NBA Live 2005 Cheat Codes

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NBA Live 2005 Cheat Codes

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Nom du fichier : NBA Live 2005 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

NBA Live 2005 [cheats]
Easy points
To get easy points, give the ball to your PG and use [Direct Switch] with your best dunker on the team. Then, set a pick and roll for the PG (or the ball handler). Move your person in the opposite direction of where the PG moved. When you are a few steps from the basketball, press [Alley-Oop]. This works at least 80% of the time. The best teams for this are those that have flashy players (the Denver Nuggets, Houston Rockets, Orlando Magic, Miami Heat, or just a team that has a few dunkers)

When playing defense, if you have trouble guarding the ball carrier try switching control to one of your big men down low in the paint and "roam" the key while your CPU teammate does the work up top guarding the ball carrier. This puts you in position to stop penetration easily and force your opponent to shoot from outside. If the big man you choose to control is also a Big Blocker (as indicated by the hand icon), he should be able to turn away even the best offensive players with fearsome blocks and in-air collisions. Playing tough defense is your key to victory when playing against the toughest opponents.

Golden State Warriors alternate jerseys
Enter NAVNY29548 as a code.

BG Rollout shoes
Enter 09B4ADF90P as a code.

Air Unlimited shoes
Enter XVLID9895V as a code.

All Hardwood Classics
Enter PRYI234N0B as a code.

All team gear
Enter 1NVDR89ER2 as a code.

Nike Shox Elite shoes
Enter 23B8HDFCBJ as a code.


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : NBA Live 2005.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 1 876 octets

Téléchargé : 6394 fois
Mise à jour : 2004.12.25

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