Treason Cheat Codes

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Treason Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Treason Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Treason Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Movement Basics:
Written by mobs2r

How to use movement to your advantage in Klaus Veen’s Treason.

* In Treason, air speed is not capped, this means you can gain speed
infinitely in the air.

* This can be particularly useful if someone hits you with a shot mid
air, their shot can propel you.

* If you want to move as fast as possible in Treason, then start
using the Sniper Rifle & bunny hop.

Believe it or not, the Sniper Rifle actually has the highest base speed.

* #1 – 291 Speed: Sniper Rifle
* #2 – 287 Speed: Baseball Bat
* #3 – 268 Speed: Unarmed Fist
* #4 – 255 Speed: Revolver Pistol
* #5 – 253 Speed: Tommy Sub-Machine Gun
* #6 – 251 Speed: STG Precision Assault Rifle
* #7 – 250 Speed: Frag Grenade & Smoke Grenade

* You can bunny hop far easier by binding jump to mouse wheel:
bind mwheeldown +jump

* You can view your speed (velocity) in units per second by enabling this command:
cl_showpos 1

In Treason, moving silently may first seem similar to Counter-Strike but it is a
lot different.

Crouching is not silent, walking is not silent, & base speed while aiming down
sites is not silent.

Crouching is actually louder than walking, so you shouldn’t use it unless it
is to peek an off angle.

Do you actually want to be silent while moving around?

The best way to move around silently is to move while walking + aiming.

The Shot Gun & Revolver Pistol are very slow while trying this method.

The Tommy Sub-Machine Gun doesn’t work while trying this method.
* #1 – 85.8 Speed: STG Precision Assault Rifle
* #2 – 81.64 Speed: Sniper Rifle
* #3 – 4.95 Speed: Revolver Pistol & Shot Gun

You can move around silently while crouching + aiming with all guns, however
it is very slow.

How to be a proper Italian mobster:
Written by Milo
Dis motha xxxxx guide is gonna teach you the ways of how to properly operate
yourself in the most Italian matter no beatin' around the spaghetti.

-=Talk the Talk Walk the Walk=-
First off if ya don't already sound like you smell of the worst cologne a human
could buy and have the biggest bling to hair ratio around you xxxxxxx it all up.
everything starts with the accent so get yourself started by watching some sopranos,
goodfellas and of course The Godfather(aka the xxxxxxxxxx holy bible). because
nobody wants a Cafone that don't sound the part, also if you aint the loudest one
in da room you ain't bein heard so keep it short and to the point.

On top of that gettin' lip from somebody must always be challenged or else you run
the risk of getting gooped by your local don, these words i'm about to teach you
sorry sons of ??????? better ring true when the time comes or you'll be mocked by
all goodfella's alike.First well start with the intro to every argument which should
be "you motha ????? you" or just a simple "dis motha xxxxx". Saying these phrases
will show everyone around you you gotta problem with the local goof in question.
One can also add a "Dis ??????' guy" if the comeback your opponent doesn't suffice
or is too much for you to handle.

Equally so giving compliments and catching up with the rest of the mob is just as
much of an art as knocking down the local goof is. so start off by giving a warm
"aayyy (X) how ya doin' ? haven't seen you in foreva" this will affirm to everyone
around that the mood is good and may even prevent any bad actors from trying to
clip one of your Amico's. to further push the subject of good will one must also
ask a couple of questions like "how is ya mutha ?" , "Da kids doin' good?" and "ya
lookin good X looks like ya lost some weight". There are many more like this so use
em when the time comes and suits the mood.

This last part is the mona lisa of all advice, whattevah you do never let a goofball
or a mad lad toss a ?????? grenade and get away whit it equally keep an eye out for
the associates of these goofs because as soon as ya turn away they will clip you
faster than nonna makes her signature spaghetti and Cannolis. On that note keep ya
head up and on a swivel ya never know who the next button man is.

Vue : 1269 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.02.13

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