MPV Baseball 2004 Cheat Codes

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MPV Baseball 2004 Cheat Codes

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Nom du fichier : MPV Baseball 2004 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

MPV Baseball 2004 [cheats] Unlock Classic Stadiums 
Stadium Location Description MVP Points Needed 
Crosley Field Cincinatti, OH Home of the Reds, 1912-1970 = 2500 Points
Astrodome Houston, TX Home of the Astros, 1965-1999 = 2500 Points
Tiger Stadium Detroit, MI Home of the Tigers, 1912-1999 = 3000 Points
Griffith Stadium Washington, DC Home of the Senators, 1903-1961 = 3000 Points
Shibe Park Philadelphia, PN Home of the Athletics, 1909-1954 = 4000 Points
Sportman's Park St. Louis, MO Home of the Cardinals, 1920-1966 = 4000 Points
Polo Grounds New York, NY Home of the Giants, 1911-1957 = 5000 Points
Forbes Field Pittsburgh, PA Home of the Pirates, 1909-1970 = 5000 Points

Unlock Legendary Players
Hal Newhouser Tigers 1939-1955 = 2500 Points
Robin Roberts Phillies 1948-1966 = 2500 Points
Richie Ashburn Phillies 1948-1962 = 2500 Points
Ralph Kiner Pirates 1946-1955 = 2500 Points
Bob Lemon Indians 1941-1958 = 3000 Points
Phil Rizzuto Yankees 1941-1956 = 3000 Points
Hoyt Wilhelm Giants/Orioles/Red Sox 1952-1972 = 3000 Points
Larry Doby Indians 1947-1959 = 3000 Points
Mel Ott Giants 1926-1947 = 3500 Points
Brooks Robinson Orioles 1955-1977 = 3500 Points
Rollie Fingers Athletics/Padres/Brewers 1968-1985 = 3500 Points
Juan Marichal Giants 1960-1975 = 3500 Points
Gaylord Perry Giants/Indians 1962-1983 = 3500 Points
Tom Seaver Mets/Reds 1967-1986 = 4000 Points
Jim Palmer Orioles 1965-1984 = 4000 Points
Joe Morgan Astros/Reds 1963-1984 = 4000 Points

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : MPV Baseball 2004.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 1 906 octets

Téléchargé : 4950 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.03.14

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