Nom du fichier : Murder House Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Complete Walkthrough Guide: --------------------------- Written by Fifty -=Prologue=- *Hug the wall to the character's right until you come to a security gate, there is space to walk crawl under it. *Hug the wall to the character's left until you find a Key near the mall's entrance. *Continue hugging the leftside wall until you come to another security fence. *Use the Key on it. *It's finicky so walk along the gate and use the Key until it works. *Hug the wall to the character's right until you come across a door. *Walk down the hall. Go into the washroom and hide in a stall. *Go into the door in the back. Find the large door in the hall and enter. *Pick up the Flashlight. *There is a Screwdriver in this room but you may not find it in time. *Exit if you hear a sound. *It should be safe to return by the time you find the room with the lockers. *Go back and get the Screwdriver. *It's hidden away in a small hallway near the TV. *In the room with the lockers, find the showers and open the very last curtain. *Use the Screwdriver on the drain cover and get a Key. *Right across from the showers is a locker you can interact with. *Use the Key on it. It's empty but there is a number written on the door - 5534. *Return to the hallway where you found the large door. *Across from it is another door with a Keypad. *Enter the code. *Hide under the desk. -=Creepy House=- *Go to the back of the house. Enter the small basement window. *Find the stairs. Open the front door. *Go to the van and bring in the cases. *Go upstairs find the bedroom. In the dresser by the bed in a Fuse. *Pick up the Pencil on the floor as well. *Return to the basement. Near the window to your left is a fusebox. *Use the Fuse on it. *In the kitchen you can find a Pencil in the cabinet near the stove. *On the table is a letter. *Return to the group. *Go to the basement and talk to Dana. *Go to the kitchen and get the MUG in the table. *Use the MUG in the kitchen sink. Give the filled mug to Dana. *She will give you a Key. *Run through the door at the cue. *Return upstairs. Use the Small Key on the door underneath the stairs. *Pick up the Flashlight. Pick up the Pencil. *Equip the flashlight and go to the basement. *In the dark room there is a Crowbar lying on a sofa. *Use the crowbar on the dryer. You will find a Door Knob. *Go to the kitchen and use the Door Knob on the door by the fridge. *Pick up the Fire Poker. *Exit the building and go to the van. Read the note. *Go upstairs and talk to Gary. *Go to the basement and talk to Tom. He will give you a LARGE Key. *Go upstairs. I recommend you save. -=Murder House=- *Go upstairs to the group. *Run down the hall and up more stairs. Use the large Key on the door. *If you lose health here, reload. You will want all the health you can get. *Search the dresser. Get a Letter Opener. *Go downstairs and investigate the head. You will get the Death Egg. *Exercise caution from now on. *There are several places you can use the letter opener. *In the kitchen near the sink is a cabinet. Here is a First Aid Kit. *Try not to use it. *In the room with the lamps is a cabinet at the end of the room. *Inside is a Gun. Do not use it. *Same room, the dresser. There is a Pencil. *Go to the basement and find the room with the mattresses on the floor. *Near the doorway across from the mattresses is a tucked away cabinet. *Use the letter opener on it to get a Magnet. *Return to the living room upstairs and use the magnet on the hole in the floor. *It's in the corner. *You will get a Key. *Use the Medium Key on the door upstairs in the hall. Go inside. *Pick up the Black Light. *Go to the attic. Use the black light on the lightbulb. *Investigate the room and interact with the cabinet. *Go in. *Use the letter opener in the cabinet at the end of the hallway. *You will get Pistol Ammo. *You should reload your gun now so you don't have to do it later. *Enter the rooms and read the notes. *In one of the rooms is a skeleton on the floor tied with rope. *Take the Rope. *Go to the kitchen. Interact with the camera and get the Tape. *Go upstairs and return to the room you found the black light. *Collect the Egg from the body. *Go to the bedroom with the TV and use the tape. *In the same room use the rope in the large cabinet. *Go inside. Open the shower and get the Egg. *There is a cabinet in the wall. Inside you will find Bandages. *Go into the room with the piano. *The hint for this puzzle is "8 8 8 3 5 5 3 12 12 10 10 8" *Ignore the black Keys and count the white Keys. *So instead of 12 there is 7. *Play "5 5 5 2 3 3 2 7 7 6 6 5" *You will get an Egg. *Put all the eggs in the basket in this room. *I recommend you save. -=Final Confrontation=- *Go downstairs and return to the torture room hallway. *A door will be open. *If you don't know how to use the fire poker yet, practice getting it out quickly and using it. *Equip the gun. Go up and walk to the exit. *You will want to start shooting immediately. Count your fire. *When you run out of bullets, keep your distance. *You will have time to reload when he is attacking. *When you run out of ammo again, keep your distance until you can switch to the fire poker. *Use the first aid kit when needed. *Switch to your other gun when you run out of ammo. Continue shooting him. *Use the fire poker as a last resort. *Be Kind, Rewind. Escape the Murder House. *Tape Master. Reach the special thanks in the credits. -=Cleanup=- *Helpless Victim. Get caught in the prologue. *Massacred! Get killed as Emma. |
Vue : 2467 fois |
Mise à jour : 2020.12.01 |
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