Nom du fichier : XCOM Chimera Squad Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. How to Turn on the Console Mode?: --------------------------------- from Hikifroggy Bypass the launcher and run “binaries/win64/xcom.exe -allowconsole” Be careful not to go ham on the debug buttons Open console with tilde key when in savegame Commands are similar to xcom2 -=Console Commands=- GiveResource credits 100 GiveResource elerium 100 GiveResource intel 100 GiveItem Medikit 10 GiveItem VenomRounds 10 GiveItem APRounds 10 GiveItem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup 10 (Stock) GiveItem AimUpgrade_Sup 10 (Scope) GiveItem ClipsizeUpgrade_Sup 10 (Ext. Magazine) Doesn’t it work? Try these tips! Try the usual keys if you have non-US keyboard. (shift+2, ö. ´`´etc etc) Change your keyboard to en-us in windows and try the key above TAB. How do you set up the shortcut for the console? Set the shortcut to below: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe” -allowconsole -=How to bypass launcher?=- 1- Rightclick the XCOM Chimera shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the “Target”-field so that it looks something like this: “C:\Games\XCOM: Chimera\Binaries\Win64\XCom.exe” -allowconsole 2- If using Steam, right-click the game in your Library, select Properties and add it under “Set launch options”. -=Here what i did (step by step)=- 1. Go to… S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64 2. Create Short Cut of Xcom.exe 3. Xcom.exe (short cut) Right click properties 4. Copy and paste: -allowconsole in Target after Xcom.exe Target Example: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe -allowconsole 5. Should work! Note: Yours might be C: instead of S: for Hard Drive. Full Cheat List: ---------------- Written by Zombie Lenin For those that do want to go heavy on the cheats, here is the full list: [XComGame.XComCheatManager] bNoStepInDelay=false [XComCheatManager.CommandSets] Name=UnlockEverything Command=SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree on Command=SetNoWeaponsTech Command=SetNoWeaponsClass Name=DumpResources Command=fquery -class=StaticMesh -summary Command=fquery -class=SkeletalMesh -summary Command=fquery -class=ParticleSystem -summary Name=WinHQAssault Command=set xcomwavesystem m_benabled false Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true Command=killaliens Name=WinDemo Command=set seqact_delayvictory bNoLongerDelayed true Command=killaliens Name=LateGame Command=SetMonth 6 Command=GiveFacility OTS Command=GiveFacility Foundry Command=GiveFacility PsiLabs Command=GiveFacility EleriumGenerator Command=GiveCash 20000 Command=GiveItem Elerium115 1000 Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 1000 Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 1000 Command=GiveResource Engineers 50 Command=GiveResource Scientists 50 Command=GiveTech Xenobiology Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials Command=GiveTech PsiLabs Command=GiveTech Exp_Warfare Command=GiveTech Elerium Command=GiveTech PsiArmor Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan Command=GiveTech Armor_Ghost Command=GiveTech Armor_ArchAngel Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle Command=GiveTech Plasma_Heavy Command=GiveTech Plasma_Sniper Command=GiveTech Alloy_Cannon Command=GiveTech BlasterLauncher Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoidCommander Command=GiveTech InterrogateBerserker Command=GiveTech InterrogateThinMan Command=GiveTech InterrogateHeavyFloater Command=GiveTech InterrogateMutonElite Command=GiveTech InterrogateEthereal Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid Command=GiveTech AutopsyFloater Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie Command=GiveTech AutopsyCyberdisc Command=GiveTech AutopsyBerserker Command=GiveTech AutopsyHeavyFloater Command=GiveTech AutopsyMutonElite Command=GiveTech AutopsyDrone Command=GiveTech AutopsySectopod Command=GiveTech AutopsyEthereal Command=GiveTech AutopsyMechtoid Command=GiveTech AutopsySeeker Command=Levelupbarracks 7 Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6 Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6 Command=GiveItem AlloyCannon 6 Command=GiveItem HeavyPlasma 6 Command=GiveItem PlasmaSniperRifle 6 Command=GiveItem BlasterLauncher 6 Command=GiveItem MecKineticArm 6 Command=GiveItem MecFlameThrower 6 Command=GiveItem MecGrenadeLauncher 6 Command=GiveItem MecRestorativeMist 6 Command=GiveItem MecElectroPulse 6 Command=GiveItem MecProximityMineLauncher 6 Command=GiveItem ParticleBeam 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorArchangel 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorGhost 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorPsi 6 Command=GiveItem Medikit 6 Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6 Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6 Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 6 Command=GiveItem FlashBang 6 Command=GiveItem GhostGrenade 6 Command=GiveItem GasGrenade 6 Command=GiveItem NeedleGrenade 6 Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6 Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6 Command=GiveItem SHIV_Hover 1 Command=GiveItem SHIVPlasma 1 Command=GiveItem SHIVDeck_III 1 Command=GiveItem MecArmor3_Flamethrower_Grenade_ProximityMine 1 Command=GiveItem SectoidCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem SectoidCommanderCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem FloaterCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem FloaterHeavyCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem ThinManCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem MutonCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem MutonEliteCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem BerserkerCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem CyberdiscCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem EtherealCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem CryssalidCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem SectopodCorpse 10 Command=GiveItem DroneCorpse 10 Name=EarlyMidGame Command=SetMonth 3 Command=GiveFacility OTS Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 Command=GiveResource Engineers 15 Command=GiveResource Scientists 15 Command=GiveTech Xenobiology Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid Command=GiveTech Laserweapons Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Command=Levelupbarracks 3 Command=GiveItem Medikit 3 Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3 Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 Name=LateMidGame Command=SetMonth 5 Command=GiveFacility OTS Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 Command=GiveResource Engineers 15 Command=GiveResource Scientists 15 Command=GiveTech Xenobiology Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid Command=GiveTech Laserweapons Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Command=Levelupbarracks 5 Command=GiveItem Medikit 3 Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3 Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton Command=GiveTech Armor_Titan Command=GiveTech Plasma_Pistol Command=GiveTech Plasma_Rifle Command=GiveTech InterrogateFloater Command=GiveTech InterrogateMuton Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers Command=GiveTech AutopsyThinMan Command=GiveTech AutopsyMuton Command=GiveTech AutopsyCryssalid Command=GiveTech AutopsyZombie Command=GiveItem PlasmaPistol 6 Command=GiveItem PlasmaAssaultRifle 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorTitan 6 Command=GiveItem CombatStims 6 Command=GiveItem ChitinPlating 6 Command=GiveItem AlienGrenade 6 Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 6 Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3 Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3 Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun Name=MidGame Command=SetMonth 4 Command=GiveFacility OTS Command=GiveItem AlienAlloys 50 Command=GiveItem WeaponFragment 25 Command=GiveResource Engineers 15 Command=GiveResource Scientists 15 Command=GiveTech Xenobiology Command=GiveTech WeaponFragments Command=GiveTech AlienMaterials Command=GiveTech AutopsySectoid Command=GiveTech Laserweapons Command=GiveTech Armor_Carapace Command=GiveTech Armor_Skeleton Command=GiveTech InterrogateSectoid Command=GiveTech ArcThrower Command=GiveTech PrecisionLasers Command=GiveTech HeavyLasers Command=Levelupbarracks 4 Command=GiveItem Medikit 3 Command=GiveItem TargetingModule 3 Command=GiveItem ArcThrower 1 Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultRifle 3 Command=GiveItem LaserSniperRifle 3 Command=GiveItem HeavyLaser 3 Command=GiveItem LaserAssaultGun 3 Command=GiveItem LaserPistol 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorCarapace 6 Command=GiveItem ArmorSkeleton 3 Name=ExaltRaid Command=ExaltBeginSimulation Command=ExaltGiveNextClue Command=ExaltGiveNextClue Command=ExaltGiveNextClue Command=ForceMission_URB_HighwayConstruction_CaptureandHold Command=ExaltDebugPrint How to Replace Agent Ranks: --------------------------- By Shiuoka A down and dirty guide on how to replace agent ranks in Chimera Squad. How to edit XCOM: Chimera Squad - How to Replace Agent Ranks I’m sure there is an easier way to do this but this is how I have always done while playing XCom games. 1. Find where you installed XCOM Chimera Squad it should look something like this: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\ replace the D:\ with whatever your drive letter is “C:\” 2. Then go into the following dirs “XComGame\Localization\INT” and find the file and open in your text editor. 3. Once the file is opened search for the following lines: [X2ExperienceConfig] RankNames[0]=”Agent Cadet” RankNames[1]=”Deputy Agent” RankNames[2]=”Field Agent” RankNames[3]=”Special Agent” RankNames[4]=”Senior Agent” RankNames[5]=”Principal Agent” ShortNames[0]=”Cdt.” ShortNames[1]=”Dep.” ShortNames[2]=”Fld.” ShortNames[3]=”Spec.” ShortNames[4]=”Sr.” ShortNames[5]=”Pr.” Replace with whatever you want your agents called. [X2ExperienceConfig] RankNames[0]=”Jr. Field Opr.” RankNames[1]=”Field Opr.” RankNames[2]=”Sr. Field Opr.” RankNames[3]=”Chief Field Opr.” RankNames[4]=”Jr. Special Opr.” RankNames[5]=”Special Opr.” ShortNames[0]=”X0? ShortNames[1]=”X1? ShortNames[2]=”X2? ShortNames[3]=”X3? ShortNames[4]=”X4? ShortNames[5]=”X5? Resource Increase Guide: ------------------------ Written by Sirw Angel Here is a simple and quick guide how to have more resources in the game just by modifying some values we will have almost the mountain all the xcom players we would like to have when starting the game. -=Modify Values of Resources=- First we are going, to go where we have installed, our game an example, I have, it installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\XComGame\Config After going the settings folder we will look for the following file called "DefaultGameData.ini" Now we, are going to open it with our best favorite, editor. I use notepad ++ or it can be the simple or notepad. Now we put our codes in our editor to search for these codes to modify them in the search engine are 4. XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[0]=175 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[1]=175 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[2]=175 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[3]=175 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[0]=50 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[1]=30 