Call Of Duty - Black Ops II Cheat Codes

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Call Of Duty - Black Ops II Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Call Of Duty - Black Ops II Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Better multiplayer performance:
Select the "Search Preferences" setting at the "Find Match" menu in Multiplayer mode by
clicking on it at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Change the default setting from
"Normal" to "Best" to reduce lag and improve hit detection.

Atari Easter Egg:
While playing on the Nuketown 2025 map in Multiplayer mode, shoot the heads off all
mannequins within the boundaries of the map in less than two minutes. The mannequins spawn
randomly each time. It is much easier to do this with at least one other player. If done
correctly, the large population sign with a TV screen on it in the center of the map will
change to a TV screen with a retro "Activision" logo on it. Interact with it to play four
different Atari games: H.E.R.O, Kaboom!, Pitfall, and River Raid.
Note: You will remain invincibile while playing the games.

Avenged Sevenfold Easter Egg:
Successfully complete the game, and wait until the credits end to view a cutscene with
Woods and Menendez preparing to play a concert with Avenged Sevenfold, and then another
cutscene with Woods and Menendez playing a song at the concert with Avenged Sevenfold.

Diamond camo for multiplayer guns:
Unlock the gold camo on all weapons within a group.

Quick Revive Perk:
In Tranzit mode, revive the same teammate at least fifteen times in the same round. A green
flash will appear from the revived teammate to indicate that the perk has been permanently
unlocked for use in Tranzit mode.

Nuketown 2025: Arcade games:
Shoot the heads off all the mannequins within two minutes of starting a game. Go to the
Nuketown population sign and press [Action] to play four classic Activision games.

Title Screen in Odysseus:
In Odysseus, the ninth level of the campaign, there is a large room that has a gun turret
on the ceiling in the middle of it. If you turn directly to the right of that room, there
is a staff room with a holographic table next to it. If you stand behind the table from
an angle and stare at the chairs, it looks exactly like the title screen when you start
up the screen.

Deadshot Daquiri Perk:
In Zombies Tranzit mode, get a collateral head shot with a single bullet. This perk
increases the head shot multiplier in zombies.

"Suffer With Me": Alternate ending:
When Noriega gives you the sniper rifle on the rooftop, shoot the man you are ordered to
kill, but only in the knee twice.

Avenge Sevenfold reference:
Complete the game a second time for the alternate ending. A video will play after the
credits, and the shirts will read "avengesevenfold".

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Mule Kick reference:
In the "Celerium" mission, get an assault shield when told and trade it in for a gun. You
are carrying three guns, which is the same as Mule Kick from Call Of Duty: Black Ops.

Tranzit: Hidden song:
Find the three hidden teddies. One is outside and spawns on a bench. The second teddy is in
the house at the farm on a bed. The last teddy is in town, in the bar at the third chair.
Once all of them have been activated, a song will begin playing.

Celerium: Thor's Hammer:
After you eliminate all the enemies and do the flying part, take a left and find the cliff.
Jump down and you will find a dark cave. Inside is Thor's Hammer.

Nuketown 2025: Campaign reference:
Go to the house with the bus outside. The mailbox reads "Mason", which happens to be David's

Easter Egg - Die Rise Survival Strategy:
The best way to survive a lot of rounds and not have to be trapped in a TIGHT space on the buildings,
get the Sliqiufier and head for the Buddha room. This room is so big, you can make a zombie train
and get a whole bunch of kills. As soon as you're down to your last clip on any gun, take out the
sliquifier and shoot ONCE when you have the biggest group and no more zombies can spawn. The
Sliquifier can collateral zombies taking out as much as 20-40 zombies without wasting so much ammo.
This gun is SIMILAR to the Wunderwaffle and it acts like it but this time, the zombies don't stop
and explode. They keep on going and may attack if close enough until they explode. This is now your
chance to get the Slippery when Undead trophy by killing more than 5 zombies with a single shot
from the sliquifier.

