Nom du fichier : Shadowgrounds Cheat Codes - Auteur : TNT - [PC] |
// *** AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE *** // just some real dummy variables to get IDE autocomplete for scripts. int sub endSub if then else endif script endScript case default select endSelect loop endLoop breakLoop restartLoop getVariable setVariable externInclude global endSelect sharedLocal setSecondary pushValue popValue getSecondary addSecondary decreaseSecondary not import noOperation goto label call null return local multiplaySecondary divideSecondary subExists callIfExists addVariableToValue decreaseVariableFromValue addValueToVariable decreaseValueFromVariable permanentGlobal cameraPosition setCameraPositionNear setCameraAngle setCameraBetaAngle setCameraMovementOff setCameraMovementOn setCameraZoom selectCamera setCameraMode setCameraTimeFactor isCameraZoomLessThan isCameraZoomGreaterThan setCameraFOV copyCameraTo rotateCameraTowardUnit setCameraHeight setCameraAngleToValue shakeCameraNearPositionShort shakeCameraNearPositionMedium shakeCameraNearPositionLong setCameraPosition setCameraFloatZoom setCameraInterpolationType setCameraRange restoreCameraRange listenerPosition setCameraTargetDistance restoreCameraTargetDistance setCameraAngleFloat setCameraBetaAngleFloat getCameraAngle getCameraBetaAngle getCameraRange rotateCameraAroundPosition setCameraAutozoomIndoor setCameraAutozoomOutdoor saveCameraAutozoom loadCameraAutozoom playS...... |
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There are 2 methods to cheat in the game, and they are independant of one another. You do not need to edit the config file in order to use the console cheats. Choose either method or even both methods, depending on what you want. ________ Method A (the config file) -------- Cheat Codes (case sensitive): -Game- Section game_mode_rts = 1 Enable RTS Mode, where you can control your characters just like in an RTS game. You may draw a box around characters to select them and move them in a group. The TopDown Shooter mode should be disabled for this to work! [this does not work so well and we could not get characters to reload their weapons nor issue them commands, such as OPEN DOOR!] game_mode_topdown_shooter = 0 Disable the TopDown Shooter mode. (seems best to disable this if using RTS mode) -Cheats- Section show_all_units = 0 [unknown effect] show_enemy_tactical = 1 Show where the enemies are planning to move and attack. There will be Green or Blue circles on the ground that show what each enemy is planning. no_camera_boundaries = 0 [unknown effect] script_dev_mode = 1 [unknown effect] allow_side_swap = 0 [unknown effect] show_paths = 1 [unknown effect] autoaim_horizontal = 1 Game *should* auto-aim your gun left/right to hit an enemy (off by default). [not sure if this has any effect] autoaim_vertical = 1 Game auto-aims your gun up/down to hit an enemy (on by default). [since you don't seem able to aim up or down on your own, it is probably best to leave this on if you want to hit anything] player_demo_invulnerability = 1 Demi-God Mode You still take damage and make all kinds of 'ugh, ah shit, fuck, etc' noises, but you can never actually be killed. -Debug- Section show_fps = 1 Display the graphical Frames Per Second rate in the upper right corner show_polys = 1 Display the graphical Polygons Per Second rate in the upper right corner show_terrain_memory_info = 1 [unknown effect] debug_console_commands = 1 Show console command syntax and error information about console commands that you type (can be very handy) show_debug_data_view = 1 [unknown effect] show_debug_raytraces = 1 [unknown effect] ________ Method B (the console) -------- NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times. First off, if you enable the Developer Key Binds, which are the MOST useful cheats that we found, then it is a good idea to made note of those binds below. Key Effect --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- f2 Move Left on the Debug Menu f3 Move Right on the Debug Menu f4 Run the selected command on the Debug Menu f5 Run the 'warpforward' cheat. effect listed below f6 Toggle the Immortal Mode on/off f7 Run the 'stuffed' cheat. effect listed below f9 next_camera_mode f10 open_anirecorder i camera_move_rotate_left o camera_move_rotate_right g grenade l next_camera_angle_boundary k unit_mode_toggle pad-plus camera_move_zoom_in pad-minus camera_move_zoom_out pad-enter camera_move_zoom_next %%NOTE%% this 'pad' stuff means the Number KeyPad on your keyboard shift-l multiple_unit_select shift-r multiple_unit_select ~ (tilde key) select_all_units ---END Developer KeyBinds--- The following are developer cheats, and require a special command syntax. You must add the following BEFORE the cheat code name. externInclude developer: * Example: cheat code is "open_door", the console command to use that code is externInclude