
* Turn the highest qube green and the one below that blue
* Turn the remaining qube on the wall panel orange and extract it
* Move the wall panel to the right
* Rotate the platform one
* Create a green block and walk behind it
* Move the wall panel to the left and catapult you (and the green block) onto the
orange qube
* Move the wall panel to the right and get to the exit

5. Puzzle
* Turn one cube on the floor blue
* Rotate the platform once
* Use the blue qube to jump into the hole and use the fan to bounce up the ledge
* Turn one qube one the ground blue again
* Use the blue qube to jump into the hole and use the fan to cross the gap.

Vue : 3491 fois
Mise à jour : 2018.04.11

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