Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King Trainer +6

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Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King Trainer +6

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Nom du fichier : Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King Trainer +6 - Auteur : EXT - [PC]

This was a personal request from a friend. Enjoy!!!

The Lord of The Rings: The Return Of the king +6 Trainer

1.  Make sure the game is installed with no updates.
2.  Run the trainer before or during the game.
3.  Press the corresponding hotkeys for the desired effect.

Hotkeys Info

W Infinite Health - Does exactly what it says gives u infinite health
E Infinite Ammo   - Same again but ammo
R Max Special     - This will max your special bar so you can do your special moves continuously and instantly
T Ghost           - Right this is tricky to explain but here goes. Ok this will let you past the points in the game where you                     have to kill so many out of so many. For E.g. on the first level with aragorn. When you hit the main                          bridge you have to kill 35/35 ghosts before you can continue. Well This will max it so all you have to do                     is press this and instead of killing 35 monsters you just kill one. I hope you understand that.
Y 999999 Exp      - This will give you 999999 experience for leveling up and such. Now to use this properly activate it and                       when the screen updates switch it off so you can level up.
U EXp Off         - Turns the one above off.
I Nasgul          - This will freeze your nasgul metre. Like on the first hobbit mission you will encounter a nasgul timer.                       Well this sorts that out.

Some Info 
Website : http://www.gamehacking.tk

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : rls.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : extlotrtrotktrn6.zip
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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : extlotrtrotktrn6.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: extlotrtrotktrn6.zip

Taille du fichier : 12 268 octets

Téléchargé : 6843 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.03.05

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