Need For Speed : Carbon Save Game Editor

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Need For Speed : Carbon Save Game Editor

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Nom du fichier : Need For Speed : Carbon Save Game Editor - Auteur : COD - [PC]

[           Legend           ]
[ + added feature            ]
[ - bug fixed                ]
[ * improved/changed feature ]
[ ! major improvement        ]

[+]   First public version

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : ChangeLog.txt,

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Need For Speed Carbon Save Editor

This small program allows you to:

- change the amount of money
- edit your alias and crew name
- modify the "heat" level on any of your cars in career mode
- unlock cars, perfomance, visual, aftermarket and autosculpt stuff
- repair your savefiles (fix checksum, change cd key)
- explore and modify internal data structures of the game
- also, there is a free savefile library, which you can use to create
  your own save modification programs

The savefiles are usually located in My Documents\NFS Carbon folder of the
currently logged on user. As the game reads savefile into memory, there is
no need to restart the game after savefile modification, just reload your
profile within the game. But, keep in mind, that the game reads the cd key
from registry only on startup and then it will compare it with that one
read from savefile, so it's always better to sync your cd key in save with
the cd key from registry while the game is running and not vice versa.

I tried my best to make this program as safe as possible, but I strongly
recommend you to backup your saves before making any changes. Besides, you
have to know that unlock features can't be undone after they were once
applied, so don't blame me that I didn't warn you.

You can refer to TechInfo.txt to find some technical details and feature

The latest version can be found on my homepage: http://......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Readme.txt,

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Trainers City

Need For Speed Carbon Save Editor

This program is really very simple to use, but there are a few features which
require a more detailed explanation.

After starting this editor you have to pick your game profile from the list
and then use "Edit" or "Tools" button. Its pretty obvious. The game reads the
"NFS Carbon" folder under My Documents and each profile is stored in a
separate folder named A in a file with the same name in that
folder. So, for example, if my alias is "Driv3r" then my savefile path is:
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\NFS Carbon\ADriv3r\ADriv3r
The name displayed by both the game and this save editor will be the name of
the file without the leading 'A' char (which I think stands for "Alias").
Why not the name stored in savefile? Because of optimization. To read the name
from the savegame the main data table has to be decompressed and parsed as it
is stored as a plain text (that will be described in more detail later).

After you have selected your profile, use "Edit" button to make changes. There
is nothing special here except of the effect I emphasized in readme - make
backups of your savefiles before using unlock features because the changes
made can't be reverted later by no other means except restoring the file from
its backup copy.

The "Tools" section allows you to determine the state of your savefile:
whether its checksums are correct and the cd keys in save and in registry

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : TechInfo.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 104 659 octets

Téléchargé : 16747 fois
Mise à jour : 2006.12.05

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