Luxaren Allure Cheat Codes

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Luxaren Allure Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Luxaren Allure Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Luxaren Allure Cheat Codes

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Luxaren Allure

Submitted by: David K.

General Tips:
Written by Sapphire Dream Games

ATK: The stat used in regular attacks and other physical attacks.
More ATK means more damage.

DEF: Your defense against physical attacks. The higher the number, the
lower the damage you take.

Ether: Your magical power. Like ATK, but for magic spells.

MDF: Your magic defense. You take less damage from spells the more MDF
you have.

AGI: A very important stat, Agility determines how often your turn comes
up in battle. Characters with more AGI will get to act more frequently.

Luck: Mostly used for resisting and inflicting status effects, but is
honestly the least important of the stats. Having more luck will give you
a slight advantage vs ailments.

-=Battle Progression Over Time=-
One of the most important aspects to be aware of is the fact that normal
enemies and some bosses unlock new and more powerful moves as the battle
progresses. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to take out enemies as
fast as you can.

Impulse are points that are generated as you take damage. Using Impulse, you
can unleash skills that may turn the tide of battle in your favor. You keep
Impulse even after the battle ends, but be aware that you lose 20% of your
Impulse after each fight. It might be better to go ahead and use it when you
can rather than saving it for a future fight.

Also, take note that some skills use both MP and Impulse.

-=Buying Equipment=-
New equipment can be really pricey in the world of Luxaren Allure, so you’ll
have to pick and choose what equipment you really want. Keep in mind, however,
that bought equipment usually has more raw stat increases than equipment
found in dungeons, which are generally weaker but may have other advantages.

The only major exception to the superiority of bought equipment is in the
final dungeon, where you can find some very powerful items if you’re willing
to seek them out.

During the game, you’re bound to find plenty of Alchemy ingredients, and in
most towns and other major locations, you can find people who can combine
these ingredients into cool items, weapons, armor, and accessories.

The most common and needed ingredient is called Morphoilite. Useful accessories
almost always need some of this strange metal in them. But be aware that you
can also break down things made of Morphoilite to get the Morphoilite back
(other ingredients you spent may not be gotten back, however).

-=The “Party Chat” Option on the Menu Screen=-
At any time that you can access the menu, select “Party Chat” to get your party
to talk about the next thing they need to do on their quest. Useful if you get

-=Crystallized Hope=-
The best sword in the game can be made only with Alchemy, and to construct it,
you must find eight pieces of Crystallized Hope scattered throughout the isles.

-=Dungeon Nav Arrows=-
Some of the dungeons get pretty big, and can be a little confusing. Dungeon
Nav Arrows mode can be switched on and off from the Options menu to aid in
finding your way around. This will place ethereal arrows at fixed points in
dungeons that always point forward towards the end of the dungeon. It’s also
great if you want to avoid the right way for as long as possible to find more

-=More Help=-
If you need help with something more specific, like the locations of all the
pieces of Crystallized Hope, navigating the Tidal Wave Zones, the solution to
any of the puzzles, etc, please see the Puzzle Solutions and More Tips guide
in the guide tab.

-=Known Bugs and Issues=-
* Pressing F12 may cause the game to crash. My only advice is not to hit F12.
* A very rare bug can occur where, in battle, the monsters get apathetic and
refuse to take action for the rest of the battle. It seems to go away after
the battle is over.
* Another rare bug is that the game has been known to crash during battle if
the game has been running for several hours. While this isn’t common, I’d
still advise saving regularly just in case, and I apologize ahead of time
for any lost play time from this.

Crystalized Hope Piece Location:
The best sword in the game can be made only with Alchemy, and to construct it,
you must find eight pieces of Crystallized Hope scattered throughout the isles.

If you want to know the eight locations of each piece, they are:

1. Lake Eye Temple (3rd Floor, the stairs are in the lower center of the map)
2. Aathlen Tidal Cave
3. Rahcreon Crypt (an optional dungeon. Located northeast of Erdengard, before the
Pehl Mountain Path)
4. Chambers of Rest (descend the stairs above the last RiddleMonger’s Room)
5. Profane Fane (The fishmen’s stronghold in the Watery Depths, in a room to the
right before the Egg Room).
6. Love Labyrinth (After the three puzzles and you and your partner are reunited,
but before the room with the fairy that heals you)
7. Cave of Circling Curses
8. Castle Darkloft (Remember the large underground chamber where you saved that
little boy, Johnny, in the prologue? It’s in that area)

“Oh no, I missed a piece of Crystallized Hope, and I can’t backtrack! What do I do!?”

Worry not, even if you miss one or two pieces, you still have a chance to get them
later. If you want to know how:

When you arrive at the Seer’s Abode, if you are missing a piece or two, the man
there will give you one of the missing pieces. However, if you are missing more than
that, he’ll just give you a piece of armor instead (it’s good armor, tho XD)

If you are still missing a piece in the Final Dungeon, a treasure box on the floor
before the Warp Chamber will contain that final piece. Good luck!

Vue : 1039 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.04.10

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