Nom du fichier : My Summer Car Save Game - Auteur : BEK - [PC] |
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gorgeous orange Satsuma, 9999999k money The star of this save is the gorgeous orange Satsuma - a real gem in your garage. This car is in semi-stock condition, meaning it has some improvements while maintaining overall authenticity. One of these nice additions is the installed antenna. The real surprise awaits you when you look into your wallet. You will find a truly enormous amount of money there - as much as 9,999,999 marks. Now you can bring your wildest automotive fantasies to life without limiting your expenses. Do you want to buy rare spare parts, make exclusive tuning, or just throw a grand party? All this is now in your hands! In addition to financial abundance, the game offers you a fully equipped home. The refrigerator is filled with a variety of food, and on the shelves you will find batteries, liquids and many other useful things. You don't have to waste time going to the store or looking for the necessary items - everything is already at your disposal. The musical component of the game deserves special attention. As a nice bonus, I have added a powerful subwoofer and a modern CD radio to your car. Now you can enjoy your favorite tracks with unrivaled sound quality, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of summer adventure. |
Téléchargé : 614 fois |
Mise à jour : 2024.03.29 |
Vue : 614 fois |
Mise à jour : 2024.03.29 |
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