Songs of Silence Cheat Codes

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Songs of Silence Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Songs of Silence Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Songs of Silence Cheat Codes

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Songs Of Silence

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Unlock the Other Races Fast:
First Match to Unlock the Old Race:

Go to Skirmish mode in Singleplayer. Pick a small map on the light side.
Choose the thousand kingdoms as your starting faction and High Lord as
your starting class. Turn off one AI player and set the other AI to
thousand kingdoms and Hierophant class.

When the match starts, get a Heartguard unit. Use the "Bestow Knighthood"
card to make the Heartguard a Honor Guard.

Find the enemy capital while exploring the map. Only fight neutral battles
if you really have to. Siege the enemy capital, which takes 4 turns. If
you think you might get ambushed, use "encamp army" on your hero at the
end of the turn to stop ambushes. Your starting army is strong enough to
win without getting more units. The map is small, so you should win in 6-8
turns. After the match, go to the encyclopedia and unlock the Quest.

-=Second Match to Unlock the Crusade=-
Go to Skirmish mode in Singleplayer. Pick a small map on the light side.
This time, add the "CLEARSIGHT" fate to remove fog of war. Choose the old
race as your starting faction and Konstruktor as your starting class.
Turn off one AI player and set the other AI to thousand kingdoms and
Hierophant class.

When the match starts, promote your Civilian unit to a Warrior unit. Get
another Civilian unit and put it in your reserves. Add it to your army
when you level up.

Go directly to the enemy capital!

Vue : 371 fois
Mise à jour : 2024.10.13

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