AdventureQuest Cheat Codes

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AdventureQuest Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : AdventureQuest Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Easy Health Potions:
To get 10 Health Potions, click on Twilly, then on "The Frogzard Hunter!" and do the third part of the quest. After you kill the mosquito and the Trog, the Trog will give you 10 Health Potions. You can then either complete the rest of the quest using these potions, or flee from the next battle with them.

Hidden hole:
At the main town, there is a hole that is hidden. Click to the left of the button that reads "Battle Monsters". You will be asked if you want to go down. The monsters in the hole are somewhat strong. Do not go down if you are below level 15.

Pet Rock
Go to Warlic's magic shop. Click the candle in the top left and drag it to the chest and you will get the pet rock. He does earth damage, and if you give it to Valencia, she will give you a travel pass.

Change name / stats down
to change your name or put your stats down die.
then when the reeper comes up click the hourglass on the bottom of his robe he will give you a walk around quest. on it go into the purple swirly thing.if you are in a graveyard click the gravestone.a guy come up and you have to lose the battle to lower your stat. if twilly comes up then you can change your name. sometimes other stuff might come up just go along with it and then try again.

Mouse Hole
Go to Yulgar's Inn and click the more button & you will see two people and a shelf with a potion click the potion and drink it & you will shrink to a size of a mouse and go inside a mouse hole.

Green hair!!!!!!
Go to magic shop and make the potion: mermazon kelp, frogzard tear and bad juice !!!!

Special weapons
At level 15 or higher, go to the Multiquest. Click on the girl in the black, then select the quest for the Kayda Reaver. It is best to have a good ice weapon. If you encounter a Drakel Air Raider or a Drakel Captain, kill them and click on their weapon before you click "Next". Alternately, fight monsters and eventually you will encounter a Drakel Air Raider. If you are a Fighter, the third boss is a Drakel Captain.

To find the secret pit go to Battleon and click around on the ground in front of Yulgar's Inn. The crusor will change to a hand when you find it. Then just click.

Easy money lvls 1ᆞ
Just keep reapiting the tutorial with Twilly and you'll gane lots of experience and get Twilly as a guest fighter. He also heals you for a special.

Make all levels go up
When you go to a class(exaple:fighter class). Press L then press numbers 1ᆞ to become any level that you can.

Easy Health Potions:
To get 10 Health Potions, click on Twilly, then on "The Frogzard Hunter!" and do the third part of the quest. After you kill the mosquito and the Trog, the Trog will give you 10 Health Potions. You can then either complete the rest of the quest using these potions, or flee from the next battle with them.

Good Fire secondary pet
Go to Darkovia Forest, then go to Vampire Castle. Once there you will find a vampire. Next to the vampire is a Vampire Bat. Click on him and he will be your secondary pet until you sign out.

Frogzard Sword:
Do the Frogzard Hunter Part 2. Kill is the Mother Zard and she will give you the Frogzard Sword. The sword allows you to change into a powerful Zard and gives very powerful earthen attacks. It will disappear when you log out.

God Mode, stat change + auto battler
1. Go to
2. click on Adventure Quest
3. scroll down to the bottom and click Download.
4. click run or save its up to you
5. it may ask you if you are sure if you want to run it say yes
6. when you see gerards face click I AGREE
7. ok now the A.Q.C. Toolbox will appear click the tab that says server if you are guardian click AQ Guardian if not Click AQ Free AND THEN press the connect button.
8. To change your stats - click the stats tab, choose which attribute you wish to change,then highlight it so it appears in the window to the left then click on the window to the right of the stats window and change the 1337 that is there to 999999999999 or whatever you like then just click the change button and then it changes. you can also change your Hit Points and your magic points to anything you want. You can also click start on the auto battle if you want to and watch all of your enemies die instantly until you press the stop button . It also has a Make me a gaurdian button but it only gets you into some of the Guardian Features overall though it is pure genius and all the other stuff works great. I'm living proof. Enjoy and battle on!

