Heroes of Might And Magic 5 : Hammers of Fate Cheat Codes

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Heroes of Might And Magic 5 : Hammers of Fate Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Heroes of Might And Magic 5 : Hammers of Fate Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec_a1.cfg" file in the "\heroes of might and magic v\profiles\" directory. Add the following line to the end of the file:

setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes

Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Note: If the console window did not appear, also add the following line to the "input_a1.cfg" file:

bind show_console '`'

All spells given to selected hero - add\_all\_spells
Add skills, perks or abilities - add\_skill [name] or [ID]
Add indicated experience to selected hero - add\_exp [number]
Sets current gold amount but zeroes other resources - add\_gold [number]
Set all resources except gold, and set gold to amount multiplied by 1,000 -add\_money [number]
Set all resources to zero - clear\_money
Set luck and morale base values for current hero - set\_hero\_luck\_morale [luck number] [morale number]
Show resources of indicated player - show\_player\_money [player number]
Shows detailed movement point stats for selected hero - show\_hero\_mp
Fill all hero army slots with ten creatures of town ID specified; 0 or 1 toggles creatures from upgraded dwellings - add\_army town [Town ID], [0 or 1]
Win mission - @Win()
Lose mission - @Loose()

Town names and numbers
Use one of the following values with the "add\_army town [town number] [0 or 1]" code:

Heaven or 0
Preserve or 1
Academy or 2
Dungeon or 3
Necro or 4
Inferno or 5

Skill names and numbers
Use one of the following values with the "add\_skill [skill name]" code:

logistics or 1
war\_machines or 2
learning or 3
leadership or 4
luck or 5
offence or 6
defence or 7
sorcery or 8
destructive\_magic or 9
dark\_magic or 10
light\_magic or 11
summoning\_magic or 12
training or 13
gating or 14
necromancy or 15
avenger or 16
artificier or 17
invocation or 18
pathfinding or 19
scouting or 20
navigation or 21
first\_aid or 22
ballista or 23
catapult or 24
intelligence or 25
scholar or 26
eagle\_eye or 27
recruitment or 28
estates or 29
diplomacy or 30
resistance or 31
lucky\_strike or 32
fortunate\_adventurer or 33
tactics or 34
archery or 35
frenzy or 36
protection or 37
evasion or 38
toughness or 39
mysticism or 40
wisdom or 41
arcane\_training or 42
master\_of\_ice or 43
master\_of\_fire or 44
master\_of\_lightnings or 45
master\_of\_curses or 46
master\_of\_mind or 47
master\_of\_sickness or 48
master\_of\_blessing or 49
master\_of\_abjuration or 50
master\_of\_wrath or 51
master\_of\_quakes or 52
master\_of\_creatures or 53
master\_of\_animation or 54
holy\_charge or 55
prayer or 56
expert\_trainer or 57
consume\_corpse or 58
demonic\_fire or 59
demonic\_strike or 60
raise\_archers or 61
no\_rest\_for\_the\_wicked or 62
death\_scream or 63
multishot or 64
snipe\_dead or 65
imbue\_arrow or 66
magic\_bond or 67
melt\_artifact or 68
magic\_mirror or 69
empowered\_spells or 70
dark\_ritual or 71
elemental\_vision or 72
road\_home or 73
triple\_ballista or 74
encourage or 75
retribution or 76
hold\_ground or 77
guardian\_angel or 78
student\_award or 79
grail\_vision or 80
caster\_certificate or 81
ancient\_smithy or 82
pariah or 83
elemental\_balance or 84
absolute\_charge or 85
quick\_gating or 86
master\_of\_secrets or 87
triple\_catapult or 88
gating\_mastery or 89
critical\_gating or 90
critical\_strike or 91
demonic\_retaliation or 92
exploding\_corpses or 93
demonic\_flame or 94
weakening\_strike or 95
fire\_protection or 96
fire\_affinity or 97
absolute\_gating or 98
death\_tread or 99
last\_aid or 100
lord\_of\_undead or 101
herald\_of\_death or 102
dead\_luck or 103
chilling\_steel or 104
chilling\_bones or 105
spellproof\_bones or 106
deadly\_cold or 107
spirit\_link or 108
twilight or 109
haunt\_mine or 110
absolute\_fear or 111
disguise\_and\_reckon or 112
imbue\_ballista or 113
cunning\_of\_the\_woods or 114
forest\_guard\_emblem or 115
elven\_luck or 116
forest\_rage or 117
last\_stand or 118
insights or 119
sun\_fire or 120
soil\_burn or 121
storm\_wind or 122
fog\_veil or 123
absolute\_luck or 124
march\_of\_the\_machines or 125
remote\_control or 126
academy\_award or 127
artificial\_glory or 128
spoils\_of\_war or 129
wildfire or 130
seal\_of\_protection or 131
counterspell or 132
magic\_cushion or 133
supress\_dark or 134
supress\_light or 135
unsummon or 136
absolute\_wizardy or 137
teleport\_assault or 138
shake\_ground or 139
dark\_revelation or 140
fast\_and\_furious or 141
lucky\_spells or 142
power\_of\_haste or 143
power\_of\_stone or 144
chaotic\_spells or 145
secrets\_of\_destruction or 146
payback or 147
elite\_casters or 148
elemental\_overkill or 149
absolute\_chains or 150

Vue : 9533 fois
Mise à jour : 2007.01.06

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