Nom du fichier : Solasta: Crown of the Magister v1.3.91 Trainer +61 (Aurora) - Auteur : CHA - [PC] |
Télécharger Aurora maintenant pour Solasta: Crown of the Magister Trainer sur Cheat Happens! Vous avez déjà Aurora? Ouvrez ce trainer dans Aurora et commencez à tricher maintenant ! Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur Aurora ? Aurora peut être utilisé en tant qu'INVITÉS et MEMBRES GRATUITS et de nouveaux PASS GRATUIT de trainers chaque semaine !
Solasta Crown of the Magister by ------------------------------------------------------- Activating this trainer ------------------------------------------------------- If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Combat NumPad1: Unlimited Movement In Combat NumPad2: Set Health High NumPad3: Set Health Low NumPad4: Monsters Dont Attack # Spells and Powers NumPad5: Unlimited Use Spells NumPad6: Unlimited Use Powers # Inventory NumPad7: Unlimited Weight # Gameplay NumPad8: Game Speed Editor Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Mouse Over Unit In Combat Current Health # Currency Platinum Gold Silver Copper # Drag Inventory Item Current Amount Max In Stack # Selected Unit Stats Current Health Max HP Max HP Cap LVL and HIT DICE XP STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA INIT STR Cap DEX Cap CON Cap INT Cap WIS Cap CHA Cap # Factions Antiquarians Arcaneum Circle of Danantar Principality of Masgarth Scavengers Tower of Knowledge # Game Manager Cheat Flags disableEnemyCrits damageTakenAllyMultiplier enemyHpMultiplier autorevive maxHpOnLevelUp maxHpOnHitDice companionsRest noFoodNeeded neverLoseConcentrationOnSpells scrollsCanBeUsedByAnyCharacter forceCritEveryFewRolls forceSuccessOnDialogRolls alwaysDisplayDialogChances unlockAllBestiaryContent disableRandomEncounters authorizeRetryOnGadgets autoDetectTraps noToolRequirement forceCraftingRollSuccess allowAttuningUnknownItems reactionTimer fasterTravelOnWorldMap Notes ------------------------------------------------------- Unlimited Movement In Combat: Toggle on and you can move as many times as you like. Best to turn this OFF until it's your turn, then turn ON to move your units. Turn back OFF when ending turn so enemies don't move endlessly. Set Health High: Set Health Low: Mouse Over the unit you wish to affect, make sure you are over ONLY that unit and the unit is highlighted, then press this to affect it. Monsters Dont Attack: Toggle on and many enemy units will not attack. Unlimited Weight: Toggle on and changes in inventory generally reset the weight to zero. Game Speed: Toggle on to affect game speed. LVL and HIT DICE: Most Stats, the max should be 30. Otherwise strange things happen to the game, as they did not intend for you to go over this amount. For some stats, the value may not appear to have changed in the game, but will adjust when something triggers a refresh. Likewise, you can also make changes, then SAVE, then LOAD to see the changes. STR: Most Stats, the max should be 30. Otherwise strange things happen to the game, as they did not intend for you to go over this amount. STR Cap: Most Stats, the max should be 30, including the CAP. Otherwise strange things happen to the game, as they did not intend for you to go over this amount. ==================================================================== Mute Hotkeys: ------------------------------------------------------- To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well. You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Aurora: Support: AUTHENTICITY NOTICE: ------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE REVIEW OUR PRIVACY POLICY AT HTTPS://WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM/PRIVACYPOLICY.ASP Get more trainers and updates at |
Vue : 1379 fois |
Mise à jour : 2022.09.21 |
Télécharger Aurora maintenant pour Solasta: Crown of the Magister Trainer sur Cheat Happens! Vous avez déjà Aurora? Ouvrez ce trainer dans Aurora et commencez à tricher maintenant ! Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur Aurora ? Aurora peut être utilisé en tant qu'INVITÉS et MEMBRES GRATUITS et de nouveaux PASS GRATUIT de trainers chaque semaine !
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