developer:open_door Developer Cheat Codes (case sensitive): main Developer scripting initialized and Developer keybinds are applied. Most important is the KeyBinds which give you access to a text mode Developer Menu, which allows a ton of Cheat Effects. open_door Open a door that is close to you spawn_alienattack Alien attack! An assload of aliens will spawn to destroy you reloadstuff Get some ammo for all weapons and 100 Flashlight Energy givestuff Get all Weapons warpforward Warp your player 300 units forward on the map warpmore Warp your player 3000 units forward on the map fullhealth Get Full health giveallkeys Get all Keys for the Level loseallkeys Lose all Keys for the Level openallremotedoors Opening all remote doors closeallremotedoors Closing all remote doors immortal You become immortal! (god mode) stuffed Enable God Mode, get Full Health, get all Weapons, get tons of Ammo (runs the 'reloadstuff' cheat 6 times), get 50 Weapon Upgrade Parts, & get 9999 Flashlight Energy developer_spawn_alien1 Spawn an Alien Type 0 developer_spawn_alien2 Spawn an Alien Type 4 developer_spawn_alien3 Spawn an Alien Type 9 developer_spawn_alien4 Spawn an Alien Type 11 ---END Developer Cheat Codes--- What follows are non-developer cheats which you just enter exactly as we listed; no "externInclude ..." stuff is need. ______________________________________________ Standard Console Cheat Codes (case sensitive): setMissionSuccessCounter 1 Win the Current Mission setMissionFailureCounter 1 Lose the Current Mission (this kicks you back to the main menu, but then the game seems to get frozen in a loop and the mouse won't move) hideGUI Hide the Graphical User Interface showGUI Show the Graphical User Interface message [STRING] Display your Chosen STRING on the screen Example: message TECHNiC Sucks! disableAllAI All AI is disabled, both the enemies and the Doors will not move enableAllAI All AI is enabled, for both the enemies and the Doors quit Quit the game back to your Operating System enableHostileAI Prevent enemies from moving, but they can still attack if you get too close disableHostileAI Re-enable enemy AI INSTALLATION There are 2 different types of cheat codes for this game, we call them A & B. Method A (the config file) -------- 1. Always make a backup copy of your game file(s) first: Config\options.txt 2. UnRAR our CONFIG.RAR file to your game directory and overwrite the existing file. (You will need to re-configure any video, sound, etc game options that you already changed, as this resets everything to the installed defaults) 3. Change any of the cheat or debug toggles to 0 to disable them -or- to 1 to enable them. The codes are all added to the top of the file, so you can find them easily. Also, we set every cheat/debug code to its default option. So the game will run like normal until you specifically change one of the settings. 4. Since the game likes to remove any added cheat/debug codes from its options file, we included a few batch files to make your file Read-Only or not so. You can optionally UnRAR BATCH.RAR to your game directory. After you edit your config, you should run: Config\READONLY.BAT to stop the game from deleting your cheats. To edit the config again, run: Config\EDIT.BAT which removes the read-only attribute. 5. Start the game. Your chosen cheat/debug effects are enabled. Method B (the console) -------- 1. Start the game. 2. Begin a New Game or Load a Saved Game. 3. Open the game Console: By default, the console is set to the F8 key for newly created profiles. If F8 does not work for you, check your keybinds file on the profile you use Profiles\[Profile_Name]\Config\keybinds.txt Look for the line: console_toggle = [key] You may even change the Key if you want. Hit your console toggle key in the game. A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor. 4. Enter your codes. Note: You may hit the UpArrow and DownArrow keys to cycle through previously entered codes. 5. Hit your console toggle key again (F8 by default) to leave the console. 6. NOTES: For a full list of console and/or script commands, check our included COMMANDS.TXT file. Be aware that some of these are not console commands, but are variables used by the game's scripting language. By far, the most useful cheat we saw was the console command: "externInclude developer:main" The debug menu is pretty neat once you get the hang of how it works. It is a text menu, where you use F2 & F3 to select which option you want. Then you use F4 to accept that option. There are sub-menus for some of the choices too. After an option is selected, you can repeatedly hit F4 to re-run that cheat multiple times. Hope you like it, as a good deal of work was involved in finding and testing these codes. |
Téléchargé : 5639 fois |
Mise à jour : 2005.11.27 |
Vue : 5639 fois |
Mise à jour : 2005.11.27 |
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