112 Operator Cheat Codes

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112 Operator Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : 112 Operator Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

With cheating there’s only a few simple things you need to know:

You need to learn how to open the command screen its as easy as pressing backslash
a screen should pop up from the top.

You need to know the commands to type here are the most cheating ones.
Type these commands into the box at the bottom.

GiveMeTheMoney - This one is pretty self explained type it in and you will get
+$1,000,000,000 sweet and by far the best way to cheat.

AddReputation [amount of rep you want]

AddExperienceToAllMembers [a big number] – if your numbers bug enough you can have
instant max rank team members.

ExtinguishFire [position X] [Position Y] – Removes fire easy but you do need to have
the X and Y position of the fire sadly.

UnlockAllVehicle – The name says it all. You still have to buy them though.

Promote – You get a promotion.

AddCareerPoints [number of career points] – Adds career points.

SolveAllIncidents – Felling under it all try this.

SkipDuty – You would not dare, would you.

KillAllSuspectsOnSite – Thats one way to deal with it.

DealDamageToOnSiteSuspects – A not as OP command.

About 112 Operator

Manage emergency services in any city in the world! Take calls and dispatch rescue
forces. Handle difficult situations, now depending on the weather, and traffic.
Help the citizens through cataclysms and natural disasters, becoming a better emergency
number operator every day!

Vue : 3229 fois
Mise à jour : 2020.04.26

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