Battlefield 2142 Cheat Codes

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Battlefield 2142 Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Battlefield 2142 Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Unlock the "Dogtagger Dagger" knife reskin
To unlock the "Dogtagger Dagger" knife reskin, accumulate 50 unique dog tags on your soldier's account.

Attack Titan
When the enemy Titan shields are down, attack it. The enemies will be waiting, but attacking the core will help you succeed faster. Always use teamwork.

Heal faster:
If you are playing as the Assault class, throw one medkit on the ground and hold one in your hands to heal twice as fast.

No intro
Go into: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\modsbf2142\Movies", and move all of the files out of the folder. you will now load to the login screen when you start the game.

Higher rank:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "profile.con" file in the "\battlefield 2142\profiles\0001" directory. It should be similar to this:
Information in this section was contributed by Rhy.

LocalProfile.setName "user"
LocalProfile.setGamespyNick "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineMasterAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineSubAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setTotalPlayedTime 25467.3
LocalProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn 9805
LocalProfile.setRank 0
LocalProfile.setCareerPoints 0
LocalProfile.setLastBaseUpdate 0

Replace the "localprofile.setrank 0" and "LocalProfile.setCareerpoints 0" values to:

LocalProfile.setRank 43

Vue : 6686 fois
Mise à jour : 2006.10.30

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