S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Shadow of Chernobyl - Weapon Mod

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Shadow of Chernobyl - Weapon Mod

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Nom du fichier : S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Shadow of Chernobyl - Weapon Mod - Auteur : ANO - [PC]


[outfit_novice_m1]:novice_outfit	;?????????? ?????? ???????
$spawn              			= "outfit\uniq\outfit_novice_m1"
inv_name						= novice_outfit_name_m
inv_name_short					= novice_outfit_name_m
description						= novice_outfit_description_m
health_restore_speed			= 0.0006
satiety_restore_speed			= 0.001
bleeding_restore_speed			= -0.006
power_restore_speed				= 0.003
inv_grid_x						= 12
inv_grid_y						= 21
; TODO ????????? ?????

[outfit_bandit_m1]:bandit_outfit	;??????????? ?????????? ??????
$spawn              			= "outfit\uniq\outfit_bandit_m1"
inv_name						= bandit_outfit_name_m
inv_name_short					= bandit_outfit_name_m
description						= bandit_outfit_description_m
bones_koeff_protection			= plasch_antigas_damage
fire_wound_protection  			= 0.28
inv_grid_x						= 14
inv_grid_y						= 21
; TODO ????????? ?????

[outfit_dolg_m1]:dolg_outfit	;????????? ?????????? ?????
$spawn							= "outfit\uniq\outfit_dolg_m1"
inv_name						= dolg_outfit_name_m1
inv_name_short					= dolg_outfit_name_m1
description						= dolg_outfit_description_m1
wound_protection				= 0.7 ; TODO ????? ?????? ?? ????????
inv_grid_x						= 16
inv_grid_y						= 21
; TODO ????????? ?????

[outfit_killer_m1]:killer_outfit	;??????????? ?????????? ????????
$spawn							= "outfit\uniq\outfit_killer_m1"
inv_name						= killer_outfit_name_m1
inv_name_short					= killer_outfit_name_m1
description						= killer_outfit_description_m1

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/misc/unique_items.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
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condition_to_explode	=0.f
time_to_explode			=1.f
set_timer_particles		=vehiclefx\exhaust_1

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/weapons/delayed_action_fuse.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
Trainers City

GroupControlSection		= spawn_group
discovery_dependency	= 
$spawn              	= "weapons\abakan"	; name and section in level editor
$npc					= on				
$prefetch 				= 8
scheduled				= off               ;[] option for ALife Simulator
cform               	= skeleton
class               	= WP_AK74			; class of the weapon that corresponding to CPP class
min_radius          	= 30				; [] for AI
max_radius          	= 100				; [] for AI
description				= enc_weapons1_wpn-abakan
ef_main_weapon_type		= 2
ef_weapon_type			= 6

holder_range_modifier	= 1.0		       ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_range 
holder_fov_modifier		= 0.7              ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_fov

cost					= 2500				; the price of the item
weapon_class			= assault_rifle		; the type of the box that will be used in buy-menu in multiplayer mode	
ammo_limit				= 999				; obsolete
ammo_elapsed			= 99				; obsolete
ammo_mag_size			= 99				; clip (magazine) size
fire_modes				= 1, 2, -1

ammo_class				= ammo_5.45x39_fmj, ammo_5.45x39_ap  ; name of the ltx-section of used ammo 
grenade_class			= ammo_vog-25, ammo_vog-25p			; name of the ltx-section of used grenades 
launch_speed			= 0


...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/weapons/w_abakan.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
Trainers City

GroupControlSection		= spawn_group
discovery_dependency	= 
$spawn              	= "weapons\ak-74"	; name and section in level editor
$npc					= on				
$prefetch 				= 8
scheduled				= off               ;[] option for ALife Simulator
cform               	= skeleton
class               	= WP_AK74			; class of the weapon that corresponding to CPP class
min_radius          	= 30				; [] for AI
max_radius          	= 100				; [] for AI
description				= enc_weapons1_wpn-ak74
ef_main_weapon_type		= 2
ef_weapon_type			= 6

holder_range_modifier	= 1.0		       ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_range 
holder_fov_modifier		= 0.7              ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_fov

cost					= 2000				; the price of the item
weapon_class			= assault_rifle		; the type of the box that will be used in buy-menu in multiplayer mode	
ammo_limit				= 999				; obsolete
ammo_elapsed			= 99				; obsolete
ammo_mag_size			= 99				; clip (magazine) size
fire_modes				= 1, -1

ammo_class				= ammo_5.45x39_fmj, ammo_5.45x39_ap   ; name of the ltx-section of used ammo 
grenade_class			= ammo_vog-25, ammo_vog-25p			; name of the ltx-section of used grenades 
launch_speed			= 0

hand_dependence			= 1......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/weapons/w_ak74.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
Trainers City

GroupControlSection		= spawn_group
discovery_dependency	= 
$spawn              	= "weapons\ak-74u"	; name and section in level editor
$npc					= on				
$prefetch 				= 8
scheduled				= off               ;[] option for ALife Simulator
cform               	= skeleton
class               	= WP_LR300			; class of the weapon that corresponding to CPP class
min_radius          	= 30				; [] for AI
max_radius          	= 100				; [] for AI
description				= enc_weapons1_wpn-ak74u
ef_main_weapon_type		= 2
ef_weapon_type			= 6

holder_range_modifier	= 1.0		       ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_range 
holder_fov_modifier		= 0.7              ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_fov

cost					= 1000				; the price of the item
weapon_class			= assault_rifle		; the type of the box that will be used in buy-menu in multiplayer mode	
ammo_limit				= 999				; obsolete
ammo_elapsed			= 99				; obsolete
ammo_mag_size			= 99				; clip (magazine) size
fire_modes				= 1, -1

ammo_class				= ammo_5.45x39_fmj, ammo_5.45x39_ap   ; name of the ltx-section of used ammo 

hand_dependence			= 1									; how many hands (1 or 2) we used to hold weapon in
single_handed			= 0
slot 					= 2									; number of slot in inventory we put weapon in (1 - knife slot......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/weapons/w_ak74u.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
Trainers City

GroupControlSection			= spawn_group
discovery_dependency 		= 
$spawn                   	= "weapons\rg-6"					; option for Level Editor
$npc			 			= on				; option for Level Editor
$prefetch 		 			= 2
scheduled                	= off              ; option for ALife Simulator
cform                    	= skeleton
class                    	= WP_RG6
min_radius               	= 20
max_radius               	= 50
description					= enc_weapons1_wpn-rg-6

ef_main_weapon_type			= 4
ef_weapon_type				= 9

holder_range_modifier	= 1.0               ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_range 
holder_fov_modifier		= 1.0              ; ?? ??????? ??? ????????????? eye_fov

cost					 	= 12000
weapon_class			 	= heavy_weapon

tri_state_reload			= on

ammo_limit		 			= 999
ammo_current		 		= 99
ammo_elapsed		 		= 0

ammo_mag_size		 		= 99
ammo_class		 			= ammo_vog-25, ammo_vog-25p, 
launch_speed				= 76;50 ;for rocket
sprint_allowed				= false

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : gamedata/config/weapons/w_rg6.ltx,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anostalkersocwmod.zip
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Nom du fichier zip: anostalkersocwmod.zip

Taille du fichier : 108 567 octets

Téléchargé : 13890 fois
Mise à jour : 2007.04.11

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