CIS Dark Motives - Hints

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CIS Dark Motives - Hints

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Nom du fichier : CIS Dark Motives - Hints - Auteur : DEV - [PC]

This is not intented as a walkthrough just some pointers where to look for 
evidence, so if ur stuck you can check if u have everything
Ill start from case to case and tell where to find the pieces and hotspots.
Sometimes you cant find all the evidence at once cause u have to have a 
search warrant first. Ill mark those pieces with (warrant)

Hope ull find this usefull

Greetzz Dev

()= location
* = hotspots
- = evidence

Case 1 "Daredevil Disaster"

if you dont go to the hospital first and ask Ace all the questions you wont 
be able to search the engine block on the motorcycle.

(1) Hospital
	- Ace
	ask him all the questions

(2) Casino stunt site

* Motorcycle
	- Tire print of front motorcycle tire
	- Urine sample on the ground
	- Sticker of service shop near the steering
	- Broken spring on engine
	- Swab throttle cable
	- Fingerprint on engine block

* Left of motorcycle
	you discover that somebody has swept the crimescene after the accident

* oil splash near truck
	just swab it

* Tire tracks on ramp
	no evidence just watch it and zoom in

* Tire tracks after ramp
	no evidence just watch it

(3) McLadden's Trailer (warrant)

* Drawer
	- Wirecutter in the drawer

* Desk
	- Coffeecup on the desk
	- Coffeecupfingerprint

* Garbagebin
	- Videotape in the garbage bin

* Dustcollector on the ground near the broom
	- Piece of a spring

* Broomstick
	no evidence just watch it


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : CSI Dark Motives (hints) Case1.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

This is not intented as a walkthrough just some pointers where to look for 
evidence, so if ur stuck you can check if u have everything
Ill start from case to case and tell where to find the pieces and hotspots.
Sometimes you cant find all the evidence at once cause u have to have a 
search warrant first. Ill mark those pieces with (warrant)

Hope ull find this usefull

Greetzz Dev

()= location
* = hotspots
- = evidence

Case 2 "Prints and Pauper"

(1) Morgue

* Chest marks
* Shoulder
* Hand
* Open wound
	- no evidence, Just look at al of the above hotspots

* Trouser
	- Swab the pants stain

(2) Le Figaro restaurant

* Dumpster in the alley
	- 3x Receipt for Truffle special
	- Discarded food with rat poison on it

* Fence in the alley
	- snagged cloth fragment with blood on it

(3) Abandoned Asylum

* from the entrance screen, looking in the wheelchair direction. On the left 
near the window you see blood.
	- lift up the tile, and pickup the blowfly larva

* still looking in the wheelchair direction, you see a sink on the right 
wall, close to that on the ground.
	- a footprint

* on the right side is a pudle of alcohol
	- swab the alcohol of the ground

* above it is graffeti
	- swab the red paint of it

* turn around until you see a yellow police line, on the left side is a 
	- pickup the glass, with a partial fingerprint on it

* on the right side of the police line, on the ground
	- picku......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : CSI Dark Motives (hints) Case2.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 2 978 octets

Téléchargé : 4639 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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