Nom du fichier : X-COM - Enemy Unknown Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Hidden Heroes: -------------- Change the Name of a Hero to one of the following. This can be done from Barrack under View Soldiers, clicking a Soldier, then going to customize. It can also be done from the customize menu on the deploy screen. Note, using one of these heroes will disable achievements. Code Effect ----------------------------------------------- Joe Kelly - Unlock Joe Kelly/ Heavy. Ken Levine - Unlock Ken Levine/ Sniper. Otto Zander - Unlock Otto Zander/ Assault. Sid Meier - Unlock Sid Meier/ Support. Chris Kluwe - Unlock Chris Kluwe - Sniper. Developer Mode Unlocker: ------------------------- Submitted by: Arjan van Aalzum The developer mode is a hidden feature of XCOM: Enemy Unknown that can be activated by modifying two bytes in the game executable. By enabling DevMode, access to the game console is acquired, from which you can enter various cheat codes and other commands to customize your game. Features: * Developer Console * Additional game menus and play modes Instructions: 1. Download and install a Hex Editor (ex. XVI32 - free) 2. Backup your game executable (Binaries/Win32/XcomGame.EXE) 3. Open game executable with Hex Editor 4. Find & Replace Sequence: 44 24 08 C7 00 01 00 00 00 C2 08 00 8B 4C 24 08 with: 44 24 08 C7 00 00 00 00 00 C2 08 00 8B 4C 24 08, and: C7 01 01 00 00 00 C2 08 00 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC with: C7 01 00 00 00 00 C2 08 00 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 5. Save & Play! Console Key: Backslash PRE-PATCHED DOWNLOADS: FLT Version: FLT with UPD1: Backup game executable (Binaries/Win32/XcomGame.EXE), then unpack the contents overwriting the original files. Console Commands: Here's a list for GiveResource and GiveItem safe commands. Uncomment anything you like. A lot of items require to be researched first. Use GiveTech or GiveFoundry for easier testing. takenodamage GOD Mode (applies to whole squad) unlimitedmoves Grants unlimited moves & attacks (applies to whole squad) givepsiperks gives full psi spectrum to selected unit sethp set the number of hit points for selected unit setrockets change number of rockets available to Heavy teleporttocursor teleport selected unit to mouse pointer location teleportalltocursor teleport whole squad to mouse pointer location resetactions reset actions for whole squad resetunitmovement reset movement for selected unit lowerpanic [countryname] lowers panic by 1 point for selected country, leave empty to lower for all countries (NOTE: countryname must be typed in the format: Austalia, France, Germany, etc.) InfiniteGrenades toggle infinite nades for selected soldier (does not work after pool is exhausted or on aliens) SwapTeamsOnNearestUnit swap team for unit closest to mouse cursor (i.e. takeover aliens or turn soldiers into enemies) - Very Cool! ResetAmmo reset ammo for current unit *GiveResource [resource] [amount] Add specified resource to inventory **GiveItem [item] [amount] Add specified item to inventory toggleghostmode enemies will not notice you forcecriticalwound soldiers will always be critically injured instead of dying - note: may not work on melee attacks (cryssalid, beserker) resetunitmovement reset selected soldier's movement togglefow removes fog of war killaliens kills all aliens killalienswithincursorradius [meters] kills all aliens within specified radius near the mouse pointer killnearestalien kills alien nearest to mouse pointer levelupbarracks [num] promotes all soldiers in barracks by [num] ranks * Resource types: money, elerium, alloys, engineers, scientists ** Item types: RESOURCES WeaponFragment WEAPONS LaserPistol, LaserAssaultRifle, LaserAssaultGun, HeavyLaser, LaserSniperRifle, PlasmaPistol, PlasmaLightRifle, PlasmaAssaultRifle, AlloyCannon, HeavyPlasma, PlasmaSniperRifle, BlasterLauncher ARMOR ArmorCarapace, ArmorSkeleton, ArmorTitan, ArmorArchangel, ArmorGhost, ArmorPsi), items (Medikit, CombatStims, MindShield, ChitinPlating, ArcThrower, TargetingModule, ReinforcedArmor TANKS SHIV, SHIV_Alloy, SHIV_Hover AIRCRAFTS Interceptor, Firestorm AIRCRAFT WEAPONS IntWeap_I for Phoenix, IntWeap_II for Avalanche, IntWeap_III for Laser Cannon, IntWeap_IV for Plasma Cannon, IntWeap_V for EMP Cannon, IntWeap_VI for Fusion Lance AIRCRAFT CONSUMABLES IntConsumable_Dodge, IntConsumable_Boost, IntConsumable_Hit SATELLITES Satellite CORPSES SectoidCorpse, SectoidCommanderCorpse, FloaterCorpse, FloaterHeavyCorpse, ThinManCorpse, MutonCorpse, MutonEliteCorpse, BerserkerCorpse, CyberdiscCorpse, EtherealCorpse, CryssalidCorpse, SectopodCorpse, DroneCorpse CAPTIVES SectoidCaptive, SectoidCommanderCaptive, FloaterCaptive, FloaterHeavyCaptive, ThinManCaptive, MutonCaptive, MutonEliteCaptive, BerserkerCaptive, EtherealCaptive COLLECTIBLES UFONavigation, UFOPowerSource SPECIAL ITEMS Base_Shard, Skeleton_Key, HyperwaveBeacon, PsiLink, UFOFusionLauncher // GiveTech // GiveFoundry // ***** RESOURCES ***** // GiveResource Money 1000 // GiveResource Elerium 1000 // GiveResource Alloys 1000 // GiveResource Engineers 1000 // GiveResource Scientists 1000 // GiveItem WeaponFragment 10000 // ***** WEAPONS ***** // GiveItem LaserPistol 100 // GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 