Nom du fichier : Grand Theft Auto 5 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC] |
changes from 0.9: -fixed autodrive for both Ped/Bodyguards and Player -added the three playermodels in modelselection for bodyguards -added 23 missing peds -fixed never wanted to not flash stars -fixed freeze wanted level -Vehicle mod menu will now retrieve text for mods from the game -fixed issue with nearest ped stuff picking up player (Michael), shouldn't happen anymore -moved Gogo Blista to right category -added menusound and disablemenuwrap -added car seat belt as well as bike seat belt, both are automatically enabled when cargodmode is enabled -added scenarios for bodyguard/peds and player -fixed siren when car god mode was enabled. -leave engine running -save settings function -make current weapon invisible -added ability to change some keybinds such as vehicle speedup/stop, vehicle rockets, next track,indicators -added ability to change to default station using Num * key. -ability to stop driving afer waypoint is reached -Special God mode makes a return, second options page -various other bug fixes changes from 1.0: -Added a few missing weapon attachments (Heavy Shotgun and Marksman Rifle) -fixed bug with special godmode not setting health correctly at startup and fixed still being able to die -added more animations, trainer now has a total of 21.881 animations. -added keybinds for Clear Wanted Level, Spawn Attacking Driver/Ped, Teleport to Waypoint, Teleport to Marker, Car Alarm, Move trhough doors, and explode nearest car. -added...... |
List of Weather types: 0 Extra Sunny 1 Clear 2 Neutral 3 Smog 4 Foggy 5 Overcast 6 Clouds 7 Clearing 8 Rain 9 Thunder 10 Snow 11 Blizzard 12 Light Snow 13 X-mas 14 Halloween List of Bodyguard/Ped Task: 0 Combat 1 Die 2 Drive 3 Flee Player 4 Hands Up 5 Look at Player 6 Stand Still 7 Use Mobile Phone, Stand Still 8 Use Mobile Phone and Walk 9 Walk 10 Follow List of Radio Stations: 0 Los Santos Rock Radio 1 Non Stop Pop FM 2 Radio Los Santos 3 Channel X 4 West Coast Talk Radio/Blaine County Radio 5 Rebel Radio 6 Soulwax FM 7 East Los FM 8 West Coast Classics 9 The Music Locker 10 Blue Ark 11 Worldwide FM 12 Flylo FM 13 The Lowdown 91.1 14 The Lab 15 Radio Mirror Park 16 Kult FM 17 Space 103.2 18 Vinewood Boulevard Radio 19 Blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM 20 Los Santos Underground Radio 21 iFtruit Radio 22 Self Radio 23 Still Slipping Los Santos 24 Radio-Off List of Weapons: 0 Parachute 1 Unarmed 2 Knife 3 Night Stick 4 Hammer 5 Baseball Bat 6 Crowbar 7 Bottle 8 Golf Club 9 Antique Cavalry Dagger 10 Hatchet 11 Pistol 12 Combat Pistol 13 Pistol .50 14 Heavy Pistol 15 Vintage Pistol 16 AP Pistol 17 Stun Gun 18 SNS Pistol 19 Flare Gun 20 Pump Shotgun 21 Sawed-Off Shotgun 22 Bullpup Shotgun 23 Assault Shotgun 24 Musket 25 Heavy Shotgun 26 Double Barrel Shotgun 27 Micro SMG 28 SMG 29 Assault SMG 30 MG 31 Combat MG 32 Gusenberg Sweeper 33 Assault ...... |
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Simple Trainer for GTA v13.3 [SP Only] Copy files from folder Simple Trainer for GTA V 10.2 to the game folder Changes from 13.2 Recording UI updated (compatbility with latest patch). added 18 Vehicles 17 with Crewemblem. added 24 Peds (mpheist4 + MP Tuner Peds). added 792 Objects (Objects60). added 5680 animations (MP Tuner Animations). added 8 voices and 2113 Speeches. added 17 T-shirts + one hair style. added 10 cutscenes. added 16 Timecycles. added MP Tuner Teleports, with 6 teleport locations, including customizable Tuner Garage. to change radio in Tuner Garage, proceed to the door that won't open :) added option for Low Grip Tyres in Vehicle Mod Menu (Benny). added option for Lower Vehicle in Vehicle Mod Menu (Benny). added option for Weapons Explosive Multiplier (Weapons Menu). |
Téléchargé : 1646 fois |
Mise à jour : 2021.07.25 |
Vue : 1646 fois |
Mise à jour : 2021.07.25 |
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