Easy money
If you are at low level (5 to 15), get 500 gold by fighting and buy a pet named Truffle. This pet does major damage and kills people (things) quickly, and thus gets money faster. If at a higher level, fight monsters until you find a overgrown bee that will threaten you and leave. Choose to follow it. Invade the hive and you will get about 40,000 gold.

To get easy experience and money with a for low level player, do the training repeatedly.

Go to event and skip through Warlic's speech. Select "Multiquest" then go to Stonerule Monolith. You will meet the Grim Reaper and he will make you fight a lot of undead. If you find the Draken Undead Dragon and defeat it, you will get 500 experience points and 300 gold. All of the undead there give good experience points and gold, but this one gives the most but it is rare. Note: You can get four HP potions from the bag when you first meet the Grim Reaper.

To get 1,000 free gold, simply confirm your email address when you receive the registration email from Artix. Your character will start with 1,250 gold instead of 250 gold.

First, get your Luck and Charisma to 20 or above. Then, keep going into random battles until start a battle with a cave. Click "Befriend it". If you are lucky, you will befriend it. If not, you will fight it.

Make your player all black (even hair
Go 2 the magic shop select the explore botton the click and drag frogzard tear, moglin essence, and bad juice

Good Light secondary pet
Get to level 5 or higher and go to Darkovia Forest. Go to the Werewolf Lair. If you are a vampire, go to the Cure and vs. Evil Eye (3), Moglin Phantom and 1,2,or 3 Vampire Slayers. Cure yourself, then battle Chico or flee or cancel. When you are at the Werewolf Lair, activate the curse and click on the golden wolf. Then on the top right corner, click take the cool pet and the bright wolf will be your secondary pet. It is stronger than a dark wolf. If you have the armor lycan, which you get from the wolf next to the bright wolf, have a dark wolf from aria, and everything on your side will be a wolf if you equip lycan to you.

Blade of awe cheat(gardiuns only)
When you click battle monsters in battleon sometimes instead of a monster you will come across a rare treasure chest in it u will find pieces of the blade of awe (wich is a powerful weapon) when u have all the pieces go to valencia at the pet shop and she will make it for you then go to Isle de oreliens and go to the library click the steaming scroll inn the guy with the cane`s chamber take theice claymore that twilly holds while blade of awe and gurdian armor equipped for some reason you will still have the blade of awe, but almost every time it will give u TWO hits of earth.

Hidden hole:
At the main town, there is a hole that is hidden. Click to the left of the button that reads "Battle Monsters". You will be asked if you want to go down. The monsters in the hole are somewhat strong. Do not go down if you are below level 15.

First go to the Town,then click on the Mage shop. When the wizard person starts to speake, click on Explore shop. Then click and drag these items in the pot on the shelf. Mermazon Kelp, Frozard tear and Magmar leaf to get the health potion.Bad juice, Moglin Ecence and Mermazon kelp to get the mana potion.Magmar leaf, Bad juice, Salttwod dust to get a pet rock,(he is cool,but goes away when you log out).Merazon kelp, Magma leaf and salttwob dust to teleport somewhere.And the backwards potion you put in Mermazon kelp, frogzar tear and Moglin ecence.

Get easy money and exp while in god mode
After u become godmode go to zorbak's hideout. then jus click more more more when they are talking. u will meet the dragon master later. defeat him and u will get 2000 exp and 750 gold.

Art of training!
When u are lvl 0ᆨ i will suggest u battle monster.when u have arround 1k of dollar go buy fire ice energy dark and light weap.then now that ure lvl 20 go fight dragons(if u cant continue with battle monster until lvl 30).after that u killed a few dragons u should be at least lvl 35.after that go on battle monster until lvl 40 cuz if u fight monster u have a chance to get blade of awe pieces.when ure lvl 40 go on quest (dragonslayer,mage,wizard(guardians only), the best of all dracomancer(cuz if ure a guardian u can get high power such as half dragon form im lvl 10 draconmacer).and then with ALL that u should get arround lvl 52 (like me :D!

Vue : 7417 fois
Mise à jour : 2006.07.03

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