Nom du fichier : Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne Cheat Codes - Auteur : FLT - [PC] |
Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne [cheats] Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer, then press ~ to open the console. Give one of the following commands: clear - Clear console screen clr - Clear console screen coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo god - God Mode mortal - disable god mode getallweapons - Get all weapons quit - quit game showfps - Show fps rate showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo getbullettime - Put player into bullettime getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line gethealth - Get 1000 health getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo jump10 - Jump 10 high jump20 - Jump 20 high jump30 - Jump 30 high showhud - Turn on HUD help - Much more debug commands /TEAM FAIRLIGHT Play as a naked woman Right-click on t...... |
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Téléchargé : 5531 fois |
Mise à jour : 2003.10.20 |