Nom du fichier : Stormbound Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Tips and Tricks for New Players: -------------------------------- Written by Toxicdolfin These are just a few suggestions and strategies that can help those who are new to the game. While I may not be the best player, I find these useful in climbing the ranks quickly. -=Introduction= Stormbound is a great game for all levels of player skill. however, there are many tips and tricks to the game that many players may not see if theyre new to the game. This is a guide for those who are new to the game and want to succeed early. -=Choosing a Kingdom=- There are (currently at time of posting) 4 kingdoms to choose from for each deck you create, each with a specialty and strategy set. The first thing to take into account is your own playstyle if youve played similar games; whether you like to rush a win, play the long game, swarm and overwhelm, etc. Obviously the random cards you get will be the main factor in your deck decision but you may find that even with lower level cards you can do better with a different deck. Each kingdom is made up of 3 unit types (one of which is always dragons) the two types each have a playstyle specific to them but a mix and match of each type can be especially lethal to your opponent. Look through the cards in each deck type and look for a pattern in each unit type. For example, you may find that you like the toad unit strategy of poisoning but dislike the raven units absorbing strength from other units. Once you choose a kingdom it is up to you to find a build that works for you. Remember, what you dont fill with kingdom cards you'll fill with neutral cards so choose wisely. -=The Swarm of the East=- -=Overview=- The first kingdom is the swarm of the east. This deck set is popular with players and has been described as overpowered by many in the mobile forums. While this deck set is extremely formidable in the hands of veteran players, is does have it's weaknesses. This deck set is made up of the undead and satyr unit types along with dragons. These cards specialize in quickly moving across the board and dealing direct damage to the opponent. When players discuss rushing they are usually refering to these swarm decks. The cards range from 1-6 mana and are usually low in strength. They capitalize on their abilities and the amount of spaces they can move upon placement. Players should build their deck with the idea of ending the ASAP in mind. pack your deck with high movement cards with low mana costs so you can beat opponents within the first 10~ish turns. If you keep your opponent from advancing, you keep control of the board. -=Quick tips=- * Advance quickly and set "fort of ebonrock" near their base to keep you close and keep them back. * The "Execution" spell is great at destroying any opponent progress quickly. * The "Needle blast" spell does direct damage as well as unit damage so keep that handy. * "Herald's hymn" can easily be used to instantly win if you have a strong enough unit(s) bordering the enemy base. * Us e the "call for aid" spell on a unit bordering the enemy base to quickly limit their space to play more cards. -=Weaknesses=- The only weaknesses I have seen this deck being vulnerable to are the poison and swarming nature of shadowfen cards. Poison rips through low strength units and can cripple you if enough units are poisoned each turn. The structures "Trueshot post" and "seige assembly" can also be troublesome if you can't get your opponent on the defensive early enough so be careful when opponents use Ironclad decks. -=The Winter Pact=- -=Overview=- This deck is my personal favorite so pardon my bias. The Winter pact is a deck set specializing in mana use and stopping power. This deck set is great for players looking for a slow victory. Unit cards for the winter pact tend to be on the high side with over half of the cards costing more than 5 mana. Don't start a match using this deck unless you've got time to spare. The Winter pact is a deck that builds like a snowball rolling down a hill; the longer you're alive the harder you are to beat. The Winter pact is made up of frostlings, dwarves, and a healthy amount of spells. Frostlings make use of the freezing spells for stopping and eliminating enemy units. Dwarf cards are based around giving strength to other units. Most players I've encountered will base their decks around frostlings rather than dwarves dues to dwarves costing more mana. Along with the unit types, the spells consist of freezing, enemies, destroying/damaging frozen enemies, and gaining mana. The most successful strategy is to make constant use of freezing and damaging. You can easily clear enemies off the board in a single turn with the right combination of cards. The key is to freeze and push back over and over while building up your units