Story of this game:
Submitted by: Sudhanshu Warfighter

Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Treyarch and published
by Activision (Square Enix for Japan). It was released on November 13, 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,
and Microsoft Windows and on November 18, 2012 in North America, November 30, 2012 in Europe, and
December 20, 2012 in Japan for Wii U.

Black Ops II is the ninth game in the Call of Duty franchise of video games and a sequel to the 2010
game Call of Duty: Black Ops. Black Ops II is the first game in the Call of Duty franchise to feature
future warfare technology and the first to present branching storylines driven by player choice.
It also offers a 3D display option. A corresponding game, Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified,
will be released simultaneously on the PlayStation Vita.

Characters and Setting
The single-player campaign will feature two connected storylines, one set in the 1970s through 1980s
and the other in 2025. The protagonist of Black Ops, Alex Mason returns as the protagonist in the Cold
War section, where he will be fighting in proxy wars for the United States in the Cold War. Known
locations for this section of the game include multiple sites in Central America, Afghanistan during
the Soviet invasion and Angola. This section of the game will also see the rise to infamy of the
game's primary antagonist, Raul Menendez, a Nicaraguan narco-terrorist and the leader of "Cordis Die",
a populist movement celebrated as the champions of victims of economic inequality.[citation needed]
Mason's friend and colleague Frank Woods will also return, and narrate the story into the 2025 section
of the game. The 2025 section of the game features Alex Mason's son David as a protagonist. When a
cyberattack cripples the Chinese Stock Exchange, China bans the export of rare earth elements, which in
turn leads to a new Cold War between China and the United States. In this era, war is defined by robotics,
cyberwarfare, unmanned vehicles, and other futuristic technology. Taking advantage of this stand-off,
Menendez attempts to bring the two powers to a full-blown war by inciting conflicts between the two.
Known locations for this section of the game include Los Angeles, Singapore and Socotra, Yemen.
It has been hinted at that the side-plot of Viktor Reznov and his relationship with Alex Mason,
which began in Black Ops, will be continued in Black Ops II.

Strike Force missions
Black Ops II will be the first Call of Duty video game to feature branching storylines, in which the
player's choice affects both the current mission and in turn, the overall course of the story. Known as
"Strike Force missions", these branching storylines will appear during the 2025 storyline and will
feature permanent death. The success or failure of these missions can have ramifications for the wider
campaign storyline. Choosing one of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a fresh
campaign. Strike Force missions allow the player to control a number of different war assets, such as
unmanned aerial vehicles, jet fighters and robots. If the player dies in a Strike Force mission, the
campaign continues recording that loss, as opposed to letting the player load a previously saved
checkpoint. The player's progress in the Strike Force missions may go on to change even the plans of
the story's antagonist, Raul Menendez. By the end of the game, the player may have changed the results
of the new Cold War, and the player will be shown what could have gone differently.

Treyarch has confirmed that the Zombies mode will return for Black Ops II with its own campaign.
Its predecessors were Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops. This is the third time for
the Zombies mode to appear in a Call of Duty game, and the first time to have its own campaign along with
the main story. Treyarch has also confirmed that Zombies will implement the multiplayer engine, allowing
for a deeper community experience along with new game modes. It has also been confirmed that the Zombies
mode will support 8 player co-op, unlike Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, which
only supported 4 player online co-op. Treyarch announced in August 2012 that Nuketown would be remade as
a zombie map for those buying Hardened or Care Package Edition of Black Ops 2. On September 26, 2012,
the Zombies reveal trailer was released as well as three new game modes confirmed: Tranzit is a game mode
that is a combination of multiple maps in one game and the way to travel around it is to ride on a bus,
Survival is the original mode from Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops where you survive
as long as possible, and finally the mode Grief which is 4 players vs 4 players vs zombies. Although a
Zombies campaign is confirmed it is still unknown if Campaign is the Tranzit mode or if Campaign and
Tranzit are completely different modes. Digital Deluxe Edition.

