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Nom du fichier : MEMORIA POLIS Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]


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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Guide to Efficient Gameplay in Antiquity:
Written by Tamtitamti

Ofcourse it boils down to ones preferred playstyle. But I found the
following heuristics lead to the most…efficient, stable and easy

-=Early Game=-
* Build all three production buildings and upgrade City center->
prepare sand and clay eco.
* Build architecture office asap. Always upgrade as soon as you get
the chance.
* Build exactly 1 culture building for the Milestone. If you want to
get 100 score, preferably economy.
* Focus on building Service buildings, as they givr the most satisfaction
per workforce and the architecture office lvl 2. Build production
buildings as needed.

(Bonus: Pause some production buildings as soon as you get the necessary
materials. for faster progress)

You probably need to build one more culture building for the maximum
health-bonus for faster construction… almost anything will do.

Between turn 300 and 400 you can start building a wonder of your choice
that takes only 200 instead of 250 turns (choose Mausoleum, because you
don’t have many wanderers yet).

-=General Tips=-
* When you get a new faction don’ttax them until they reach full trust.
* Whenever you run out of food, sell a bunch if wood to waset->you can
easily buy 2000+food.
* Whenever possible run the senat-decree of additional immigration for
the maximum possible duration for langer workforce.
* Focus the production industry on wood, sell that regularly -> increase
building space, safe other resource-deposits.
* Leave Ruins for the middle age.

-=Middle Game=-
Once your first wonder starts construction you are basically set for
permanent satisfaction.

It is possible to optimize for maximum blueprint efficiency meaning:

* The very next project should be upgrading the architecture-office to lvl 3.
* Only buying New wonder blueprints after reaching a new influence-milestone.
which you should always make sure to reach via direct investment and/or
buying-building culture buildings of your choice inbetween.
* But keep doing these basics and the game is almost running itself from
that point on and you can’t really influence the outcome in a significant
way until the next era comes.
* Just decide on whether or not you want to add further cultural buildings
and where.
* Just don’t accept any New faction the last 70 turns of antiquity or so
and you should even get 100/100.

Vue : 1112 fois
Mise à jour : 2024.10.05

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