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[2]=40 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[3]=60 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[0]=0 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[1]=0 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[2]=0 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[3]=0 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[0]=0 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[1]=0 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[2]=0 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[3]=0 ;Impossible What we are going to do here is change the values an example would be like this: XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[0]=175 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[1]=175 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[2]=3000 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueSupplies[3]=4000 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[0]=50 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[1]=30 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[2]=40 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueIntel[3]=5000 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[0]=0 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[1]=0 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[2]=0 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueAlienAlloys[3]=6000 ;Impossible XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[0]=0 ;Easy XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[1]=0 ;Normal XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[2]=0 ;Classic XComHeadquarters_StartingValueEleriumCrystals[3]=6000;Impossible These are the difficulties of the game depending on which you have made the value changes, the resources will be placed. Very well now we will only have to start a new campaign in the game and the modification will be ready! Time Increase Guide: -------------------- Written by Sirw Angel Here is something familiar in this code that I had already seen before in XCOM 2 is the time that is required before everything can end and we have to restart the game, there is a way to get much more time in the game. How to Get More Time in XCOM: Chimera Squad Before Our Contandor Reaches This is going to be, very simple, just look at the original code and, the small modification, that I made, you can copy and paste that code in the DefaultGameData.ini file located right here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ XCOM-Chimera-Squad \ XComGame \ Config Open it with your favorite, text editor, save the modification or you can adjust the value of the setting yourself. -=Original values=- AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[0]=0 ;Easy AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[0]=12 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[1]=0 ;Normal AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[1]=12 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[2]=0 ;Classic AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[2]=12 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[3]=0 ;Impossible AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[3]=12 -=Modified values=- AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[0]=0 ;Easy AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[0]=90 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[1]=0 ;Normal AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[1]=90 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[2]=0 ;Classic AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[2]=90 AlienHeadquarters_DoomStartValue[3]=0 ;Impossible AlienHeadquarters_DoomMaxValue[3]=90 You just have to modify those settings or copy and paste and ready to start a new campaign, and voila will take effect! Cheat Codes (Console Commands): ------------------------------- How to Activate the Console First, go to the folder: ...Steam/steamapps/common/Xcom Chimera Squad/Binaries/Win64 There will be a lot of files, but you are interested in the xcom.exe file. T hen click on it (RMB) and select "Create Shortcut". Go to your desktop, click RMB on the shortcut and select "Properties". At the end of the "target" field, add the following: -allowconsole -autodebug. This should result in something like: ...Binaries\Win64\XCom.exe” -allowconsole -autodebug Note: Setting launch options in Steam does not work! -=Cheat Codes=- In the console itself, which opens when you press ~, enter the following cheat commands: God - Immortality mode. Ghost - Ghost Mode. Skipai - Skip enemy turns. Killallais - Kill all AI (including capture targets). GiveResource Credits 100 - Get 100 credits. GiveResource Elerium 100 - Get 100 elerium. GiveResource Intel 100 - Get 100 intelligence. GiveItem Medikit 10 - Get 10 med kits. GiveItem VenomRounds 10 - Get 10 poison ammo. GiveItem APRounds 10 - Get 10 armor-piercing rounds. GiveItem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup 10 - Give 10 Superior Stocks. GiveItem AimUpgrade_Sup 10 - Give 10 Superior Scopes. GiveItem ClipsizeUpgrade_Sup 10 (Ext. Magazine) - Get 10 extended stores. GivemeTonsOfResources - Get 10,000 credits, elerium and intelligence each. GiveXP [Character Name] 500 - Give 500 experience to [Character Name]. You can enter the name of other items and indicate the desired quantity. Here are a few other things: AutokeyCard 1 - Automatic Key Card. BreachingCharge - Explosives for penetration. CeasefireGrenade - Disorientation Grenade. FlashbangGrenade - Light Noise Grenade. SmokeGrenade - Smoke Grenade. TracerRounds - Precision Bullets. TranqRounds - Sleeping Bullets. |
Vue : 1756 fois |
Mise à jour : 2021.04.24 |
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