Nom du fichier : Teamfight Manager Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Challenges: ----------- Written by puppeht A list of some bonus challenges to increase the difficult/add variety to your Teamfight Manager runs. Some of these are pretty difficult early because of the low amount of champions. If you cannot legally achieve them in a match, you must surrender. -=Nuzlocke=- The OG. You can only recruit one player per recruitment period. At the end of a split (patch note day), if a player has a negative condition, they must be fired. Since deaths arent tracked, its a little difficult to make a nuzlocke so this is the best I could come up with. -=Metalocke=- You cannot draft any champions above xx% winrate. My suggestion is 55% or 50%. You have to make due with weaker champions. -=Picklocke=- You cannot draft any champions played in the previous game. Alternatively, you cannot draft any champions which you previously drafted in the previous game. You have to adapt your draft style more, rather than just drafting devil every game. -=Masterylocke=- You cannot draft any champions which your team has not mastered. Better spend those training points. -=Amasterylocke=- You cannot draft any champions which your team has mastered. If its not possible, you can draft them and make them be played on a player without that mastery. BONUS: You must have 4 champions mastered on every player. -=Rolelocke=- Select an in-game role (Warrior, Assassin, Marksman, Support, Mage). You cannot draft any champion with that role. All Player Names: ----------------- Written by puppeht Alphabetically sorted list of all 553 available player names. -=Champion Names=- Acce Ace Acorn ActScene ADD AHaHaCik Aiming Aix Akke Albis Alex Aliez Aloned Aluka Amaz Ambitiont Amnesiac An Angel Aodi Apple Archer Armut Arrow Arteezy Artstyle ashart Asura Athene Atlen Azen Babip BaDMouth BADO Balls Bangp Baolan BDDw BeBe beishang bengi BeryL Betkyo Betty Beyond BigDaddy Bigfafa bigpomelo Bin Biofrost Biubiu Bjergsen Blan Blank Bless Blitzchung BMKibler Bolulu BOSS BrokenBlade Broxah Bruce Bugi Bwipo Cabochard Canna Canyon CaoMei Caps Carzzy Chakki Chaser Chauster Chei Chovy ClearLove Clid CloudTemplar Clozer clx CoCo Cody cold Comp Condi Cool CoreJJ Cornsalad Cpt Crazy Crescent Crisp Crow Crown Cryin Cube Cult CuVeeu Cuzz Cyanidefi dade Dalonge Dandy DawN Daydream Daylight DDaHyoNi Dee Deftm Dendi Denian Diamondprox DkPhobos DLim Doinb Doran Doublelift Dove Dread Duan Duke Dyrus EdWard Effort EGM eLight Ella Eloise Envy Era Eryuk Expect Expession Fakerj Febiven Finn Firebat Firetrap Flame Flandre Flash Flurry Flyy Fng FoFo Forge Forsen fredy Froggen Frozen Funn1k Gadget GALA Garvey GBM Geguri Gemini GeneRaL Ggoong Ghost GimGoon Goblak God GoDlike Gogoing GrabbZ GraveKper GuGer Hachani Hafu Hai Haiakan Halo Hanabi Handongsuk HansSama Haro Haru Heart Helios Helper Hermes Hiro Hjarnan Hoej Hoit Homme Honbee Hoon Hope Horo HotshotGG huanfeng Humanoid Huni HyBrid Hylissang Ian iBoy Ich icon IgNar ikssu illuSioN imp Impact inSec Inspired Irony Isles j4 Jack Jackai JackeyLove Jaedong Jankos Jatt Jenkins Jensen Jesiz Jiejie JinBae Jing Jinjiao Jinoo JoJo Josedeodo JunJia Kaiser Kaiwing KaKAO Kanavi KangQui Karsa Keria Kevin Key Khanz Kid Kiin Killua Kingen Kira kish kizzles kkOma Kno Koala Kolento Kongyue Koro1 Kramer Kranich Krepo Kuroky Kuroo Kuzan Laborv Langx Larssen Lasha Lava Lee LeeN Lega Lehends Letme Ley Leyan Leza Licorice Lies Life Light Lilac Lilballz Locodoco Loda LokeN Loki Longpanda LookSam Looper LoveLing Loyal Loyan Lucky Lustboy LvMao Lwx Mac MadLife Maestro Mag MagiFelix MaHa Maizijian MakNooN Malrang ManyReason Maple MaRin Mark MasH Mataq Mattun Max May Meiko Mellisan Melody MetalKim Meteor Meteos micaO Mickey Mightybear Mikyx Milica Mills Mimaq ming Misaya Miso Missing Mission MiSTakE Mitch Mithy Mlxg MOKUZA Mole Morgan Mountain Mowgli Murdoc Muzzy Mynuts Mystic Nagne NaMei Naseongkim Natural Neirea Nemesis Ning Niqua NoFe Nolja Nomanz Noxious NS Nuclear Nuguri Odoamne Olleh Ondal OnFleek Orome owo Pajkatt Palmblad Paragon Parth Pathra Pavel Pawn Paz Peace Peanutv Pecko Pegasos Peng PerkZ Piglet PK Plex PLL Pobelter PoohManDu Portia PowerOfEvil PraYl Profit PSM Puff Puppey Pyosik QiuQiu qojqva Quad Quix Raes Ragan Raina Raoching RapidStar Rascal Raven RavWar Ray Rdu Reapered RedBert Reelo Reignover Rekkles RenieHouR Reset Reynad Ricky RingTroll Riris River RoofTopCAT Rookie Ruby Rudbeckia Rulerr Rynder Ryu s4 Saintvicious San SaNTaS Santorin Savjz SBS Scandai Scarra Scorek Scout Secret Sedoy Selfmade Seraph Seulsiho Shadow Sheepy ShiauC Shini ShowMaker Shy Sicca Silent Simbaa SingSing Skin Smebn Smlz Smoothie Sneaky Snoopeh SnowFlower sOAZ SofM Solen Solo Sooni Southwind Space Spark Spica Spirit Spize Ssong ssumday Stanley StarLast Steelo Stitch Sun SunChip SuNo Surrender Svenskeren Swift SwordArt Tactical Tally Tarzan Tay Tayo Teddyx Tempt Thal Thaldrin TheShy Tian Tom Topoon Totoro Toyz TrAce TreatZ Trick twiSta Ucal UmTi Uniboy Unified uniQFazer Untara Uzi Vander VANSKOR View Vigoss viNylCat Viper Vitamin Voyboy Wadid Wall Watch Wei WeiXiao Wicked WildTurtle Wink Wolfs Woong Wraith Wunder XBOCT Xerxe Xiaobai xiaohan Xiaohu Xiaopeng Xiaowei XinMo Xixo xiye XLB xPeke y4 Yagao Yellowpete yoky yol yumyumyu77 Yuwan yuyanjia Zefa Zeitnot Zeka Zero Zetalot Zeyzal Ziv Zoom |
Vue : 2038 fois |
Mise à jour : 2021.08.14 |
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