Need For Speed : Most Wanted Save Game Editor

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Need For Speed : Most Wanted Save Game Editor

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Nom du fichier : Need For Speed : Most Wanted Save Game Editor - Auteur : RIP - [PC]

Need For Speed Most Wanted Save Editor

          Technical Details

If you (probably) have a wish to crate some better tools
for editing savegame files for NFS Most Wanted then here
is some (maybe) useful info about it.

First, about the limitations of my save editor:
1) it will work only with files of 63 596 bytes in length
   as it seems that the game allocates all the structures
   directly after the alias is created but initialises them
   progressively during the gameplay
2) block locations are assumed non-moveable, thus the program
   uses constant file offsets
3) bounty can be changed for the first car only because there
   is no reliable way to verify that the internal structures
   were initialised properly and won't be overwritten later,
   besides the total bounty is calculated dynamically from
   the different locations, so there is an improvement vector ;-)

The savefile is protected aginst damage/hack with the custom
variation of the CRC32 checksum and MD5 hash, however it
seems the game does not make any use of CRC32 checksums,
but that requires in fact a more detailed investigation.

This save editor updates all checksums anyway and besides
allows you to make some changes to the save files by hand
using any hex-editor and update the checksums only.

Savefile itself consists of the header, data block and MD5 hash
of that data block. File layout is as follo......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : TechInfo.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier :
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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 76 294 octets

Téléchargé : 15106 fois
Mise à jour : 2005.12.18

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