Undying - Map Cheats

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Undying - Map Cheats

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Nom du fichier : Undying - Map Cheats - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Using these map cheats, you can jump to any level within the game. The "CU_nn" maps are cutscenes, and "playground" and 
"SmokeTest" are test levels. Enter these cheats the same way as other codes. 

start Aeons
start Catacombs_Cisterns
start Catacombs_Cliffs
start Catacombs_Entrance
start Catacombs_Exit
start Catacombs_Exit_After
start Catacombs_LairOfLizbeth
start Catacombs_LairOfLizbethPostCU
start Catacombs_LowerLevel
start Catacombs_SaintsHall
start Catacombs_Tunnels
start Catacombs_WellRoom
start Catacombs_WindChamber
start CU_01
start CU_02
start CU_03
start CU_04
start CU_05
start CU_06
start CU_07
start CU_08
start CU_09
start CU_10
start CU_11
start CU_12
start CU_13
start Entry
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Arch
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Arena
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_ArenaBattle
start EternalAutumn_FinalFight_Ruins
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Airie_Interior
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Bridge
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Chase
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Chieftain
start EternalAutumn_Ravines_Forest
start EternalAutumn_Transition
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Dwellings_Lower
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Dwellings_Upper
start EternalAutumn_Waterfall_Gauntlet
start Grounds_Cottage
start grounds_dock_night
start Grounds_Lighthouse
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Approach
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Entrance
start Grounds_Mausoleum_Tunnels
start Grounds_OldCemetery
start Manor_CentralLower
start Manor_CentralLower......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : UNDMAPS.TXT,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : undying.zip
Trainers City

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█     █ ███ █     █ ███ ███ ███     █████    █ ███ █████ ████

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Cheats.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : undying.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: undying.zip

Taille du fichier : 1 386 octets

Téléchargé : 7262 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.04.18

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