Runaway : A Road Adventure Walkthrough

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Runaway : A Road Adventure Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Runaway : A Road Adventure Walkthrough - Auteur : MMD - [PC]

    *--------- /   ______    _____ ___________  ____________   \ ---------*  
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  |:     |   |____|______|       . . .M.M.D.o.X. . .       |:                |
  |:::   |                 . . W.A.L.K.T.H.R.O.U.G.H.S . . |::.    / \        |
  |______|    _________________________________________    |______|   |______|
  .__________/                                         \____________________.
    |/ /|        Runaway A Road Adventure Walkthrough                  |/ /|
    / / |                                                              / / |   
   / /  |  CHEATS BY.: MMDoX             RELEASE DATE....: 19.08.03   / /  |   
  / /   |  PACKED BY.: MMDoX             NO. ARCHIVES....: 1 x 05MB  / /   |   
 ( (|   |  RLS TYPE..: WALKTHROUGH                                  ( (|   |   
  \ |   |  -                                                         \ |   |
   \|   |    ---------------------------------------------------- -   \|   |
    |   |                                                              |   |  ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : MMDoX.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

Runaway A Road Adventure Walkthrough by MMDoX


Search out the room for useable items: pick up the Gina's bag from the locker,
the sheet from the bed. Search out the bag for some matches. Pick up the glass
and the pills next from Gina, and examine the bathrooms door. Examine the map
on it. It says: the storeroom is next to us. Go to the bathroom, and pick up
the bottle of alcohol, and search out the wastebasket for a marking pen.

Go out from the bath now, and climp out to the window. You are in the
storeroom now. Check out the left shelves, and pick up the spray bottle and
on of the syringes from the boxes. Get the pillows from the floor, and check
the file cabinet on the right. It has a book on it, and in the opened desk:
a blank paper. Get the head of the human body, and go back to Gina.

Check out Gina's bag again, and now there is a new item: a wig. Put it into
the human head, and combine it with the pillows, we can make a fake patient
lying at the empty bed. Go to your inventory, and fill in the syringe some
alcohol to it. Now you can pump it to the pen, and write some fake id's to
the medical chart. Change it with Gina's, so the mafia will think: the fake
patient are gonna be Gina...

Go through the bathroom, and wait for the killer to shoot down the fake doll.
Now go outside, and check the book what you found in the storeroom, which
says: you can wake up Gina with some water. Because your glass is broken......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Walkthrough.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 8 835 octets

Téléchargé : 5690 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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