Crown Wars: The Black Prince Cheat Codes

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Crown Wars: The Black Prince Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Crown Wars: The Black Prince Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Crown Wars: The Black Prince Cheat Codes

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Crown Wars: The Black Prince

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Getting Started:
-=Your Domain=-
Your family domain serves as the headquarters for your forces and the center of
your economy. This is where you access the map of France, allowing you to choose
your missions and deploy your men, as well as various strategic buildings.

At the top of the screen, you can see the status of your resource stocks:

The next two icons represent the number of artisans and squads available, the
number in brackets refers to the total number.

On the left side of the screen, you'll find all the information related to your
progress in the story.

At the beginning of the game, only two buildings are available: the Great Hall
and the Barracks. Other slots need to be constructed and will be unlocked quickly
after the first missions. To access the buildings, you can either click on the
structure within the walls or select the appropriate icon at the bottom of the

The last icon directly opens the map of France, allowing you to quickly plan
your troop deployments without going through the Great Hall.

At a cost, each building can be upgraded for additional benefits. It will also
be possible to assign Master Artisans, who will significantly accelerate or
enhance the yields of the buildings. Two Master Artisans are available at the
beginning of the campaign, and others will be unlocked as you progress through
the missions.

Tip: For a strong start, focus on upgrading the Forge and Barracks first to
access better equipment quickly and speed up troop training.

-=The Great Hall=-
It's the hub of your influence, the central tower of the castle. From here,
you can access the map of France to choose your next missions and also find
various information.

* Codex: Allows you to relive the events of the campaign, chapter by chapter,
and review the cinematic sequences.
* Memorial: The list of companions in service to your family who have fallen
in combat.
* Coat of Arms: This is where you can modify your family's coat of arms by
changing colors and symbols.
* Unique Weapons: This is where you'll find the list of unique weapons unlocked
as you progress through missions.

* Level II: +1 companion per squad / +1 Squad
* Level III: +1 companion per squad (Maximum 6 Companions)
* Level IV: Reduces travel time to reach battles

Unlike other buildings, the level of the Great Hall is determined by the average
level of all other buildings in your estate.

-=The Barracks=-
The barracks serve as the living quarters for your companions. In this building,
you can recruit new troops, improve their skills, and customize the appearance
of your companions.

Once all the buildings are unlocked, you can enhance a companion's weapon skills
by spending a certain amount of gold and then waiting for several days. The
required amount and the waiting time will increase exponentially with the
companion's levels. Upon completing the training, the companion will gain access
to the next level of weapon skill in combat. This allows you to specialize your
companions in a particular type of weapon!

As for class talents, with each level advancement, you must choose a new talent
from the two options presented. Be cautious, as this choice is permanent!

-=Bonus Effect per Master Craftsman Affected=-
Reduces the gold cost and time required for training by X%. Increases the amount
of experience gained during training by X%.

* Level II: Increases companion training speed by +X%
* Level III: Increases companion training speed by +X%
* Level IV: Increases companion training speed by +X%

-=The Forge=-
This is where you can enhance the arsenal of your companions. Choose the weapons
or armor, select the recipe that interests you, and initiate the development of
your new equipment.

Each recipe outlines the exact bonuses of the enhancement, as well as its cost in
resources and time. Assign a Master craftsman to the forge from the outset to
significantly expedite the unlocking of superior weapons and armor.

Tip: Unlock the upgraded armor for your crusaders first, followed by the weapons
for your most formidable companions for maximum efficiency on the battlefield!

-=Bonus Effect per Master Craftsman Affected=-
* Reduces the study time for weapon and armor enhancement recipes by X%.

* Level II: Unlocks recipes for refined weapons and armor (Tier II)
* Level III: Unlocks recipes for superior weapons and armor (Tier III)
* Level IV: Unlocks recipes for perfect weapons and armor (Tier IV)

-=The Laboratory=-
The laboratory allows you to develop new recipes and purchase consumables
needed for your missions.

Tip: Healing and negative effect consumables are crucial early in the campaign
and will assist you throughout battles; prioritize obtaining them first!
Additionally, Master Craftsmen reduce consumable purchase costs. Assigning one
early in the laboratory will save a considerable amount of gold over the campaign.

-=Bonus effect per assigned Master Craftsman=-
Decreases recipe study time for consumables by X%. Reduces consumable purchase
costs by X%.

* Level II: Unlocks Tier II consumable recipes
* Level III: Unlocks Tier III consumable recipes
* Level IV: Unlocks Tier IV consumable recipes

-=The Chapel=-
Numerous battles will leave traces on your companions, and some may fall on the
battlefield. After a period of rest and care in the chapel, they will be back on
their feet, albeit with some scars, ready for new missions.

By default, the chapel can accommodate up to three companions, but various upgrades
can increase its capacity.

Tip: Recruit enough companions to fill any gaps in your ranks while your injured
troops recover.

-=Bonus effect per assigned Master Craftsman=-
* Reduces gold cost and recovery time for companions by X%.

* Level II: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 4 slots
* Level III: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 5 slots
* Level IV: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 6 slots

-=The Market=-
Essential for obtaining resources, the market allows you to purchase what you need
for a sum of gold.

Restocking occurs at the beginning of each month, so remember to check regularly for
available stock.

If you frequently lack materials, note that each market upgrade provides an additional
resource and reduces purchase costs.

-=Bonus effect per assigned Master Craftsman=-
* Decreases resource prices in the market by X%. Increases the maximum number of available
resources by X.

* Level II: Decreases resource prices by X%. Adds 1 additional available resource
* Level III: Decreases resource prices by X%. Adds 1 additional available resource
* Level IV: Decreases resource prices by X%. Adds 1 additional available resource

-=The Prison=-
Damp and gloomy, the prison houses your captured "guests" from battles. Prisoners can
be valuable for negotiating ransoms or providing improvements to your domain during their
"stay." Effects of prisoners apply as long as they are present, but the same effect cannot
be stacked by multiple prisoners.

Used wisely, the prison can expedite your domain's development, though it's not a priority
early in the game.

Tip: Equip your companions with irons during missions to allow them to capture enemies.
Note that not all enemies are capturable!

-=Bonus effect per assigned Master Craftsman=-
* Increases gold gain upon prisoner release by X%. Enhances the effects of prisoners.

* Level II: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 4 prisoners
* Level III: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 5 prisoners
* Level IV: Increases capacity by 1 for a total of 6 prisoners

Vue : 472 fois
Mise à jour : 2024.10.12

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