Settlers 4 v2.50.1508 - Ddraw.dll Trainer

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Settlers 4 v2.50.1508 - Ddraw.dll Trainer

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Nom du fichier : Settlers 4 v2.50.1508 - Ddraw.dll Trainer - Auteur : KUD - [PC]

Settlers IV - DDRAW.DLL trainer

Don't be confused by "DDRAW.DLL". It was easiest method, how to
make in-process trainer/mod for this game. You don't need to run
some trainer.exe and then game itself. Trainer is loaded as part
of the S4_Main.exe's process, so it can better cooperate with
the game engines.

It is BETA!
It is first semi-public beta released, so it can (and probably
will) have some bugs. Tested only by author and his family.
Please report all bugs and/or your wishes to KUDr (,
so they can be removed and/or added :-) in later versions. Don't
forget to attach DDRAW.DLL.LOG file made by the trainer.

WEB page
If you have your own non-commercial web, and can (and want to)
make simple web page for this trainer and its future web based
support/upgrades, please email to KUDr.

Supported game version
Trainer itself was made and tested on the S4 patch 2.50.1508
working with standard S4 game and with Trojans add-on. I don't
know if this patch (1508) is applicable to Mission pack CD.
But if yes, then also DDRAW.DLL trainer should work with it.

Unzip DDRAW.DLL and DDRAW.INI files into your S4\Exe directory,
where your S4_Main.exe is. Don't rename S4_Main.exe and don't
use any cracked / warez versions as trainer will fail to
initialize and will no work. 
The .ini file is planned to use in the future to support

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ddraw.readme.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 50 962 octets

Téléchargé : 10664 fois
Mise à jour : 2003.06.26

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Comments (1)

Mr. Paul A Wood(UK)

Hi kuds. I would like to thank you for your drew dill trainer. Out of all the trainers I've tried yours is the best. I've used your trainer for years! Infact I used it right up to windows 10 where my settlers 4 and your trainer stoped working. I bought the new version of settlers 4 from from gog witch does work on windows 10, but sadly not your trainer, does not work with the newer version of settlers 4. I wonder, are you still moding? Could you please make an updated version of your drow dill? It's really inportent to me and lot's of others I'm sure. If you can't then all I can do is thank you for your preveus work. Stay safe and have a grait day. Paul.

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