System Requirements (Official info):
Submitted by: Sudhanshu Warfighter

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Minimum System Requirements!!!
OS: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ
RAM 32-Bit OS: 2 GB RAM
RAM 64-Bit OS: 4 GB RAM
GPU: Nividia GeForce 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870
DirectX: 11

Here are some obvious questions that you may like covered before you pick up a pre-order.
Does the game run on Windows XP? No. Following the game engine upgrade, it requires DirectX 11 now.
Windows XP does not support that and so COD BO2 requires Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Different story endings:
Sudhanshu WArfighter

When u reach last level, at ending, it asks that u have 2 kill or Capture Menendez. Save at that
stage and make a backup of that file. Choose any option then u will see cutscene. After game finishes,
paste that backup again in players folder. Now start game, choose different option. U will see
different story ending. Watch both stories and find difference.

PC Requirements changed:
Sudhanshu WArfighter

This game runs only on 64 bit OS. I had tested this in Windows 8 and 8.1.
It will not support 32 bit OS.

Town: Round 40+ Strategy (Solo):
Written by HarelTheGamerX

In this guide, I'm going to be showing you my strategy to get to round 40+ on solo town!

-=Round 1-2=-
Shoot each zombie 7 times in the foot and then, knife him. On round 2, shoot each zombie
5 times in the leg and then, knife him. When you got enough points, open the Jugger nog
building and buy the MP5, then save some points for Jug and buy it.

-=Round 2-3=-
Shoot one bullet of the MP5 on the zombie leg and then knife him, if there are zombies
that are close to each other, just shoot with the MP5 until they dead.

-=Round 3-8=-
Open the bar and buy Quick Revive, then, save points to buy Double Tap, and then, buy Stamin
up. For training you should be on the spot next to the Jug building, train some zombies there
and then go to the stamin up area, turn around, and start shooting them, then train them a bit
on the stamin up area and do the same but to the Jug training spot (Make sure there is no
zombie that gonna spawn behind you), then, just repeat.

-=Round 8-13=-
Buy Olympia from the wall (Don't replace the MP5 with it) and use the MP5 to get enough points
to pack a punch it. Use the MP5 until round 13 and open the box until you'll get monkey bombs.
Use the same training strategy as round 3-8.

-=Round 13-17=-
If you didn't got monkey bombs yet, it means your luck sux. Just kidding, just keep doing it
until round 17 and then, you need to start saving up points in case you're gonna get down, so
you'll have enough points to buy your perks again, monkey bombs is helpful to save you from bad
situations or give you some space when you're buying all your perks back.

-=Round 17-20=-
Train the zombies in the lava pit that close to the stamin up training area, use the Hades
(Pack a punched Olympia) and remember to shoot the zombies only when your back is facing the
bank, where no zombie can go from behind, if someone's blocking you, try to use your monkey
bomb and throw it to the bar, then go to the stamin up area and train them (Don't shoot there,
it is easier to train without shooting and this place is kinda tight anyways) until you can
come back to the lava pit.

-=Round 20-40+=-
Use the same strategy as round 17-20, in case you're going down, shoot as much zombies as you
can when you're bleeding out so you'll have space to go after you're reviving yourself, then,
first you wanna get Jugger nog, throw the monkey bomb to somewhere else in case there is any
zombie in front of you, then go to the quick revive, then to the double tap, and then to the
stamin up. This is a great timing to use your monkey bombs to get all your perks back, becasue
it would be very difficult to face a zombie without any perks. If you're out of ammo train the
zombies and try to buy ammo at the same time, use your monkey bombs if they trapped you because
the spot where you can buy ammo at, is very tight and hard to train at. In case you're out of
quick revives, don't open the bank and buy speed cola, you will have only 3 perks, but when
the bank is opened, the zombies can get from behind, even when your back if facing the bank,
so they will have a chance to get behind you no matter where you are, and then, you'll have
no time to shoot them safely without the risk of zombie getting behind you.

Vue : 2525 fois
Mise à jour : 2022.01.24

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