Settlers 4 - Tweaking

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Settlers 4 - Tweaking

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Nom du fichier : Settlers 4 - Tweaking - Auteur : CSI - [PC]

Settlers 4 tweaking

I had enough of being stucked with the standard game settings and waiting for modding tools from BlueByte.
So I did some research and extracted some files that allow tweaking various settings in the game.
This is just a few, there are more - this was enough for me, so I did not extract the rest.
I expect nice mods to come after the release of this package.
For example:
  - a mod that would alter the buildings so that they store much more resource piles.
  - a mod that alters war machines to make them more useful/powerful.
The tools are here, the rest is up to You.

The files included have been extracted from the "Settlers 4 Gold" English version patched to v2.50.1516.
I suggest that You use the same game version to avoid crashes and abnormal functionality.

The package includes two directories:

The directories should be extracted to the Settlers 4 root directory. (Where You installed the game.)

The files:
CONFIG\Animals.cfg - contains the settings for the animals roaming the maps.

GAMEDATA\BuildingInfo.xml - contains the building stats for each race.
GAMEDATA\BuildingTrigger.xml - contains the building triggers for each race.
GAMEDATA\jobInfo.xml - contains the job infos for each race.
GAMEDATA\jobSoundList.xml  - contains the job sounds.
GAMEDATA\ObjectInfo.xml - contains the static objects that can show up on the screen.
GAMEDATA\settlerValues.xml - contains the settler stats for each race.

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : README.TXT,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 1 737 octets

Téléchargé : 5596 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.12.17

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