Fate - The Traitor Soul Cheat Codes

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Fate - The Traitor Soul Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Fate - The Traitor Soul Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

While playing the game, press [Ctrl]+[Shift] + ~, then type one of the following
codes and press [Enter] to activate the cheats:

Result Code
Extra 500,000 gold - Gold
+1,000 fame points - Fame
+ 5,000 experience points - Experience
Display red blood instead of particles - Blood
Replaces red blood with particles - Noblood
Ascend indicated number of levels - Ascend [number]
Descend indicated number of levels - Descend [number]
Full dungeon map - Discoverall
Spawn fountain that replenishes health - Fountain of Health
Spawn fountain that replenishes mana - Fountain of Mana
Spawn fountain that replenishes stamina - Fountain of Stamina
Spawn shrine that gives random positive - Shrine of Learning
Spawn statue that will give unique monster - Fate Statue
Save text desc. of current map to "maze.txt" file - Dumpmap
Spawn anvil that imbues either random positive - Magic Anvil
Gain one experience level - Levelup [number]
Gain ten experience levels and eight levels - God
Full health - Heal
Spawn large empty chest - Large Chest
Summons the given creature. - [Creature Name]
Summons the given item name. - [Item Name]

Getting any enchantment from Anvils or The Enchanter:
Find an Anvil or go to The Enchanter. Save the game and quit. Then, load the game,
and enchant any desired item. If you do not like the enchantment, do not save and
quit. Instead, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete], and close the game in the Windows
Task Manager. This will exit the game without saving.

Start the game again, and repeat the process until you get the desired effect.

How to hack:
Submitted by: Hantela

Here is how to hack the game and edit files:

Open file location of fate the traitor soul, click either:monsters,items,spells,
playernames,whatever ya wanna hack in the folder of one of those,click en-US
click the choice in that (make sure u r use notepad) then u can figure out da

Vue : 1762 fois
Mise à jour : 2021.08.23

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