Minecraft Dungeons Cheat Codes

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Minecraft Dungeons Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Minecraft Dungeons Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Console Commands:
Any command you enter in single player will need to be prefixed by forward slash (/);
multiplayer commands will not work with this prefix. Now it’s just a simple case of
typing in the desired command and hitting the “Enter” key.

-=Item & Mob Commands=-
/give [quantity]
Adds item to player’s inventory, in specified quantity if item is stackable.

/gamerule keepInventory true
Keep your inventory items after you die, replace true with false to reverse

/summon [x y z]
Spawns the entity at the player’s location, or optional specified coordinates if entered.

-=World and Environment=-
Produces a seed code so you can recreate your world later

/setworldspawn [x y z]
Set the world spawn location to the player’s current position, or optional specified
coordinates if entered

/gamemode [player]
Sets the game mode type (use survival, creative, adventure, or spectator) for yourself
or an optional player

/gamerule [value]
Queries the value of a game rule, or amends it if an optional value is entered.
A list of rule codes is here

Sets the difficulty level (use peaceful, easy, normal, or hard)

/time set
Sets the world game time, use 0 (Dawn), 1000 (Morning), 6000 (Midday), 12000 (Dusk),
or 18000 (Night) as the value

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false
Turn off the day/night cycle, replace false with true to reactivate

/weather [duration]
Sets the weather type (use clear, rain, or thunder) for an optional duration in seconds

/gamerule doWeatherCycle false
Turn off weather changes, replace false with true to reactivate

Clones the blocks in the region between coordinates and, then places them with coordinates
in the lower northwest corner

-=Player Minecraft Dungeons Commands=-
/kill [player]
Kill yourself (or specified player)

/tp [player]
Teleport yourself (or specified player) to the coordinates entered

/effect [player|entity] [duration]
Applies the effect to the specified player or entity, for an option duration in seconds.

/effect clear [player|entity] [effect]
Clear all effects, or optionally just the specified effect, from the player or entity.

/enchant [level]
Apply the enchantment to the specified player’s selected item, at an optional level.

/experience add
Adds the stated amount of experience points to the specified player.
Put the word levels on the end to add experience levels instead

Vue : 2077 fois
Mise à jour : 2020.07.12

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