Brothers In Arms : Earned In Blood Cheat Codes

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Brothers In Arms : Earned In Blood Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Brothers In Arms : Earned In Blood Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "eib.ini" file in the "system" folder in the game directory. Look for the "[Engine.GameInfo]" heading, then enter the line "bCheatsEnabled=True" below it. Then, look for the "[Engine.Console]" heading and change the "ConsoleKey=0" line to "ConsoleKey=192". Then, press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Also, there is no confirmation that a code has been entered correctly.

Note: You must reset the cheats every time you play (i.e., retype everything with the exception of the line "bCheatsEnabled=True").You must move it under "[Engine.Console]" and must re-enter "ConsoleKey=192" in order for the console and the cheats to work properly in the game.

Effect Code
God mode god
Flight mode fly
Disable flight and no clipping mode walk
All weapons allweapons
No clipping Mode ghost
Extra ammunition allammo
Togle invisibility invisible [0 or 1]
Kils everything killall
Get all items loaded
Remove all items unloaded
Select map loadspmap [map name]
Old movie mode oldmovie
Spawn indicated item summon [item name]
Toggle blind AI blindai [0 or 1]
Toggle deaf AI deafai [0 or 1]
Toggle blind enemies blindenemies [0 or1]
Toggle deaf enemies deafenemies [0 or 1]
God mode for squad supersquad
Unknown lightperiod
Unknown lightcone
Unknown getfirstmission
Unknown pawnanimextra
Unknown soundocclusion
Unknown smiteevil
Unknown avatar

Cheat mode (alternate):
Enter "2ndsquad" as your profile name to unlock all levels, old movie, infinite ammo and supersquad.

Full team health:
Die four times after a save point and you will be asked if you want to heal your squad.

Vue : 7661 fois
Mise à jour : 2005.11.01

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