where they cant be damaged next turn. -=Quick tips=- * Count out your potential damage and think ahead for what you can use on the next turn. * Place useful structures directly in front of frozen enemies so they're less likely to be damaged the next turn. * Keep "Freebooters" in your deck for longer games when you have more mana than you can actually use. * Freezing is a great way to stop "Mech Workshop". * Freezing can stop progress of a whole column. -=Weaknesses=- The winter pact is definitly vulnerable to quick rushes from swarm decks. Mobility is not a winterpact strength so if you're best chance is to try and outlast your opponent even if it means being on the defensive for a while. The units "Finite loopers", "Shady ghoul", and "Azure hatchers" are the archenemy of any freezing effect since they spawn an additional unit(s) on death so do not waste freezing on those units specifically. -=The Ironclad Union=- Overview This is a great starter deck type due to it's over-all useful cards. The Ironclad union is a deck that fully makes use of structures and unit placement malipulation. This deck is simple to use but takes a fair amount of stategy to beat more complex decks. This is a well balanced deck for both offensive and defensive which makes it hard to beat at higher levels. Made up of constructs and rodents, the Ironclad union can be hard to beat once structures are put down. Constructs are all about staying alive as long as possible while constantly being on the offensive. On the otherhand, Rodents are designed to push or pull opponent units. This can keep your opponent on the defensive while you continue merciless offense. Your ace in the hole is "Mech workshop" a structure that spawns a new unit each turn is insanely hard to beat if youre on the defensive. Push your opponent back to the base and when you know they can't reach you and place "Mech workshop" for a devistating blow. After that point your opponent will be fighting an uphill battle; they will be, as I call it, "Fighting the river". -=Quick tips=- * The structure "Fort of Ebonrock" is insanely valuable for defense. * Do not cover more than 3 of your base bordering spaces with structures! You need a space to spawn units if you need to. * The spell "execution" is helpful to create the start of an offensive attack. * Stack multiple "seige assembly" structures in the same column for massive damage. * Use structures to keep from being pushed back. * "Crazy Bombers" is your best friend when attacking or defending. -=Weaknesses=- "Execution" is your structures' biggest threat; easily undoing progress before they ever get to activate. Low strength units spawned from toad units can gum-up your offensive and block "mech workshop" from spawning units for multiple turns. The most lethal threats are the conversion effects of both "Blood ministers" and "Curse of Strings" these can turn the tide of an offensive back into a defensive. -=The Tribes of Shadowfen=- -=Overview=- The final of the 4 kingdoms is quite a tricky beast. The Trbes of the shadowfen is a deck set I would not recommend to start off with due to their most useful cards not being useful at low levels. This deck is the only one to use poison and conversion to their advantage; this creates numerous different strategies types you can make use of. The deck is made up of toads (which make use of the poison mechanic) and the ravens (which can steal strength from enemies and sometimes allies). The conversion effect is limited to one spell and one unit; "Curse of strings" and "blood ministers" respecivly. The toads are best used to fill up the board quickly to limit enemy movement and advance yourself quickly early in the match. Ravens are great for taking strong oppenents and using their own strength against them; even a weak raven unit can be very effective when faced with a high strength enemy units. the poison mechanic, while effective, takes time and is best used on high strength units and then attacking with "Amberhides". Finally, the conversion mechanic is best used when facing multiple low level units or one high strength unit. -=Quick tips=- * Keep your cards leveled up to get the maximum use out of them. * Poison (unless stated) doesn't damage until your opponents next turn so keep that in mind. * Poisoned units with 1 strength won't advance or damage units in front of them. * Converting poisoned units does not negate poison. -=Weaknesses=- Shadowfen cards lack base strength so youll have to add highg strength neutral cards to fill in the gaps. Cards that do scattered damage such as "Bladestorm" "Needleblast" can cripple your advances and destroy all your low strength units. Stopping swarm decks can be hard especially if youre stuck with low strength cards. |
Vue : 1390 fois |
Mise à jour : 2021.05.30 |
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