Monster Mayhem - iPhone - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Monster Mayhem - iPhone - Auteur : ANO

Game Center achievements
Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Bruno The All-seeing Killer: Kill 100 Bruno The All-seeing.
Chainsaw Hewett Killer: Kill 300 Chainsaw Hewitt.
Complete Hard Mode: Complete Hard Mode.
Complete Normal Mode: Complete Normal Mode.
Dan Goldquiff Killer: Kill 50 Dan Goldquiff.
Franken-Ken Killer: Kill 100 Franken-Ken.
Hypno-Jello Killer: Kill 200 Hypno-Jello.
Jiang Shi Foo Hunter: Kill 300 Jiang Shi Foo.
Kappa Boy Killer: Kill 50 Kappy Boy.
Luscious Livvy Killer: Kill 30 Luscious Livvy.
Mummy's boy Mike Killer: Kill 300 Mummy's boy Mike.
Rabid Ron Killer: Kill 300 Rabid Ron.
Roger Rattlebone Killer: Kill 300 Roger Rattlebone.
Saucerrr-er Killer: Kill 30 Saucerrr'er.
Schiz BellyAche & Chill Killer: Kill 200 Schiz, BellyAche & Chill.
T.N.T. Killer: Kill 200 Trouble, Nuisance & Trickery.
The Iron Duke Killer: Kill 30 The Iron Duke.
Uncle Bazooka-Bones Killer: Kill 100 Uncle Bazooka-Bones.
Venom Killer: Kill 100 Venom.
Vince Vampilot Hunter: Kill 30 Vince Vampilot.
Weedy Killer: Kill 100 Weedy.
Zombie Frank Killer: Kill 200 Zombie Frank.

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