100 // GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 100 // GiveItem HeavyLaser 100 // GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 100 // GiveItem PlasmaPistol 100 // GiveItem PlasmaLightRifle 100 // GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 100 // GiveItem AlloyCannon 100 // GiveItem HeavyPlasma 100 // GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 100 // GiveItem BlasterLauncher 100 // ***** ARMOR ***** // GiveItem ArmorCarapace 100 // GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 100 // GiveItem ArmorTitan 100 // GiveItem ArmorArchangel 100 // GiveItem ArmorGhost 100 // GiveItem ArmorPsi 100 // ***** ITEMS ***** // GiveItem Medikit 100 // GiveItem CombatStims 100 // GiveItem MindShield 100 // GiveItem ChitinPlating 100 // GiveItem ArcThrower 100 // GiveItem TargetingModule 100 // GiveItem ReinforcedArmor 100 // ***** TANKS ***** // Spawns with the best available weapon equipped // GiveItem SHIV 1 // GiveItem SHIV_Alloy 1 // GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1 // ***** AIRCRAFTS ***** // Spawns in HQ's hangar even if there's not enough capacity // GiveItem Interceptor 1 // GiveItem Firestorm 1 // ***** AIRCRAFT WEAPONS ***** // I Phoenix Cannon, II Avalanche Missiles, III Laser Cannon, IV Plasma Cannon, // V EMP Cannon, VI Fusion Lance // GiveItem IntWeap_I 10 // GiveItem IntWeap_III 10 // GiveItem IntWeap_IV 10 // GiveItem IntWeap_V 10 // GiveItem IntWeap_VI 10 // ***** AIRCRAFT CONSUMABLES ***** // GiveItem IntConsumable_Dodge 100 // GiveItem IntConsumable_Boost 100 // GiveItem IntConsumable_Hit 100 // ***** SATELLITES ***** // GiveItem Satellite 100 // ***** CORPSES ***** // GiveItem SectoidCorpse 100 // GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 100 // GiveItem FloaterCorpse 100 // GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 100 // GiveItem ThinManCorpse 100 // GiveItem MutonCorpse 100 // GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 100 // GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 100 // GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 100 // GiveItem EtherealCorpse 100 // GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 100 // GiveItem SectopodCorpse 100 // GiveItem DroneCorpse 100 // ***** CAPTIVES ***** // GiveItem SectoidCaptive 1 // GiveItem SectoidCommanderCaptive 1 // GiveItem FloaterCaptive 1 // GiveItem FloaterHeavyCaptive 1 // GiveItem ThinManCaptive 1 // GiveItem MutonCaptive 1 // GiveItem MutonEliteCaptive 1 // GiveItem BerserkerCaptive 1 // GiveItem EtherealCaptive 1 // ***** COLLECTIBLE RESOURCES ***** // GiveItem Elerium115 1000 // GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000 // GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000 // ***** OTHER COLLECTIBLES ***** // GiveItem AlienEntertainment 100 // GiveItem AlienFood 100 // GiveItem AlienStasisTank 100 // GiveItem UFONavigation 100 // GiveItem AlienSurgery 100 // GiveItem UFOPowerSource 100 // GiveItem DamagedAlienEntertainment 100 // GiveItem DamagedAlienFood 100 // GiveItem DamagedAlienStasisTank 100 // GiveItem DamagedUFONavigation 100 // GiveItem DamagedAlienSurgery 100 // GiveItem DamagedUFOPowerSource 100 // ***** PLOT AND SPECIAL ITEMS ***** // GiveItem Base_Shard 1 // GiveItem Skeleton_Key 1 // GiveItem HyperwaveBeacon 1 // GiveItem PsiLink 1 // GiveItem UFOFusionLauncher 1 --------------------------------------------- Best Base Setup --------------------------------------------- This is the best base setup for maximal bonus. I would recommend dedicated the entire right side of your base to laboratories and workshops, save for 1 or 2 rooms, which you will need for facilities that get no adjacency bonuses. You will need to build 6 facilities that get no adjacency bonuses (Officer Training, Alien Containment, Foundry, Psionic Labs and 2 plot facilities which cannot later be removed or moved), and 2 square blocks of 4: 2 Satellite Uplink + 2 Satellite Nexus for a total of 16 satellites (which is exactly the number of satellites you need) + 2 Power Generator + Steam Generator + Elerium Generator to power the whole thing (a base with such a layout will produce 107 power and draw 102 power; you can replace the Thermo Generator with an Elerium generator if no steam block is in a suitable location, allowing you to drop 1 Power Generator and placing one of the non-adjacent facilities there, freeing up a slot in the right wing for another lab/workshop). As you can see, 6 + 2 * 4 = 14, the number of rooms in one side of your base + 2. The 2 extra facilities will overflow into the right corner of the base, as so: You can shuffle the blocks around, what's important is that you don't put facilities that get no adjacency bonuses in such a place that it will block bonuses for facilities that do Should you ever become rich like Scrooge, you can remove 1 Power and 1 Thermo Generators and build a second Elerium Generator, allowing you to move 1 facility that get no adjacency bonuses from the right side to the left side. *Note that the laboratories have been replaced with workshops - by this point you will likely have researched everything there is to research. |
Vue : 3646 fois |
Mise à jour : 2020.12.14 |
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