Hell On Earth - iPhone - Trainers City - Cheats & Astuces -

Nom du fichier : Hell On Earth - iPhone - Auteur : ANO

Cheat mode
Tap and hold four fingers on the screen to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes, then tap the "Return" virtual key to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Toggle backpack tntamob
Toggle key (blue yellow, or red) for type (card or skull) tntkey[r, y, or b][c or s]
Toggle weapon; "1" is Berserk tntweap[1-8]
Level select idclev[1-4][1-9]
Music select idmus[01-45]
Delete map statistics resetmaps
Destroy all enemies tntem
God Mode iddqd or god
No Clipping mode idclip or idspispopd
KEYS tntka
Saw idchoppers
200% health idbeholdh
Coordinates idmypos
Toggle fast enemies tntfast
Toggle ammunition1 tntamo[1-4 or b]
Toggle Berserk Pack idbeholds
Toggle Blur Artifact idbeholdi
Toggle Computer Area Map idbeholda
Toggle Invulnerability Artifact idbeholdv
Toggle Light Amplification Visors idbeholdl
Toggle Radiation Suit idbeholdr
Weapons and ammo give or idfa
Weapons, ammo, and keys idkfa

1. Set the variable to 1 for bullets; 2 for shells; 3 for rockets; 4 for cells; or b for backpack.

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