Master of Orion II Battle at Antares Save Game Editor

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Master of Orion II Battle at Antares Save Game Editor

IMPORTANT : Merci de cocher la case et de cliquer sur télécharger pour activer le téléchargement !
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secondes avant le téléchargement de votre fichier...Nous préparons votre fichier

Nom du fichier : Master of Orion II Battle at Antares Save Game Editor - Auteur : WSF - [PC]

Willie Wonka and the Software Factory!
the Unofficial
'Master of Orion II Battle at Antares'
Save game editor.
This program may be freely distributed as long as this file
is included un-edited from its original form, dated July 2,
Instructions for use:

IMPORTANT: Adding a bunch of stuff to your ship may make it so
heavy that it will not move in combat. Use at your own risk!

1. What this editor does........................................
* With this editor, you can change your current credits starting
at 5,000 and going up to 1,280,000.
* You can also change any ships you currently have built. Ship
components, weapons, and devices may all be changed.
You must however know the name of the ship to be changed.
* All edited games will be saved into slot 10. Slot 10 is your
'continue game' slot. The original save game will remain un-
changed unless you load game slot 10.
* You must know where your MOO2 games are saved on your hard
drive. Most installations will go to your C:\Program Files\

2. Using the editor.............................................
* First, you must locate your MOO2 save games. If you do not
know where to look, you can search your drives for a file called
'Orion'. (without the quotes) Do this by starting your 'Explorer'
program. From the start menu on the start bar, click on the
program called 'Windows Explorer' (it may be in your prog......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ChtrMoo2.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Cheats.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 404 188 octets

Téléchargé : 11258 fois
Mise à jour : 2001.05.21

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