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Red Hot Vengeance Cheat Codes

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Red Hot Vengeance Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Red Hot Vengeance Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Red Hot Vengeance Cheat Codes

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Red Hot Vengeance

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Police Gauntlet Challenge Guide:
Written by Bob A. Black
A walkthrough about how I beat this high difficulty challenge.

Some tips included.

* Unfortunately this challenge is luck based.
* You may encounter more cops when you retry.
* You have to kill the cops as fast as you can.
* Don’t let them back you away.
* Don’t pick up the M4 Carbine in the first room, otherwise more
cops will surround you.
* Use dual wielding.
* Shoot with one machine gun at time and watch out for your magazines.
* Reload when you get a little chance.
* Pick up the ammo and health containers when there are less cops.
* Lock on is tricky.
* Sometimes you might lock on the wrong enemy.
* I lost a lot of times because of that.
* Near the end of the level, after the corner of the last corridor,
cops will stop to spawn.

How to Easily Survived a 60s Police Assault:
Written by iPhone Shower

This is a quick guide on the Police Assault Challenge.

1.Go in the bathroom
2.Stand in front of the door
3.Face the door with your gun(s) out
3.Spam m1 and/or m2 (if you are duel-wielding

Infinite Casings/ Disable Janitor:
Written by ClientBatch

* The Janitor will get rid of all of your beautiful Casings, Shells
and Magazines after 15 seconds.
* But what if I told you, You can Banish the dreaded Janitor FOREVER?
* Keep the aftermath of your hard fought battles!

* All you need to do is mess with the config.

* The games config is located under:
(Assuming you're using windows)
(XXXXX is your computer profile's name.)
* You can press Win + R and type:
%LocalAppdata% to get this folder faster.

* Find the 'Red Hot Vengeance' folder.
* In the 'Red Hot Vengeance' folder;
* Open the "settings.ini" with notebook, or whatever text editor.

* Now find the 2 text strings;
* Now change these numbers to something slightly higher.
* Save, and it's done.
* Enjoy.

How to Farm Deaths while AFK:
Written by Bob A. Black

A way to farm deaths while AFK!

* Select Bloodthirst in Challenges
* Wait a Few Hours
* A death is counted every 8 seconds.
* You can’t alt-tab the game for doing something else because it pauses.
* Do this when you have other things to do, like study something or watch
a movie.

-=Man of the Millenium=-
* Get this achievement as last thing in the game.

Vue : 1011 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.03.11

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